  • 我们只给你百分之一的折扣。
    We can only allow you a 1% discount.
  • 这又不不使我不重上征车,过着流浪的生活了。
    This will not discourage me from embarking on another journey to continue the wandering life once more.
  • 不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不安静地集中思考。
    The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
  • 这就是为什么在一些国家里,政府通过限定首付款额以及其后分期付款的比例来控制分期付款,以防止人们通过分期付款的方式购买超出自己支付力的东西。
    This is why, in some countries, the government controls the installment plan by fixing the proportion of the down payment and the succeeding installments to discourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installment plan.
  • 无所畏惧的不被吓倒或使气馁的;无畏的
    Incapable of being intimidated or discouraged; fearless.
  • 但这一困难并不使他们泄气。
    But they were not to be discouraged by this difficulty.
  • 一些新生可会受到鼓舞而去奋力完成他们的预科计划,同时另外的人却可泄气了。
    While some freshmen may be inspired to press on in their pre-med plans, others may be discouraged.
  • 雄辩术运用这种演讲的技巧或
    The skill or power of using such discourse.
  • 围绕一个语言单位够辅助进行解释的话语。
    discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation.
  • 如果国会不听从,它就有风险,因为它所精心制定的条例可会被做狭义解释,甚至于被宣告无效。这就是宪法解释。
    If it does not, it risks having its hard-won enactments narrowly construed and even invalidated. Unlike those testifying to Congress, this is constitutional discourse with punch.
  • 科学家们现正试图探索这是否可
    Scientists are now trying to discover if this is possible.
  • 做出科学发现的人实际上就是比别人早一步看到或知道新事物的人,也就是历尽千辛万苦做出一把开启自然奥秘大门钥匙的工匠师。
    The scientific discoverer is the first to see or to know a really new things:she/he is the locksmith21 of the centuries who has finally fashioned a key to open the door to one of natures' secrets.
  • 看看你否查获我们可以用来使他名誉扫地的历史记录。
    See if you can ferret out any information about his past that we can use to discredit him.
  • 我确信,我们如果加把劲,就发现他过去的问题,那足以会使他名誉扫地。
    I’m sure that, if we try hard enough, we can rake up something from his past that will discredit him.
  • 反对派发现无法就那个内阁阁员的办事力对他的名誉进行损坏时,就试图从他的私生活挑出些毛病来。
    The opposition find it impossible to discredit the cabinet minister in terms of his performance in office, so they are trying to throw mud at him through his private life.
  • 你说的一定要是真情实况。倘若你企图诋毁他这种地位的人的名声而不得逞,那就可要闹出“存心坑人反害已”的事来。
    Be sure you have your facts right. If you make an attempt to discredit a man in his position and fail, it may be a case of 'the dog it was that died'.
  • 在给定调制电路中被传送的离散信号码元数。
    The number of discrete signal elements that can be transmitted in a given modulation scheme.
  • 这件事变幻莫测要有多方的对应力才好。
    the servants showed great tact and discretion.
  • 这事不任凭他一人决定。
    This shouldn't be left entirely to his discretion.
  • 委员会可酌情追加一笔补助金。
    A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee.
  • 委员会可酌情追加一笔补助金.
    A supplementary grant may is awarded at the discretion of the committee.
  • 国家所创造的财富一旦可使其国民衣食住无忧之后,就使国家获得福祉与富足,就使其有可自由支配的时间,就为文化的发展提供基础,有时间保护环境,讨论安全和政治以及全球息息相关的事情:生活质量。
    And this creation of wealth once the nation has accommodated for food,clothing and shelter in access for its people populous.Then the creation of wealth allows its well? being and material well? being.It allows for a discretionary time.It allows for the development of culture and for time spent on environmental protections,on security,on politics and on the things we tie into the world---quality of life.
  • 区别好书与坏书吗?
    Can you discriminate good books from bad?
  • 这位男孩辨别出音调的细微变化。
    This boy can discriminate minute variations in tone.
  • 有辨别力的判断;有识别力的人。
    discriminate judgments; discriminate people.
  • 我不区别这些菜的不同味道。
    I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish.
  • 即使你不是专业音乐家也鉴别这两个节目。
    You don't need to be a professional musician to discriminate one performance from the other.
  • 这意味着,举例而言,wto成员将不在自己的国内市场上歧视中国产品。
    This means, for example, that WTO members will not be able to discriminate against Chinese products in their home markets.
  • 至于说“文化大革命”使少数民族受到损害,这种现象不表明我们歧视少数民族。
    As for the harm done to minority nationalities during the "cultural revolution", that sort of thing can't be used as evidence that we discriminate against them.
  • 从各个百货商店待售的货物判断,城市居民已成为有鉴别力的消费者。
    Judging from the goods for sale in all department stores, city residents have become discriminating consumers.
  • 歧视妇女是不允许的。
    Discrimination against women is not allowed.
  • 他临危不惧充分表现了领导才
    danger heightened his powers of discrimination.