  • 他忘记了他的诺言。
    He was oblivious of his promise.
  • 要是他们为避免惹恼你而做出某种承,可能很久之后才会践
    If they promise you something to avoid offending you, it may take a long time before they deliver.
  • *回报承:基金推广公司若承令人难以置信的诱人回报,它可能是做了个无法兑现的承
    Offers - Any fund promoter that offers a deal to buy into their fund that promises returns that seem too good to be true is probably offering just that, i.e. returns that are too good to be true.
  • 对于斯和他太太贝齐以及四个孩子来说,似乎未来好日子尚多。明天开始出庭,如果他能胜诉,这位前陆战队员的政治前程将露曙光。
    But there seems to be plenty left over for the good life for North and his loyal wife, Betsy, and four children. And if he beats the rap in the trial that begins tomorrow, a political career may be in the offing for the former Marine.
  • 在《终结者》中,终结者(阿德·施瓦辛格饰)在执行任务时,面无表情地对一位接待员道出了那句名言:"我会回来的"。
    In the Terminator,during the Terminator's(Arnold Schwarzenegger)mission,he delivers the oft-quoted,straight-faced line"I'll be back" to a desk clerk.
  • 罗赛蒙德·奥立弗履行她的言来拜访我。
    Rosamond Oliver kept her word in coming to visit me.
  • 如果思真有罪,并且必坐牢,布什么总统将是俗语说的进退维谷。
    If Oliver North is found guilty and has to go to prison, President Bush is going to find himself stuck between the proverbial rock and the hard place.
  • 它不单标志着香港政制的稳步发展,亦是我们向全世界宣示对落实『港人治港』这承的决心的重要时刻。
    This election is not only testimony to the progressive development of Hong Kong's political system, but also an opportune moment for us to demonstrate to the whole world that we are fully committed to implementing successfully the concept of "Hong Kong people running Hong Kong".
  • 萨姆纳,詹姆斯·巴奇勒1887-1955美国生物化学家,因在酶的结晶方面的开拓性研究,获1946年贝尔奖
    American politician. A U.S. senator from Massachusetts(1851-1874), he was a brilliant orator with an uncompromising opposition to slavery.
  • 拜克雷亚甚至认为所有人都可能成为诗人和演说家,雷兹则认为所有的人都可能成为画家和雕塑家。
    Beccaria was even of opinion that all men might be poets and orators, and Reynolds that they might be painters and sculptors.
  • 他原本应该遵守自己的言。
    He ought to have kept his promise.
  • 蒋介石先生和全体爱国的国民党员们,希望你们坚持自己的方针,实践自己的言,反对妥协退让,实行坚决抗战,以事实回答敌人的侮辱。
    Mr. Chiang Kai-shek and all patriotic members of the Kuomintang! We hope that you will firmly adhere to your policy, fulfil your promises, oppose compromise and concessions, conduct resolute armed resistance, and thus answer the outrages of the enemy with deeds.
  • 星期六,在这里举行的跆拳道女子67公斤以上级的比赛中,陈中以8比3力克俄罗斯选手娜塔丽亚·伊万娃,荣获奥运会金牌。
    Chen Zhong of China outscored her Russian rival Natalia Ivanova 8-3 to take the women's 67kg taekwondo Olympic gold medal here on Saturday.
  • 迪耶哥.阿曼多.马拉多纳于1960年10月30日早晨7点出生在布宜斯艾易斯郊区的费利多村。
    Diego Armando Maradona was born on October 30th 1960 at 7.00 o'clock in the morning in the poor district of Villa Fiorito, in the outskirts of Buenos Aires.
  • 他因在物理方面的突出贡献获得了贝尔奖。
    He wins the nobel prize for his outstanding contribution to physics.
  • 弗里德,艾尔弗雷德·赫尔曼1864-1921奥地利和平主义者。因其为世界和平所做的贡献,获得1911年贝尔和平奖
    Austrian pacifist. He shared the1911 Nobel Peace Prize for his work toward world peace.
  • 他试图以改革的承安抚抗议者。
    He tried to pacify the protesters with promise of reform.
  • 当罗勃特·黑金斯在上世纪90年代中期向位于缅因州里奇威克市的"新平衡球鞋厂"的人事处起诉时,这种无奈的状况就非常明显。
    That became painfully apparent to Robert Higgins when he filed a complaint with the human-resources department at New Balance Athletic Shoe's factory in Norridgewock, Maine, in the mid-1990s.
