  • 光说空话不做事,犹如园光长刺。
    A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.
  • 至今已知的最小的开植物;生长于美洲。
    smallest flowering plants known; of the Americas.
  • 的预防注射、流行
    A smallpox injection, epidemic
  • 由接触传染而蔓延。
    Smallpox spreads by contagion.
  • 他接种了预防天的疫苗。
    He was inoculated against smallpox.
  • 种牛痘防天是有效的。
    Vaccination for smallpox is efficacious.
  • 种牛痘能使人免患天
    Vaccination immunizes people against smallpox.
  • 孟加拉终于摆说了天
    Bangladesh was finally free from smallpox.
  • 他的女儿死于天花。
    His daughter died of the smallpox.
  • 我的小孩种了牛痘以防天
    My child was vaccinated against smallpox.
  • 种痘是预防天的方法
    Vaccination is a preventive against smallpox.
  • 就在这时天突然流行起来。
    Just at that time, smallpox broke out.
  • 引起人类天的病毒。
    the virus that causes smallpox in humans.
  • 过去有许多孩子死于天
    Many children died with smallpox in the past.
  • 她小时候就接种了天疫苗。
    She is vaccinate against smallpox as a child.
  • 她小时候就接种了天疫苗。
    She was vaccinate against smallpox as a child.
  • 我们种了牛痘,所以不会得天
    We're immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.
  • 痘疱由天或类似的发疹性疾病导致的脓疱
    A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.
  • 他感冒了[患天、失眠,患了重病]。
    He was taken with cold [smallpox, insomnia, a serious illness].
  • 牛痘苗从牛痘毒素提取的用来预防天的疫苗
    A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox.
  • 1961年在全国包括少数民族地区消灭了天
    In 1961, smallpox was eliminated throughout the whole country, including minority areas.
  • 通过种牛痘天已得到控制
    Smallpox has been brought under control by the use of vaccine
  • 通过种牛痘天已得到控制。
    Smallpox have is bring under control by the use of vaccine.
  • 与天病毒关系密切的瘤病毒,会导致人类凝胶状的粘液瘤。
    a poxvirus closely related to smallpox virus; causes benign gelatinous tumors in humans.
  • 营地所有的人都已接种天疫苗。
    All the men in the camp have been vaccinated with the smallpox virus.
  • 报告说营地所有的士兵接种了开疫苗。
    It was reported that the soldiers in the camp were vaccinated with smallpox virus.
  • 牛痘苗的发现是根治天的关键.
    The discovery of a vaccine was the turning point in the fight against smallpox.
  • 由于当局采取了强有力的行动,天这种危险性很大的传染病被控制住了。
    The threatened epidemic of smallpox was kept under control by the authorities' vigorous action.
  • 、鼠疫等烈性传染病屡有发生和流行。
    Deadly infectious diseases such as smallpox and the plague occurred frequently and even ran rampant.
  • 而在旧西藏,天、鼠疫等烈性传染病屡有发生和流行。
    In the old Tibet deadly infectious diseases such as smallpox and the plague were endemic.
  • 痘,痘疮皮肤疾病,如水痘或天,其特点为皮肤上生有脓疮,并会留下痘痕
    A disease such as chickenpox or smallpox, characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks.
  • (天等留下的)痘凹小坑似的疤,因得天或其他暴发性疾病而留在皮肤上的;痘凹
    A small indented scar left in the skin by smallpox or other eruptive disease; a pockmark.