  • 删除无关紧要的空话
    Slough off unimportant verbiage
  • 空谈无补。
    Talking mends no holes.
  • 有肺的属于或有关包括陆生蜗牛、蜂蝓和某些能使用类似肺的囊呼吸气的淡水蜗牛等的有肺的腹足纲动物的
    Of or belonging to the Pulmonata, a subclass of gastropods including terrestrial snails and slugs and certain freshwater snails that are capable of breathing air through lunglike sacs.
  • 我们的思想懒汉不少,讲现话、话的多。
    We have not a few ideological sluggards who indulge in empty talk or stereotyped phrases.
  • 脚踏两条船,必定落
    If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
  • 每个储藏室的底部都零乱地堆积着瓶子。
    Empty bottle slumbered the bottom of every closet.
  • 政府飞行服务队负责多项不同类型的工作,包括支援警务处的执法行动;利用外挂的救火水桶投掷水弹,协助消防处扑灭山火;以及帮助地政总署进行高绘制地图和测量工作。
    The GFS undertakes a variety of roles which include supporting the Hong Kong Police Force in law enforcement duties, assisting the Fire Services Department by water-bombing hill fires using the under slung fire bucket,and aerial mapping and survey for the Lands Department.
  • 实磨无声磨响,满瓶不动半瓶摇。
    Empty vessels make the greatest sound.
  • 虽有不同,却有相同的民族主义的意味。
    Despite the difference in time and space, both statements smack of nationalism, sounding similar on both occasions.
  • 这家航公司一直垂涎得到一笔1.45亿美元的横财。
    The airline has been smacking its lips over the prospect of a $145 million windfall.
  • 光说话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。
    A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.
  • 作为生物、化学和显微制造的突破性成果,这一仪器可以迅速警示调查人员气中存在的哪怕是最微量的炭疽或天花。
    The result of breakthroughs in biology, chemistry and micromanufacturing, the instrument can immediately alert investigators to even the slightest hint of anthrax or smallpox in the air.
  • 你能区别截击中球和高压球吗?
    Can you tell a volley from smash?
  • 我想运动员应熟练地掌握发球、凌对打、反手扣杀、正手扣杀和吊球等技术。
    I think the players should be skilled at serving, volleying, the backhand smash, the forehand smash and the drop shot.
  • 他在发球、凌对打、侧击、扣杀等许多方面都无与伦比。
    He is incomparable in many respects-serving, volleying, swipe, and smash.
  • 要从事伟大的工作,一个人必须既非常勤劳又非常闲。(美国教育家 勃特勒.S.)
    To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious. (Samuel Bubler, American educator)
  • 这场雨清洁了气,青草闻起来有一股新鲜芳香的味。
    The rain had cleared the air , and the grass smelt fresh and sweet.
  • 从铁氧化矿石中提炼的铁的溶液;燃烧被气冲击流加强。
    for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores; combustion is intensified by a blast of air.
  • 警察赤手拳打这些无赖。
    The policeman smote the hoodlums with his bare fist.
  • 教育的目的是用能工巧匠接受新思想的头脑去取代一个虚的灵魂。(美国教育家 福布斯 M)
    The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. (Malcolm Forbes, American educator)
  • 烟雾于天空阴霾。
    Smog has thickened the air.
  • 气中弥漫着废烟雾。
    The air was loaded with smog.
  • 气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了。
    The air is polluted with the smother of traffic and industrial smog.
  • 烟幕经常笼罩在大城市的上,刺激着人的眼睛和胸腔。
    A curtain of smog often hangs over big cities. It irritates the eyes and chest.
  • 在伦敦、东京、纽约和其他一些城市,如遇到一种称为逆温的天气,烟雾在城市上一罩就是几天。
    In London, Tokyo, New York and other cites, a weather condition called a temperature inversion allows smog to hang over the city for several days at a time.
  • 我的下一站是洛杉矶;一下飞机,我就深深地吸了一口充满了烟雾的气,我的双眼开始淌着眼泪,我开始打喷嚏,于是我觉得自己再次像一个全新的人了。
    My next stop was Los Angeles, and when I fot off the plane, I took one big deep breath of the smog?flled air,my eyes started to wator, I began to sneeze, and I felt like a new man again.
  • 烟雾曾经是洛杉矶的大景观。如今,从蒙大拿州的比尤特到纽约城,全国各地随处可见;人们对污染的气的越来越习为常,以至于要让他们吸呼别的气反倒十分困难。
    Smog, which was once the big attraction of los Angeles, can now be found all over the country from Butte, Mantama, to New York city, and people are getting so used to polluted air that it's very difficult for them to breathe anything else.
  • 洛杉矶烟雾弥漫的气。
    the smoggy atmosphere of Los Angeles.
  • 吸烟舱已经没有座位了。
    There's no seat left in the smoker.
  • 气污染物危害健康,本港急需降低污染的程度,尤以市区为然。实行上述措施,有助减低污染,并可淘汰大量黑烟车辆。
    These programmes will contribute to much-needed reductions in health-threatening levels of air pollutants, especially in urban areas, and eliminate many smoky vehicles from the roads.
  • 飞机设计中引人注目的革新将使中旅行更迅捷、更平稳、更节能。
    Dramatic innovations in aircraft design will allow faster, smoother, and more fuel efficient means of air travel.
  • 在现在和我们过去的生活中,它都是一柄双刃剑,会使人越来越窒息、也会使人由虚变得有信仰。
    It's potential for good or evil, now and in the years of our lives, smothers exaltations and converts vanity to prayer.