| - 土力工程处继续视察寮屋区,以识别在暴雨期间特别容易受到山泥倾泻威胁的寮屋。
Inspections of squatter villages continued to be made to identify dwellings which are especially vulnerable to landslips during the heavy rainfall. - 由于当局安置寮屋居民并清拆寮挝垃市区的寮屋数目已减至8800间,居民人数已减至20800人,新界的寮屋数目则减至约395700间,居民人数已减至约210400人。
The numbers of squatters and squatter structures have been reduced to 20800 and 8800 in the urban area and to about 210400 and 395700 in the New Territories respectively as a result of rehousing and clearance. - 在手指之间紧紧地挤。
squeeze tightly between the fingers. - 像楔子一样插入有限的空间。
squeeze like a wedge into a tight space. - 挤入,插入挤入或插入到有限的空间里
To crowd or squeeze into a limited space. - 我虽然很忙,但还能找到时间轻松一下。
I can squeeze time from my tight schedule for entertainment. - 热带礁滩浅水中色彩艳丽(尤其红色)、夜间活动、非常小的鱼;它们的叫声如松鼠。
very small brightly colored (esp. red) nocturnal fishes of shallow waters of tropical reefs; they make sounds like a squirrel's bark. - 国际间有许多声音呼苸香港和北京的领导人维持港元和人民币稳定,事实上,他们也应同样敦促日本维持日圆稳定。
I know we in Hong Kong and the leaders in Beijing have been urged by many around the world to maintain stability of our currencies. There needs to be similar degree to urge the Japanese to stabilise the yen. - 体育馆的官员说:"开奖要推迟一段时间。"
"There's been some delay," officials at the stadium said. - 谱间,谱线
A space or line of the staff. - (语言学)指处在语言或者文学发展的较早和较晚之间的阶段。
(linguistics) of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages. - 但这在全战争中只是三个阶段中的一个阶段,虽然其时间可能最长。
Though this stage will possibly be the longest, it is still only one of the three stages in the entire war. - 在奥运会期间,这些文化活动将同时在奥运村和全市范围内展开,以方便运动员们参与。
During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes. - 除了在学校巡回演出外,该团举办1500多个免费表演及工作坊。现代舞培训计划"舞出艳阳天"已是第五年筹办,由16间中学的学生参与演出,成绩斐然。
Apart from school tours, the company gave over 1500 free performances and workshops and staged the highly successful Dancing in the Sun project for the fifth year, which involved students from 16 secondary schools. - 十月间,演艺学院应香港驻伦敦经济贸易办事处邀请,派出舞蹈、音乐及舞台科艺等学系的学生,前往伦敦及爱丁堡表演中国舞及中乐。
Dance, music and theatre technical arts students staged performances of Chinese Music and Chinese Dance in London and Edinburgh during October at the invitation of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office. - 我们必须错开午饭时间,以便电话总机一直有人(值)。
We have to stagger the lunch hour so that there are always someone on the switchboard. - 我们必须错开午饭时间,以便电话总机一直有人(值)。
We have to stagger the lunch hours so that there is always someone on the switchboard. - 你弟弟干吗那样在房间里晃来晃去?
Why is you brother staggering about the room like that? - 他在房间里摇摇晃晃地走着,很显然他已喝醉了。
He was staggering across the room and had obviously had a few. - 很久以来,悉尼是因其为澳大利亚的第一首府而闻名于世的,而由于在2000年9月至10月间举办了奥运会,它更是名扬一时。
Sydney has long been famous as Australia's first capital city, but its fame was substantially increased in the year 2000 with the staging of the Olympic Games held during September and October. - 在海量存储系统(mss)中,数据集的一种属性,将该数据保存在登台驱动器上,直到用户释放该数据集为止,而不考虑它使用的时间和占用的空间。
In MSS, an attribute of a data set that keeps the data set on one or more staging drives until the data set is released by the user regardless of the length of time or the demands. - 我本来想发誓说已经六点了,时间在这儿停滞不动啦:我们一定是八点钟就睡了!”
I could have taken oath it had been six. Time stagnates here: we must surely have retired to rest at eight!' - 在通货膨胀期间一个高物价、低经济增长速度、高失业率的阶段。
a period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation). - 那房间装饰得富丽堂皇, 像戏台似的.
The room was decorated with stagy opulence. - 在第一次世界大战期间,一位有名的金属专家偶然中发现了不锈钢。
During the First World War, a well-known expert in metals discovered stainless steel by chance. - 校长的房间在楼上,但是到图书馆去你必须下楼。
The master's room is upstairs, but to get to the library you must go downstairs. - 两级楼梯间夹住楼梯地毯的角的条状物。
a rod that holds a stair-carpet in the angle between two steps. - 螺旋楼梯中柱环行楼梯中间的垂直支撑
A vertical support at the center of a circular staircase. - 一种通过建筑物楼层之间的(像楼梯)开口楼井。
an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway). - 3个女同学单独住一楼层,与男生之间的楼梯以墙相隔。
The three female students sleep on a separate floor from the men, and the stairwell between them is walled off. - 虽然大楼最初没有倒塌,但坍塌的墙板堵住了楼梯间,扭曲的门框封住了门。
Even though the buildings survived the initial impacts, stairwells were plugged by broken wallboard and doors were jammed in twisted frames. - 如果没有足够的新鲜感,任何长时间维持的夫妻关系都会死气沉沉的。
Without sufficient stimulation, any long-term relationship will grow stale.