  • 戈尔周四成功地争取到了延长佛州人工验票时间的机会。不过一认为,在小布什领先戈尔三百多张选票的情况下,戈尔未来的胜算不大。共和党阵营日前要求佛州法院下令停止重新计票的工作,不过却遭到法院驳回。
    Al Gore won his fight Thursday to expand manual recounts in Florida, even as advisers said he likely won't overtake George W. Bush's 300-vote lead before the Republican secretary of state certifies their marathon White House race Saturday.
  • 火焰式的15世纪和16世纪法国哥特式建筑的特点,有曲线和火焰形式的或与此有关的
    Of, relating to, or having wavy lines and flamelike forms characteristic of15th- and16th-century French Gothic architecture.
  • 这些极巨大极昂贵的设施一被认定为“干净”聚变能源潜在的取之不尽的源泉。
    (NOVA See http//Lasers Unl.gov/lasers/target/novatour/lobby.html) These extremely large, extremely expensive facilities have usually been justified primarily as a potential inexhaustible source of "clean" fusion energy.
  • 高大、装饰用的树,有优美的渐渐伸展的树枝,一生长在北美洲东部。
    large ornamental tree with graceful gradually spreading branches common in eastern North America.
  • 他的字音说得又优雅又缓慢,讲到真正的学者,他的言语是夹杂着中国文学上珠玑的辞句的。
    His syllables are pronounced gracefully and slowly, and in the case of real scholars, his language is set up with jewels from the Chinese literary language.
  • 盗版电影一是在影片首映前的放映会上用手提摄像机偷拍的。画面往往有明显雪花,图象也很闪烁。一早于影片公映的时间而出现在网上。
    Pirated copies of films, often grainy, jumpy versions taped using a handheld camera at a pre-premiere screening, regularly show up on the Internet before a movie hits theaters.
  • 说来,一个合乎文法的子句包含有主词与述语。
    In general, a grammatical clause contain a subject and a predicate.
  • 不合语法;与语法或者一接受的用法规则不一致。
    not grammatical; not conforming to the rules of grammar or accepted usage.
  • 从图表可以看出,在图中所示的幼年期间,女性一比男性结婚较早。
    It can be seen from the graph that women generally got married at an earlier age than men in the 87 years shown in the graph.
  • 锉声尖利,擦刮的声音
    A harsh, grating sound.
  • 发刺耳刮擦声发出难听,刮擦的声音
    To make a harsh, grating sound.
  • 动物一喜欢成群地吃草或活动。
    Animals are in general fond of herding and grazing in company.
  • 松鼠像闪电爬上了树。
    The squirrel went up the tree like greased lightening.
  • 这纸魔术地变成了绿色。
    The paper turned green as if by magic.
  • 而言,低速适于上山或逆风行驶,高速适于下山,可通过把手上的握杆减速。
    In general, low gears for going uphill or against the wind. And high gears for pedaling downhill. And they can be slowed by gripping levers on the handlebars.
  • 英国品种的小猎犬,毛发直立,呈金属红黑棕色或灰色,耳下垂。
    English breed of small terrier with a straight wiry red-and-black-and-tan or grizzled coat and dropped ears.
  • 说来,灰熊不是社交型动物。
    Grizzly bears are not generally social creatures.
  • 本来一传统的华人团体,所应用的文字也逐渐改为英文,传统的杂货店发票用英文已不稀奇,当店也有用英文的。
    Even those traditional ethnic-Chinese institutions have turned to English as their working language. It is not rare now for an old-style grocer's or pawnshop to give invoices or receipts in English.
  • 当我们拎着采购的东西回家后,我和姐妹们便如狼匆忙抢夺食品袋。
    When we returned home with the groceries, my sisters and I were like a pack of wolves tearing through the bags.
  • 当苍茫浩翰的沙漠突然中裂,高低错落的几百个洞窟在陡直的岩壁上蜂窝排开,每个洞窟中都绘满了精美绝伦、价值连城的千年古画,这种奇迹确实是惊心动魄的。
    It is really breath-taking and entrancing to see the vast expanses of desert suddenly come to a pause and crack up to reveal hundreds of jagged grottoes carved out of the precipices in a honeycomb pattern with superb and invaluable age-old murals painted on the walls of each grotto!
  • 真正的绅士与淑女,即使在发脾气的时候,也会象患上了肺炎留在家里。
    A true lady or gentleman remains at home with a grouch same as if they have pneumonia.
  • 至于群众团体,除了原有工作基础的村庄还可保持其原有组织形式外,一应力求单纯,组织统一的抗日救国会。
    As to mass organizations, with the exception of villages where there is sound groundwork and whose original organizational forms can be preserved, the rest should be made into pure and uniform associations for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
  • 这些草药一是野生的。
    These herbs usually grow wild.
  • 部队进行了雨点的扫射
    The troops let fly a volley of gunfire.
  • ”韩国的教练却赞成这些方式,认为它们能增加勇气,磨练钢铁的意志。
    Korea's coaches defend the rituals, saying they help develop guts and steely nerves.
  • 下;下法体操运动中的一个动作,凭借这个动作,体操运动员从鞍马上跳下或完成自由体操运动,一是双脚落地
    A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet.
  • 球果单性裸子植物的生殖器,例如针叶树和铁树目植物,一由覆满鳞片和褶皱的中心轴构成,长螺旋状排列的孢子叶,孢子叶最终成为花粉囊或裸露的孢子或种子
    A unisexual reproductive structure of gymnospermous plants such as conifers and cycads, typically consisting of a central axis around which there are scaly, overlapping, spirally arranged sporophylls that develop pollen-bearing sacs or naked ovules or seeds.
  • 他把无毛的老鼠分成三组——未做任何处理、抹上一质量的橄榄油和搽上优质纯橄榄油,每周3次每次5分钟,分别置于强紫外线灯下。
    He gave hairless mice three sessions a week under a strong ultra?violet lamp. Five minutes after this treatment the mice were either left alone, smeared with regular olive oil or painted with extra virgin.
  • 为磅;在赛马时加在马身上的特别重量(障碍赛马或跳栏赛马时)。
    a weight of 28 pounds; sometimes imposed as a handicap in a horse race (such as a steeple chase or hurdle race).
  • 现在一的修理工作都可在我们厂进行了。
    Now ordinary repairs can be handled in our plant.
  • 钢铁的;强有力的;坚硬的
    Of steelbof great strength or hardness
  • 科学家们发现努力工作的名人比一人寿命长,职业妇女比家庭妇女健康。
    Scientists find that hardworking prestigious people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives.