  • 的可彎麯或扭麯的;柔韌的
    Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable.
  • 這管子柔但很堅固。
    This tube is flexible but tough.
  • 鬆垂的,弱的要摔落的;鬆散的和柔
    Tending to flop; loose and flexible.
  • 平裝本一種軟皮的書
    A book having a flexible paper binding.
  • 一種包裝在保護套中的性磁盤。
    A flexible magnetic disk enclosed in a protective container.
  • 通常是由木製成的小的漂浮物;聯繫在吊絲上。
    a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line.
  • 飲料一種上面浮有冰淇淋的飲料
    A soft drink with ice cream floating in it.
  • 木栓皮櫟樹的重量輕、有彈性的外皮,尤指用於瓶塞、絶緣、魚漂和船艇的材料
    The lightweight, elastic outer bark of the cork oak, used especially for bottle closures, insulation, floats, and crafts.
  • 西印度輕木一種美國熱帶樹木(西印度輕木輕木屬)木質,重量輕,用作絶緣木塞、漂浮物和工藝品,如模型飛機等的代替物
    A tropical American tree(Ochroma pyramidale) having wood that is soft, very light in weight, and that is used as a substitute for cork in insulation, floats, and crafts such as model airplanes.
  • 我們去牲口棚取來一盞聚光燈,我拿了幾根可以放長的綫。
    We went to the barn and got a floodlight. I secured several extension cords.
  • 驅動器從存儲媒介(如盤)上讀出或寫入數據的儀器
    A device that reads data from and writes data onto a storage medium, such as a floppy disk.
  • 件保護中,把不能復製的標記或簽名存放在盤上的方法,用一個特殊測試程序來檢測簽名是否存在,如不存在,則被保護的程序不能運行。
    In software protection, a method of giving a mark, or signature, that cannot be duplicated, to a floppy disk. A special test routine detects if a signature is present, and if it is not found the protected program will be disabled.
  • 不能救他們到一個網絡驅動器或一個盤。
    Can not save them to a network drive or a floppy disk.
  • 這種料子做夾剋衫太了。
    This material's too floppy for a jacket.
  • 直而鬆軟的長發
    Lank and floppy hair.
  • 他把我按在一張柔的椅子裏。
    He stuffed me into a floppy chair.
  • 這種料子做外套太了。
    This material's too floppy for a coat.
  • 大多數的微機使用5.25和3.5英寸的盤,下圖示的是一張3.5英寸的盤。
    Most microcomputers use floppy diskettes of 5.25 inches and 3.5 inches in diameter. The following figure shows a 3.5 inches floppy diskette.
  • 在完成安裝後,關閉驅瀏覽器窗口。
    After installation is complete, close the floppy drive Explorer window.
  • 過去病毒在計算機之間是通過盤來傳播的。
    In the past, viruses have passed between computers on floppy discs.
  • 盤對所有磁性物體都很敏感,它們有可能並且肯定會出故障。
    Floppy disks are sensitive to everything from magnets.They can and do fail.
  • 她戴着一頂裝飾着黃色花邊的鬆草帽。
    She wore a floppy straw hat, tricked out with a yellow ribbon.
  • 你不能把他們保存到網絡驅動器或盤上。
    You can not save them to a network drive or a floppy disk.
  • 微型計算機的典型的輔助存儲介質是盤和硬盤。
    The typical secondary storage medium of a microcomputer is the floppy and hard disks.
  • 磁碟以它的相對慢的速度和小容量和低價位著名。
    floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price.
  • 如果在驅動器中沒有此盤,安裝會停下來並對此進行提示。
    If you do not have this floppy in the drive the install will stop and prompt for it.
  • 它也能自我復製到以後在個人電腦中使用的任何未被感染的盤上。
    It can also copy itself onto any uninfected floppy discs that you may later use in your PC.
  • 盤是一個表面附有磁性材料的柔性的聚酯材料做成的圓圓的薄片。
    A floppy disk, or diskette, is a thin circular piece of flexible polyester coated with a magnetic material.
  • 去年春,兩名美國東芝筆記本電腦用戶以電腦盤驅動控製器在使用過程中存在數據遺失或損壞現象為由,嚮法院提出集體訴訟。
    Early last year, two American users of Toshiba notebook computers filed a lawsuit collectively against the company over a floppy-disk drive malfunction causing data loss or damage.
  • 從設備的角度來看,比如說盤控製器,它衹能看到在isa總綫上的控製寄存器而不是係統內存。
    From the point of view of the device, say the floppy disk controller, it will see only the address space that its control registers are in(ISA), and not the system memory.
  • 這位朋友跟她們帶回傢的任何其他朋友不一樣,她有粗短的腿,下垂的長耳朵,長着淺黃褐色的毛,嘴上有小斑點。
    This friend was different from any other friend they had brought home. She had short stumpy legs and long floppy ears, with a fawn-colored coat and tiny freckles sprinkled across her muzzle.
  • 你可以忘掉硬盤或盤,完全不用擔心件、硬件和其它的東西,因為你所需要的任何東西均由中央服務器來决定和編程。
    You can forget about having a hard disk or a floppy disk;and worry not about software, hardware and other things down the line, because whatever you need is determined and programmed from a central server.