  • 10名士兵被去执行特殊任务。
    Ten soldiers were detailed.
  • 他们被指担任守卫。
    They were detailed off for guard duty.
  • 他们被派去找水。
    They were detailed to look for water.
  • 军队被遣去保卫边防。
    Troops were detailed to guard the frontiers.
  • 了6个人去擦窗户。
    He detailed six men to clean the windows.
  • 他派士兵们去找水。
    He detailed the soldiers to look for water.
  • 这辆救护车被遣到了消防队。
    The ambulances were detailed to the fire station.
  • 战士们被去挖战壕。
    The soldiers were detailed off to dig ditches.
  • 3名士兵被去守望大桥。
    Three soldiers were detailed to guard the bridge.
  • 三名士兵被去守卫大门。
    Three soldiers were detailed to guard the gate.
  • 实际上,那些坚持搞性的只是少数几个人,百分之九十五以上的人,包括跟着闹性的群众,是厌恶性的。
    As a matter of fact, those who cling to factionalism are very few in number. Over 95 per cent of the people, including those who go along in factional activities, detest factionalism.
  • 德国历史学派
    Historische Schule der Wirtschaftswissenschaft in Deutschland
  • 数百年岁月和历次革命风云所造成的破坏,至少是没有偏心的,正大磊落的,然而接踵而至的那多如牛毛的各种流建筑师,却都是特许的,宣过誓的,许过愿的,他们对低级趣味趋之若鹜,竭尽毁坏之能事,竟用路易十五时代菊苣纹饰去代替巴特农神庙里最大光轮上峨特式的花边饰带。
    The centuries, the revolutions, which at least devastate with impartiality and grandeur, have been joined by a cloud of school architects, licensed, sworn, and bound by oath;defacing with the discernment and choice of bad taste, substituting the fussiness of Louis XV. for the Gothic lace, for the greater glory of the Parthenon.
  • 向以后活动和发展提出计划的委员会。
    a commission delegated to propose plans for future activities and developments.
  • 完全献身于某一别。
    excessively devoted to one faction.
  • 虔诚主义17和18世纪时德国路德教的宗教改革运动,旨在努力恢复新教中奉献的典范
    A reform movement in the German Lutheran Church during the17th and18th centuries, which strove to renew the devotional ideal in the Protestant religion.
  • 我们共产党人,同其他抗战党和全国人民一道,唯一的方向,是努力团结一切力量,战胜万恶的日寇。
    We Communists, together with all the other anti-Japanese political parties and the whole people, have no other course than to strive to unite all forces for the defeat of the diabolical Japanese aggressors.
  • 可是“六四事件”后,香港政治制度急转弯,三级议会迈向全面直选,政党为捞选票,把民生问题泛政治化,城市论坛变成“战场”,席上嘉宾政治立场壁垒分明,死硬捧场客各自呐喊起哄,经常由文斗演为武斗,劳动警察增援控制场面、护送嘉宾,港人“入鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭”,更自诩为言论自由的表征。
    Yet, following the Tiananmen Incident in 1989, the political institution of Hong Kong took a drastic turn. For one thing, direct election became the practice for the city's legislative bodies at various levels.To win votes, the many parties politicised the issues discussed and debated at City Forum, turning the RDHK programme into a battlefield.The guest speakers could be diametrically opposed, and very often the confronting sides would turn loud protests and jeers into punches and kicks until police come to restore order and escort the speakers home.Hong Kongers have become comfortable with such brawls, just as one who stays long enough at a salted fish stall gets used to the stink. And they take the noisy shows as a sign of free speech.
  • 现在的国民党中,顽固还站在支配其党的政策的地位,但在数量上只占少数,它的大多数党员(很多是挂名党员)并不一定是顽固
    But this is a mistaken view.The die-hards in the Kuomintang are still in a position to dictate its policies, but numerically they are in a minority, while the majority of the membership (many are members only in name) are not necessarily die-hards.
  • 在中国共产党的领导下,人民推翻了国民党反动在中国的独裁统治,建立了一个民主的、自由的中华人民共和国。
    Under the Party's leadership, the Chinese people overthrew the Kuomintang reactionaries' dictatorial rule and founded the democratic and free People's Republic of China.
  • 是派性专政。
    It is the dictatorship of factionalism.
  • 毛泽东同志说过,对人民内部的民主方面和对反动的专政方面的互相结合,就是人民民主专政。
    Comrade Mao Zedong once said that people's democratic dictatorship means the combination of democracy among the people with dictatorship over the reactionaries.
  • 就是几个革命阶级联合起来对于汉奸反动的专政。
    It is the joint dictatorship of several revolutionary classes over the traitors and reactionaries.
  • 它在政治上是几个革命阶级联合起来对于帝国主义者和汉奸反动的专政,反对把中国社会造成资产阶级专政的社会。
    Politically, it strives for the joint dictatorship of the revolutionary classes over the imperialists, traitors and reactionaries, and opposes the transformation of Chinese society into a society under bourgeois dictatorship.
  • 性灵又因倾重实见,每每看不起辞藻虚饰,故其作文主清淡自然,主畅所欲言,不复计较字句之文野,即崇奉孟子“辞达而已”为正宗。
    In its love for genuine feelings, the School of Self-Expression has a natural contempt for decorativeness of style. Hence it always stands for the pure and mild flavor in writing. It accepts the dictum of Men-cius that "the sole goal of writing is expressiveness.
  • 他变得很有派头。
    He turns into a dignified man.
  • 那正是一栋他们称心如意的房子,小巧玲珑,外观又有气
    That is a house after their own hearts, small yet dignified in appearance.
  • 简陋的村舍因门前两棵大梨树而显得气
    The lowly cottage is dignified by the two great pear trees in front of it
  • 代表团由一群专家或要员组成的被往它国的团体
    A body of experts or dignitaries sent to a foreign country.
  • 卢德成员在1811年到1816年期间骚乱,并捣毁节省劳动力的纺织机器的英国工人。他们认为这些机器会减少就业
    Any of a group of British workers who between1811 and1816 rioted and destroyed laborsaving textile machinery in the belief that such machinery would diminish employment.
  • 十七世纪后期,伊斯兰教白山首领阿帕克和卓借助藏传佛教的力量,消灭了自己的政敌黑山和卓势力,并灭亡了叶尔羌汗国(蒙古察合台汗后代于1514年—1680年间以今莎车为中心建立的地方政权),足见当时藏传佛教势力之大。
    In the late 17th century, Apakhoja, chief of the Aktaglik Sect of Islam, wiped out the forces of his political foe Hoja of the Karataglik Sect, by dint of Tibetan Buddhist forces, and destroyed the Yarkant Khanate (a regional regime established by Qagatay’s descendants between 1514 and 1680, with modern Shache as its center). This shows how powerful Tibetan Buddhism was at that time.
  • 并印制有关雇用各类残疾人士的小册子及指南,发给市民。
    Pamphlets and guidebooks concerning employment of people with various disability types were also published and disseminated to members of the public.