  • 至于拿走了冷盘肉,桌子上的猫爪印记确实是无可辩驳的证据。
    Somebody took the cold meat, and the cat’s paw prints on the table were a right give-away.
  • 乱动这蛋糕啦?上面有手指痕迹。
    Who's been pawing this cake around? It's covered with fingermarks.
  • 谁在付她的学费?
    Who 's paying for her schooling?
  • 他知道那些小木橛子有神通广大的力量:做完圣水祭后,能得着一根小木橛子,就会交上一年好运。
    He knows that those pegs have a miraculous power: whoever gets hold of a peg after the blessing of the water will be lucky for the whole year.
  • 这是谁的笔?
    Whose pen is this?
  • 谁拿走我的钢笔了?
    Who's collared my pen?
  • 谁有卷笔刀?
    Who has a pencil sharpener?
  • 谁有卷笔刀?
    Who have a pencil sharpener?
  • 再没有有卷笔刀了。
    Nobody else has a pencil sharpener.
  • 还有谁有卷笔刀?
    Who else have a pencil sharpener?
  • 联共则三民主义存,反共则三民主义亡,能证明其不然呢?
    Co-operating with the Communist Party, they will survive;opposing the Communist Party, they will perish.Can anyone prove the contrary?
  • 他认为陈晴山在半个多世纪以前就能够论述“故乡”、“新乡”、文化身分等复杂课题以及自己究竟是的概念,是非常难得的。
    He finds it truly remarkable that Chen Qing-shan had, more than half a century ago, already grappled with the perplexing issues of ''native land'', ''adopted land'', cultural identity and the notion of who we are.
  • 说服你参加这个团体?
    Who persuaded you to join this society?
  • 你给谁打电话呢?
    Who are you phoning?
  • 谁在用力弹钢琴?
    Who is pounding the piano?
  • 至于我,而今把晚饭看作是收税栅,都要通过这儿才可以上床睡。
    For my part, now, I consider supper as a turn - pike through which one must pass, in order to get to bed.
  • 只有一个枕头我跟你掷硬币决定用吧.
    There's only one pillow I'll toss you for it.
  • 那麽讨厌把我的毛巾拿走了。
    Some so-and-so has pinched my towel.
  • 谁爱打乒乓球?
    Who like to play ping-pong?
  • 53.恐怕没有对大多数美国人的日常生活影响能超过汽车生产的先驱亨利.福特。
    53. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production.
  • 谁出钱,谁做主。
    The man who pay the piper call the tune.
  • 他发觉也没听他讲话,一气之下就走了。
    When he realize nobody listening to him, he leave the room in a fit of pique.
  • 在乱动我的手稿?全给弄得乱七八糟的。
    Who's pissing about with my manuscripts? They're all out of order.
  • 你认为最有可能夺得气手枪——女子气手枪——金牌?
    Who do you think is most likely to win the air pistol, Women' s air pistol?
  • 那个留两根短辫子的女孩是?
    Who 's that girl with two short plaits?
  • 他跟谁打?
    Who was he playing?
  • 管子漏水时,不得不请管道工人来,因为也不知道总开关在什么地方。
    When the pipe burst, a plumber had to be got in as no one knew where the stop cock was.
  • 你肯定分辨不出她们俩是姐姐,是妹妹—她们长得确实太像了。
    You won’t be able to tell which is the older sister and which is the younger—they’re as like as two peas in a pod.
  • 谁爱打乒乓球?
    Who like to play ping - pong?
  • 那个突然起来喊“够了”的人是
    Who's that popping up to shout "Enough"?
  • 查看他的支出报告也很容易,也可以了解他在洛杉矶和共进晚餐,还有那些他认为是合理支出的开销。
    It was also easy to pore over his expense reports, checking out whom he took to dinner in L.A., and what he thinks passes for a legitimate expense.
  • 熊爸爸说:“吃了我的一些粥?”
    The father bear said, "Who has eaten some of my porridge?"