  • 你已經有夠長的時間仔細慮過這件事情,我現在要你作出答復。
    You've had long enough to chew the affair over; I want my answer now.
  • 我想仔細慮幾天再給你回音。
    I'll chew it over for a few days and then let you have my answer.
  • 這件事你慮的時間夠長了,我現在要求你給我答復。
    You have had long enough to chew the matter over , I want my answer now.
  • 我的提議你可以仔細慮到明天,或取或捨隨你便。
    I will give you until tomorrow to chew on my offer; you can take it or leave it.
  • 穿着究的年輕經理們
    Chic, well-dressed young executives.
  • 有一年决定藉中國年跟洋老闆(指導教授啦)打好關係,我們早早跟來自中國大陸的同學學習擀水餃皮的技術,還狠心到中國城采買昂貴的活蝦及茼蒿菜下火鍋,為了怕被洋教授倒,事先也背誦了許多關於年俗的英語詞彙,如此大張旗鼓的仗陣,至今成為我們在倫敦最溫暖而難忘的春節回憶。
    One year, we decided to use Chinese New Year to improve relationships with our professor, a Westerner. We picked up the skill of making the skin for boiled dumplings from fellow students from mainland China and bought expensive live prawns and vegetables from Chinatown to prepare steamboat. We even learnt by heart English terms on Chinese New Year customs in anticipation of questions from him! The preparations that we went through made it the happiest and most memorable Chinese New Year we had in London.
  • 經慎重慮可選為吃的東西。
    something considered choice to eat.
  • 在頭腦中有選擇地慮。
    choose in one's mind.
  • 試作弊之後,剋裏斯不好意思露面。
    After cheating on the test. Chris was ashamed to show his face.
  • 這項研究的發起人之一、心理學家、英特爾公司的剋裏斯廷·賴利說,“這的確表明在慮從技術上如何設計應用和服務時有必要把社會因素慮進去。
    it's about how it is used," says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors. "It really points to the need for considering social factors in terms of how you design applications and services for technology."
  • 他參了這一時期的編年史.
    He consulted the chronicles of the period.
  • 試不及格,被大學開除。
    He fail his exam and is chuck out of university.
  • 愛瑪自己則開始慮選邱吉爾做哈裏特的丈夫。不過她决定自己不再去出力撮合這樁婚事。
    Emma herself began to think of Churchill as a husband for Harriet, but she resolved to do nothing to promote the match.
  • 試不難,我輕而易舉地通過了。"
    My examination was a cinch and I passed easily.
  • 試不難,我輕而易舉地通過了。
    My examination was a cinch, I passed easily.
  • 中央人民政府慮到西藏歷史和現實的特殊情況,對西藏社會制度的改革采取了十分慎重的態度。
    In light of Tibetan history and the region's special situation, the central people's government adopted a very circumspect attitude toward the reform of the social system in Tibet.
  • “十四歲的學生在這件值得註意的事件中會忽略掉什麽呢?”(麥莉)
    "What schoolboy of fourteen is ignorant of this remarkable circumstance"(Macaulay).
  • 慮到情有可原,法庭判他無罪。
    Because of extenuating circumstances, the court acquitted him of the crime.
  • 1.慮噴嚏發作時你所處的環境。
    1.Consider the circumstances surrounding your sneezing episodes.
  • 慮周到的,仔細的對情況及可能的後果註意留心的;審慎的
    Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent.
  • 引證,舉例為了闡述或證明而引用或參
    To cite or refer to for illustration or proof.
  • 剋斯報告》無法舉出哪怕是一個中方人員在美國武器實驗室工作時違反保密規定的例子。
    The Cox Report cannot even cite a single example of violations of the secret protection requirements by any person from the Chinese side working in US nuclear weapon laboratories.
  • 委員會還製作了各類公民教育參資料,包括傢長手册、兒童雜志、以良好公民素質為題的年歷等。
    Civic education reference materials produced during the year included handbooks for parents, newsletters for young school children and a 2002 calendar on good citizenship.
  • 她穿得很考究。
    She was well clad.
  • 政府甚至不慮他的賠款要求。
    The government would not even consider his claim for money.
  • 順利取功名的讀書人,還能光宗耀祖。
    Those who excelled would bring prestige and honour to their families and clansmen.
  • 迷惑的不能清楚地思或不能理智或清晰地行為
    Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.
  • 思想上混亂;不能夠清晰的思或者聰明的行動。
    mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently.
  • 使迷惑使不能清析地思或理智地行動;使犯錯誤
    To cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or understanding; throw off.
  • "我沒能去參加她的婚禮,因為和我的試日期衝突了。"
    I failed to go to her wedding because it clashed with my examination.
  • 慮,當作,在一個子原則下分類,或與另一個事物對比時進行歸類。
    think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another.
  • 首任農業部長是諾曼爾曼,他是被科萊夫蘭德任命的。
    the first Secretary of Agriculture was Norman J. Colman, who was appointed by Cleveland.