  • “目前,我们是在很短的气候记录的基础上解决气候变化问题的。这只是仪器记录的过去150年左右的变化。现在我们需要从长远的角度来重新认识历史,”德曼克说。
    "Right now, we address climate change on the basis of a painfully short climate record, just the past 150 years or so that instruments have recorded," deMenocal says. "We now have to releam history on a long-term scale."
  • 兰开夏郡英格兰西北部的一个历史地区,位于爱尔兰海沿岸。它是盎格鲁·撒克逊时代森布里亚五国的一部分,在1351年成为巴拉丁领地。它的纺织业久负盛名,在产业革命后该地区迅猛发展起来
    A historical region of northwest England on the Irish Sea. It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in1351. Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution.
  • 本奇,拉尔夫·约翰逊1904-1971美国外交家。1950年由于他在联合国巴勒斯坦委员会的工作而获贝尔和平奖
    American diplomat. He won the1950 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the United Nations Palestine Commission.
  • 巴尔扎克,奥德1799-1850法国作家和现实主义小说奠基人,他在作品集人间喜剧中描述了法国社会生活的全景
    French writer and a founder of the realist school of fiction who portrayed the panorama of French society in a body of works known collectively as La Com閐ie Humaine.
  •  1910年,卓别林所在的卡戏班赴美国作一年一度的巡回表演,他被认为是“当地美国人曾经见过的最为出类拔萃的哑剧表演艺术家之一。
    In 1910, when Karno set off on his yearly American tour, "One of the best pantomime[6] artists ever seen here."
  • 将近半个世纪,执政党为民服务有良好记录,实践在大选中所许的计划,政绩有目共睹,国人的眼睛是雪亮的,他们能够看清楚国家的实况,从恶劣的环境中脱颖而出,成为繁荣进步的发展中国家,这是上下一条心,群策群力共同耕耘的美好成果。
    With a good record for nearly half a century in fulfilling its campaign promises, the PAP has won approval from the people. Aware of the circumstances of their country, Singaporeans will emerge from all adversities as a successful people with their homeland developing further into prosperity -- the sweet fruit of efforts by the leaders and the people working together.
  • 其中,在布宜斯艾利斯的河床体育场举行的比赛中,奇拉维特攻入一球,使巴拉圭队与阿根廷队以l比l战平,为巴拉圭队进军法兰西铺平了道路。
    Among them, in the match held in the Riverbed Stadium in Buenos Aires, Chilavert shot a goal and made the Paraguayan team even with the Argentinean team. It has paved the way for the Paraguayan team marching to France.
  • 其中,在布宜斯艾利斯斯的河床体育场举行的比赛中,奇拉维特攻入一球,使巴拉圭队与阿根廷队以1比1战平;
    Among them, in the match held in the Riverbed Stadium in Buenos Aires, Chilavert shot a goal and made the Paraguayan team even with the Argentinean team.
  • 范内,约翰·罗伯特生于1927英国药理学家。因其在前列腺素上的调查研究而获1982年的贝尔奖
    English politician and colonial administrator who was governor of Massachusetts(1636-1637) and a leading Parliamentarian during the English Civil War. He was tried and executed for high treason after the restoration of the monarchy.
  • 兰德施泰纳,卡尔1868-1943奥地利裔美籍病理学家。他由于发现人类血型而获得1930年的贝尔奖
    Austrian-born American pathologist. He won a1930 Nobel Prize for the discovery of human blood groups.
  • 兹小姐是一位19岁的大学生,她耐心地听着杰纳瑞奥克斯博士肯定早已听过的那个故事。
    Ms. Reynolds, a 19-year-old undergraduate, listened patiently to the story that Dr.Genereaux had clearly heard before.
  • 对于奥哈尔,我开始不是教他如何话,我训练他如何减少讲话,和避免跟人争论。
    Mv first problem was not to teach Patrick J. O’Haire to talk. My immediate task was to train him to refrain from talking and to avoid verbal fights.
  • 我们重申保护伊拉克自然资源的承,这些资源是伊拉克人民祖传的财产,只应用于为伊拉克人民谋福利。
    We reaffirm our commitment to protect Iraq's natural resources, as the patrimony of the people of Iraq, which should be used only for their benefit.
  • 州警察局长帕加说,"我希望他钓鱼去了,明天就回来。但是我可不愿意拿我的薪水打赌(并无十分把握)。"……
    "I hope he went fishing and comes back tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet my paycheck on it, " said state police superintendent Clinton Pagano??.