  • 上帝赦免罪人告(人)无罪,把(人)从与滔天罪行相连的惩罚中解脱出来。只用于上帝
    To free(a human being) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used only of God.
  • 赦免布无罪或不应受谴责
    To pronounce clear of guilt or blame.
  • 布有罪或者被证明有罪。
    pronounced or proved guilty.
  • 与联合国讨论油价未果而决定停止石油出口的伊拉克,周日布要自订油价。伊拉克表示他们有信心马上就可打破僵局。
    Iraq said Sunday it was free to set the price of its own oil after halting crude exports following a pricing row with the United Nations, but added it was optimistic the impasse would soon be resolved.
  • 言承诺在2015年年底前,使无法得到或负担不起安全饮用水的人口比例降低一半。
    The Declaration pledged to halve, by the year 2015, the number of people unable to reach or afford safe drinking water.
  • 一家公共关系公司正在处理我们全部的广告传。
    A PR film is handling all our publicity.
  • 他还匆忙地在哈勒姆组织了一次活动布,因克林顿时代推广的"勤劳所得的税收优惠"政策,约500万上班族每年各有高达5000美元的收入不用申报上税。
    And he hastily arranged a Harlem event to broadcast word that roughly 5 million working people have as much as $5,000 a year in unclaimed money coming to them thanks to the Clinton-era expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
  • 结果,奈特利先生终于在一天早上布,罗伯特·马丁再次向哈里特求婚,并且被她接受。
    Consequently Mr. Knightley was able to announce one morning that Robert Martin had again offered himself to Harriet and had been accepted.
  • 彼得里后来被取消了冠军资格;海斯被布为获胜者。但这之前,英美两国官员为名次已经争吵了一个小时,观众台上还爆发了冲突。
    Pietri was later disqualified in favor of Hayes,but only after British and U.S.officials argued for an hour and fights had broken out in the stands.
  • (四)国民党在其统治区域内对我党和进步派的压迫政策和反共传,决不会放松,我党必须提高警惕性。
    4. The Kuomintang will never relax its policy of oppression of our Party and other progressives or its anti-Communist propaganda in the areas under its rule; therefore our Party must heighten its vigilance.
  • 我建议利用这个机会布中苏关系从此实现正常化。
    I suggest that we take this opportunity to declare that henceforth our relations will return to normal.
  • 为履行对《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的承诺,推动《提高妇女地位内罗毕前瞻性战略》的实现,在世妇会召开之际,中国政府依据国民经济和社会发展规划,结合妇女发展现状,参照《行动纲领》草案,制定和颁布了《中国妇女发展纲要》(1995-2000年)(以下简称《妇女纲要》),确定了到本世纪末妇女在参政、就业、劳动保护、教育、卫生保舰脱贫、法律保护等方面的任务和11项目标,这标志着中国政府执行第四次世界妇女大会《北京言》和《行动纲领》后续行动的正式启动。
    In order to fulfill the commitment to CEDAW and accelerate the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies, before the convening of FWCW, the Chinese government formulated and promulgated the Program for the Development of Chinese Women (1995-2000) (hereinafter referred to as the Program). The Program is worked out in light of the national plan for the economic and social development and the present situation of women's development, and by reference to the draft BPFA. It sets out tasks and 11 objectives in the field of women's political participation, employment, labor rights protection, education, health care, poverty alleviation and legal protection.
  • 三、李洪志及其法轮大法扬迷信邪说。
    Third, Li Hongzhi and his Falun Dafa have advocated superstition and heresy.
  • 1981年7月29日,戴安娜-斯潘赛在婚礼誓时竟把自己丈夫查尔斯王子的全名顺序搞错了,成了"菲力浦-查尔斯-阿瑟-乔治"的合法妻子(查尔斯王子的全名顺序应该是"查尔斯-菲力浦-阿瑟-乔治")。从此戴安娜走进了一个任何局外人都无法了解的被各种清规戒律所桎梏的家庭。
    On July 29, 1981, Lady Diana Spencer took "Philip Charles Arthur George" - she mangled the order of Prince Charles' names during her vows - as her lawful wedded husband and entered a family hidebound by practices no outsider could fathom.
  • 高等法院布该判决无效。
    A higher court overruled the judgment.
