  • 百里粉一种芳香的色结晶化合物c10h14o,从百里油或其它油中提炼取得或人工合成,可用作消毒剂、杀真菌剂和防腐剂
    A white, crystalline, aromatic compound, C10H14O, derived from thyme oil and other oils or made synthetically and used as an antiseptic, a fungicide, and a preservative.
  • 一种有毒盐,形成深紫色晶体,溶于水中呈紫红色,用作氧化漂剂、消毒剂和杀菌剂。
    a poisonous salt that forms dark purple crystals and is purple-red when dissolved in water; used as an oxidizing and bleaching agent and as a disinfectant and antiseptic.
  • 溶菌酶一种自然存在于蛋、人的眼泪、唾液或其它体液之中的酶,能够毁坏某些细菌的细胞壁,从而可以用作温和的抗菌剂
    An enzyme occurring naturally in egg white, human tears, saliva, and other body fluids, capable of destroying the cell walls of certain bacteria and thereby acting as a mild antiseptic.
  • 气味好闻的色粉末状药物;用来吸收少量的太阳茶色油或作为一种防腐剂或杀菌药或使肠道舒畅的药物。
    a white powder with a pleasant taste and odor; used to absorb light in sun tan lotions or as a preservative or an antiseptic or a coating for pills in which the medicine is intended for enteric release.
  • 一种色或无色的弱酸固体,能溶于水和酒精,用于制造玻璃、纸和粘合剂。
    a white or colorless slightly acid solid that is soluble in water and ethanol; used in the manufacture of glass and paper and adhesives and in detergents and as a flux in welding; also used as an antiseptic and food preservative.
  • 前翅上有色鹿角状斑点的欧洲蛾子;其幼虫破坏草地和牧场。
    European moth with white antler-like markings on the forewings; the larvae damage pastures and grasslands.
  • 焦虑使他的头发变了。
    Anxiety turned his hair white.
  • 她急着要使我明引起这场争执的那些事情。
    She was anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute.
  • 原来是那只小兔,又慢慢地走回来了,它在刚才走过的路上焦急地到处审视,好像在寻找什么东西,爱丽丝还听到它低产咕噜:“公爵夫人呵!
    It was the White Rabbit, trotting slowly back again, and looking anxiously about as it went, as if it had lost something; and she heard it muttering to itself `The Duchess!
  • ”母亲回答道:“你再也没有血病了!
    Mom said, " You don't have leukemia anymore.
  • 要开胃酒还是葡萄酒?
    An aperitif or some white wine?
  • 顶点处有一块空的拱;这个间隙通常充满了装饰品。
    an arch with a gap at the apex; the gap is usually filled with some decoration.
  • 夹竹桃一种有乳状液汁的夹竹桃属植物,开钟形色或粉红色花
    Any of several plants of the genus Apocynum, having milky juice and bell-shaped white or pink flowers.
  • 辅酶非蛋质有机物质,通常含有维他命或矿物质,结合特定的蛋质和酶朊,形成活性酶系统
    A nonproteinaceous organic substance that usually contains a vitamin or mineral and combines with a specific protein, the apoenzyme, to form an active enzyme system.
  • 不久文革开始,这位“专道路”的典型横遭批判,同时被单位解雇。
    Soon the Cultural Revolution was launched, and he was denounced as an apolitical academic as a representative of those who took the "white-expert Way" and was dismissed from his position.
  • 她以道歉的话作为开场
    She prefaced her remarks by an apology.
  • 尽管挤得汗流浃背,上气不接下气,却只是费劲:好象一只楔子深陷在木头里,越用力反而越卡得紧,他越是挣扎,大脑袋瓜越是紧夹在左右旁边人的肩膀中间,又气又恼,充血的大脸盘涨得紫红。
    but he puffed and panted in vain. Like a wedge being driven into wood, his struggles only served to fix his broad apoplectic face, purple with anger and vexation, more firmly between the shoulders of his neighbours.
  • 我不明她为什麽要嫁给那个糟糕透顶的人,我连理都不愿意理他。
    I don't know why she's marrying that appalling man; I wouldn't touch him with a barge-pole.
  • 那一定是人人都明的事。
    That must be apparent to everybody.
  • 他妻子的哀求总显得那么苍无力。
    his wife, always palely appealing.
  • 节目单上注明他将登台饰演马克
    He was billed to appear as Macbeth.
  • 在有印刷文字的页面底部空处出现的文字,如文件标题、页面号码或日期等。
    Text that appears in the bottom margin of printed pages, such as a document title, page number, or data.
  • 诺曼底制造的干的苹果兰地。
    dry apple brandy made in Normandy.
  • 希:哦,我明了,那就适用什么实体法呢?
    Oh, I see. Then, what about the applicable substantive law?
  • 我不明白你的意思。
    I can't apprehend your meaning.
  • 那四个可怜虫面色煞,面面相觑。
    The four poor devils grew pale and glanced apprehensively at one another.
  • 天发生或者适合于天的。
    happening during or appropriate to the day.
  • 用由李子或桃子或杏和苦的杏仁作香料制成的酒和兰地制成的甜利口酒。
    sweet liqueur made from wine and brandy flavored with plum or peach or apricot kernels and bitter almonds.
  • 亚洲和小亚细亚的一种小型杂种杏树,嫩枝略带紫色,色花,紫色劣质果实。
    small hybrid apricot of Asia and Asia Minor having purplish twigs and white flowers following by inferior purple fruit.
  • 切肉的厨师系一件色长围裙。
    The chef in the carver wear a long white apron.
  • 切肉的厨师系一件色长围裙。
    The chef in the carver wore a long white apron.
  • 我明孩子大了,无论读书、工作、经商,都不能一辈子蜷伏在父母膝下,男儿要发展,免不得要远行,一出了门,自己就会关照自己,比父母的保护还要安全,相信你能够如此,一点也不操心。
    I do understand that when a child grows up, he has to leave home for studies, work or business. He cannot be tied down to his mother's apron string forever. It is not always avoidable for a son to travel far, in order to develop his career. Once he leaves home, he can look after himself, even better than the protective arms of his parents. I am sure you can do that and hence I do not worry at all.