  • 但是,必须清醒地看到,我们的科学技术水平同世界先进水平的差距还很大,科学技术力量还很薄,远不能适应现代化建设的需要。
    But we must be clear-sighted and recognize that there is still an enormous gap between the level of our science and technology and that of the most advanced countries, and that our scientific and technical forces are still too meagre to meet the needs of our modernization programme.
  • 胆小如鼠的人,懦夫个性懦、胆小、不坚定的人
    One who has a meek, timid, unassertive nature.
  • 反观我国许多不可能的任务、政策与制度都一一有效的实行,这是政府的强悍,还是人民的懦与怕政府,默不作声,逆来顺受的民风所致呢?
    But in our country, unpopular policies and systems are all effectively implemented. Is this the result of the government's strong hand, or is it caused by the people's weakness, fear of government, their silence and meek acceptance of adversity?
  • 反观我国许多不可能的政策与制度都有效的实行,这是政府的强悍,还是人民的懦与怕政府,默不作声,逆来顺受的民风所致呢?
    But in our country, many unpopular policies and systems are all effectively implemented. Is this the result of the government's strong hand, or is it caused by the people's weakness, fear of government, their silence and meek acceptance of adversity?
  • 女子在体力上而不是智力上比男子
    Woman is physically but not mentally weaker than man.
  • 在智力上或精神上使变
    weaken mentally or morally.
  • 一种具有磁性的黑色矿物,见于变质岩和火成岩中,晶体状铁钛氧化物,是钛的来源。
    a weakly magnetic black mineral found in metamorphic and plutonic rocks; an iron titanium oxide in crystalline form; a source of titanium.
  • 由于经常受偏头痛和呼吸道疾病的折磨--她在1985年切除了一部分肺,1998年和2001年得过中风--身体虚的玛格丽特也无法像身体健康的母亲和姐姐那样进行户外活动,这也是她常常陷入痛苦的原因。
    Her frailty -- prone to migraines and respiratory illness, she had part of a lung removed in 1985 and suffered strokes in 1998 and 2001 -- also separated her from her heartier mother and sister and contributed to emotional woes.
  • 不足性格上的点,尤指小
    A character weakness, especially a minor one.
  • 该国因国王懦而长期混乱不治.
    The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king.
  • 该国因国王懦而长期混乱不治。
    The country suffers year of misrule under a weak king.
  • 他那恃强欺的行为对於他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄。
    His bully make a mock of all the fine thing he say about kindness to others.
  • "一整天来风都刮得很厉害,但到傍晚时有所减了。"
    "The wind was strong all day, but it moderated in the evening."
  • 风势已减, 做帆船运动较为安全了.
    The wind has moderated, making sailing safer.
  • 通过减疼痛或悲伤而缓和的。
    moderating by making pain or sorrow weaker.
  • 利率的飞速上涨的势头终于减
    The soaring rise in interest rates finally appeared to be losing momentum.
  • 他们应该认清自身点,能控制自己的情绪,知道如何发掘自己的优势。
    They should recognise their own weaknesses, have control over their moods and know how to bring out the best in themselves.
  • 不适合阅读的微灯光;士气低落。
    a poor light for reading; poor morale.
  • 德日帝国主义的军事家们指出防御的一个重要的点是不能振奋人心,反而使人心动遥
    These military experts assert that a serious weakness of the defensive is that it shakes popular morale, instead of inspiring it.
  • 在植物上产生胆汁、形似蚊子的虚的飞虫。
    fragile mosquito-like flies that produce galls on plants.
  • 中国扶贫基金会于2000年10月正式启动了“母婴平安120行动”,致力于在中西部七省、市贫困地区建立县、乡、村三级妇幼保健和救护机构,以促进贫困人口母婴生命保健,消除孕产妇生育过程中母婴平安脆性和低保障性。
    In October 2000, the China Poverty Relief Fund formally started the Strategic Plan of "Action 120 for the Safety of Mother and Baby," committing itself in establishing health and first-aid organs for women and children at the county, township and village levels in the poverty-stricken areas in the six provinces and one municipality in the central and western parts of China, to improve the health care of poor mothers and babies, and eliminating the mortality rate of babies, pregnant women and women in labor.
  • 减弱…的声音
    To soften or muffle the sound of.
  • 音器任何一种用来消除或者减乐器的音的仪器
    Any of various devices used to muffle or soften the tone of an instrument.
  • 教育部并没有给英文的学生安排英文b课程,英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬着头皮把英文搞好。
    There is no English B course for those weak in the subject. Students have no choice but to mug up on it if they want to progress further.
  • 总之,信息战是一种“战斗力倍增器”,一种加强或削战斗力的作战方式。
    In sum, injormation warfare is a "combat multiplier," a kind of warfare that enhances or degrades combat power.
  • 轻子一种参与微互反应的基本粒子家庭的粒子,包括电子、介子以及与他们相关的中子
    Any of a family of elementary particles that participate in the weak interaction, including the electron, the muon, and their associated neutrinos.
  • 由于神经损伤而导致肌肉质损失或减
    weakness or loss of muscle tone resulting from injury or disease of the nerves innervating the muscles.
  • 装上音器的装上音器后奏出的或装上音器的
    Produced by or provided with a mute.
  • 该交响曲结束部分各节中的弦乐全为化音。
    The string is mute throughout the closing bar of the symphony.
  • 压着嗓音,低声说以微的嗓音或声音说
    In a muted voice or whisper.
  • 一种减声音的调音器。
    an organ stop resulting in a soft muted sound.
  • 且其点有时正成为争取主动地位的条件,例如正是因为自己小,才利于在敌人后方神出鬼没地活动,敌人无奈他何,这样大的自由是庞大的正规军所不能得到的。
    Moreover, these weaknesses sometimes constitute the very condition for gaining the initiative. For example, it is precisely because the guerrilla units are small that they can mysteriously appear and disappear in their operations behind enemy lines, without the enemy's being able to do anything about them, and thus enjoy a freedom of action such as massive regular armies never can.