  • 一刻钟一小时的四之一;十五
    One fourth of an hour;15 minutes.
  • 之一英国重量单位;二十八磅
    One fourth of a British hundredweight;28 pounds.
  • 之一英里;两弗隆
    One fourth of a mile; two furlongs.
  • 四分之一磅;四盎司
    One fourth of a pound; four ounces.
  • 第四,经济建设在今天不但和战争的总任务不能离,和其他的任务也是不能离的。
    Fourthly, economic construction today is inseparable not only from the general task of the war but from other tasks as well.
  • 第四是为城市小资产阶级劳动群众和知识子的,他们也是革命的同盟者,他们是能够长期地和我们合作的。
    Fourthly, they are for the labouring masses of the urban petty bourgeoisie and for the petty-bourgeois intellectuals, both of whom are also our allies in the revolution and capable of long-term co-operation with us.
  • 熟鸡腿的下半部分
    The lower part of the leg of a cooked fowl.
  • 之一是一个真数。
    One forth is a proper fraction.
  • 她只花了所赚的钱的一小部
    She spends only a fraction of her earnings.
  • 我的朋友中只一小部人有录像机。
    Only a fraction of my friends have video recorder.
  • "母亲用钱很审慎,只花自己收入很小的一部。"
    "Mother's careful with her money, and spends only a fraction of her earnings."
  • 之一和八之五是数。
    1/3 and 5/8 are fractions.
  • 讲话是数;沉默是整数。
    Speech is fractional; silence is integral.
  • 分步法
    method of fractional steps
  • 通过馏程序来获得;化学术语。
    obtain by a fractional process; in chemistry.
  • 得票数;部剂量。
    a fractional share of the vote; a partial dose.
  • 石油的馏在蒸馏器内进行。
    Fractional distillation of petroleum is carried on in a still.
  • 在购买时以现金形式支付的部价格。
    the fractional price paid in cash at time of purchase.
  • 混合物通过馏过程离出来的成
    a component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process.
  • 对于对数而言,一个对数表示式中的非负的小数部
    Of a logarithm, the non-negative fractional part of the represent ation of a logarithm.
  • 用馏蒸馏法把液体的混合物成纯物质,不总是轻而易举的事。
    It is not always easy to separate a mixture of liquids into pure substances by fractional distillation.
  • 在汇编程序设计中,指出定点数或浮点数的小数部在目标代码中所占用的位数。
    In assembler programming, indicating the number of digit positions in object code to be occupied by the fractional portion of a fixed-point or floating-point constant.
  • 有比例地限制生产或者配(如原油或者天然气)。
    the proproportional limitation of production or distribution of something (e.g. crude oil or natural gas) to some fractional part of the total capacity of each producer.
  • 庚烷一种易挥发、无色、非常易燃烧的液状碳氢化合物,c7h16,由石油的级蒸馏而来,用作辛烷级的标准,亦可作麻醉剂和溶剂
    A volatile, colorless, highly flammable liquid hydrocarbon, C7H16, obtained in the fractional distillation of petroleum and used as a standard in determining octane ratings, as an anesthetic, and as a solvent.
  • 通过级蒸馏把液体中的混合物解成纯物质是不容易的。如果这些物质的沸点相近它们就会被一切除掉。
    It is not easy to separate a mixture of liquids into pure substances by fractional distillation.If the boiling points of the substances are nearly the same, they will all boil off together.
  • 游标,游标尺一种平行附于主标尺上的可移动小型辅助标尺,被标定用来指示较大刻度的再刻度的数部,并且被用于某些精密仪器上来增加测量的精确度
    A small, movable auxiliary graduated scale attached parallel to a main graduated scale, calibrated to indicate fractional parts of the subdivisions of the larger scale, and used on certain precision instruments to increase accuracy in measurement.
  • 片段;部分
    A snatch; a fragment.
  • 为了排除出现任何错误鉴定的可能性,析者在一个样品上利用几种不同的探剂观察不同的dna碎片。
    To eliminate any possibility of a mistaken identity, analysts use several different probes to look at several different DNA fragment patterns in a sample.
  • 只有感觉的材料十丰富(不是零碎不全)和合于实际(不是错觉),才能根据这样的材料造出正确的概念和论理来。
    It is only when the data of perception are very rich (not fragmentary) and correspond to reality (are not illusory) that they can be the basis for forming correct concepts and theories.
  • 梅树一部由其枝丫的浪漫姿态,一部由其花朵的芬芳而受人们的欣赏。
    The plum tree is enjoyed partly for its romantic manner in its branches, and partly for the fragrance in its flowers.
  • 体系的几何构造分析
    geometric stability of framed structure
  • 杆系结构的静力分析
    statical analysis of framed structure