  • 你的文章中错误百
    There is a large crop of mistakes in your essay.
  • 工作中突然现困难。
    A difficulty has cropped up at work.
  • 地里常有岩石露出。
    Rocks often crop out in the field.
  • 他昨天外骑马时跌了一跤。
    He got a cropper yesterday while out riding.
  • 她上周外骑马时从马上摔了下来。
    She fell a cropper last week while out riding.
  • 可以看见一条金矿矿脉露地面。
    A vein of gold was seen cropping out.
  • 她言语中流露怨恨之意。
    A hidden hate cropped out in her words.
  • 我们的工作中地现困难。
    Difficulties keep cropping up inour work.
  • 我脑中不断现许多问题。
    Many problems kept cropping up in my mind.
  • 当心!有许多岩石露地面。
    Be careful! There are lots of rocks cropping out.
  • 他那相当丰富的学识不断地显露来,这会令人不安,他以前决不是一个卖弄自己的人。
    His considerable erudition keeps cropping up, and this can be disconcerting. He was never one to wear his learning lightly.
  • 局部战争和武装冲突现新的起伏,因民族、宗教、领土、资源等因素引发的冲突和战乱不断。
    Local wars and armed conflicts have increased again, with conflicts and turbulence caused by ethnic, religious, territorial, resources or other factors cropping up one after the other.
  • 用十字针法缝来的刺绣品。
    embroidery done in cross-stitch.
  • 一种从石弓中分化来的用手来发射的弓箭。
    a bow drawn by hand as distinguished from a crossbow.
  • 狩猎时不声的猎狗狩猎者使用的一种杂交狗
    A crossbred dog used by poachers.
  • 球出界了。
    The ball has crossed the line.
  • 那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标
    The place is marked on the map with a crossing.
  • 哈里正处于事业面临抉择的重要关头,他必须做决定:是留在商界还是去从政。
    Harry found himself at the crossroads of his career when he had to decide between staying in business and entering politics.
  • 我今天填不这纵横字谜了--一定是本事不济了。
    I can't do the crossword today I must be losing my touch.
  • 我自己(一个人)做的纵横填字字谜.
    I finished the crossword (all) by myself.
  • 我今天填不这纵横字谜了一定是本事不济了.
    I can't do the crossword today I must is losing my touch.
  • 40天后,洪水退落,诺亚放一只乌鸦去打探地面的消息,乌鸦一去不返。
    Forty days later, the flood retreated, and Noah sent a crow out for information. The crow never returned.
  • 乌鸦啄了那头死羊的眼睛。
    The crow pecked out the eyes of the dead sheep.
  • 他像一只以为太阳来是为了听他啼声的雄鸡。
    He is like a cock who though the sun has risen to hear him crow.
  • 他像一只以为太阳来是为了听它啼声的雄鸡。
    He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
  • 人群对发言者发呸的喊声。
    The crowd booed the speaker.
  • 人们蜂拥而来观看演
    People crowded to see the performance.
  • 她那美丽的银发像一顶皇冠戴在头上,辉映她那甜美的面容。
    Her magnificent silver hair crowned her sweet face.
  • 在比美赛中失失望的亚军明褒实贬新选的王后。
    The disappointed runner-up in the beauty contest damned with faint praise the newly crowned queen.
  • 该项演使晚会锦上添花.
    The performance provided the crowning touch to the evening's entertainments.
  • 在他毕生为教育事业所做的种种杰贡献中,他觉得最成功的一件事就是创立了这所学校。
    In a life time of outstanding services to education, he considered the establishment of this school to be his crowning success.
  • 尽管柴可夫斯基自己认为《悲沧交响曲》是他最高的成就,可惜1893年10月28日在圣彼得堡的首次演却是令人失望的。
    Although Tschaikovsky himself thought of the Pathetic symphony as his crowning masterpiece, the premiere on October 28 1893, in St. Petersburg proved a disappointment.