  • 职业安全健康周是该局一年一度的重点传活动,除了在地区举办多项活动外,还有展览、研讨会和工作坊。
    The 'Occupational Safety and Health Week' is the annual highlight of the council's promotional effort. Exhibitions, seminars and workshops were held in addition to the wide variety of district-level programmes.
  • 一九九七年全年,旅游协会举办了各式各样的活动,当中有新有旧,目的都是为了传香港是结合东西方文化的四季皆宜旅游地方。
    Throughout 1997, the HKTA organised a series of new and established events to promote Hong Kong as a year-round travel destination and to highlight its unique blend of East and West.
  • 中国动员全社会广泛参与环境传教育活动,近年来,环保部门、教育部门、文化部门、新闻单位、妇女组织、青年组织、科学协会、学会等都组织开展了各具特色的环境传教育活动。
    The Chinese government encourages the whole of society to participate in environmental publicity and education activities.In recent years the environmental protection departments, educational departments, cultural departments, news units, organizations for women and youth, scientific associations and academic societies have all developed their own environmental publicity and educational activities, highlighted by the following aspects:
  •  中国动员全社会广泛参与环境传教育活动,近年来,环保部门、教育部门、文化部门、新闻单位、妇女组织、青年组织、科学协会、学会等都组织开展了各具特色的环境传教育活动。
    The Chinese government encourages the whole of society to participate in environmental publicity and education activities. In recent years the environmental protection departments, educational departments, cultural departments, news units, organizations for women and youth, scientific associations and academic societies have all developed their own environmental publicity and educational activities, highlighted by the following aspects:
  • 如果在考虑递交文件之后陪审团发现申诉的发起是恶意的,比如企图反向域名劫持或主要用来骚扰域名持有者,陪审团应布诉讼为恶意并构成滥用行政诉讼。
    If after considering the submissions the Panel finds that the complaint was brought in bad faith, for example in an attempt at Reverse Domain Name Hijacking or was brought primarily to harass the domain-name holder, the Panel shall declare in its decision that the complaint was brought in bad faith and constitutes an abuse of the administrative proceeding.
  • 政府布面包涨价三倍。
    The government announced a 300 per cent hike in bread price.
  • 为先贤所诟病的“人不为己,天诛地灭”,已经成为大家心照不的行为标准。
    "Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost" - a conduct condemned by scholars of the past - has now become an unspoken standard behaviour.
  • 在第二次世界大战开始之时,希特勒未经战便侵略波兰。
    At the beginning of World War II, Hitler invaded Poland without a declaration of war.
  • 在第二次世界大战开始之时,希特勒未经战便侵略波兰。
    At the begin of world war two, hitler invade poland without a declaration of war.
  • 帕特里西亚·胡是luxasia香港有限公司的市场经理,她认为广告传只是情人节火爆的原因之一。
    Publicity is only one reason,says Patricia Ho,sales and marketing manager of LuxAsia (HK) Ltd.
  • 布某事物是神圣的,没有罪恶的。
    declare holy or pure or free from sin.
  • 士兵们誓效忠于女王陛下。
    The soldiers swore to pay their homage to the Queen.
  • 洪都拉斯中美洲北部一国家。最早是玛雅文化所在地,16世纪初期为西班牙殖民地,1821年布独立。特古西加尔巴为首都和最大的城市。人口4,092,000
    A country of northern Central America. Originally inhabited by a Mayan civilization, Honduras was colonized by the Spanish in the early1500's and proclaimed its independence in1821. Tegucigalpa is the capital and the largest city. Population,4, 092, 000.
  • 投票结果一布,便响起了一阵猛烈的抗议声。
    A howl of protest went up when the voting was announced.
  • 该局亦致力推广香港作为国际商业中心。贸易发展局是政府的重要伙伴,与政府合力向世界各地传香港的良好形象。
    It also promotes Hong Kong as an international hub for business, and is an important partner of the Government in promoting a positive image of Hong Kong world-wide.
  • 委员会召开了秘密会议,会后布了决议。
    The committee went into a huddle and later declared their decision.
  • 大会一致同意《环球人权言》的确使世界变成一个更人道的地方。
    The colloquium agreed that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has helped to make the world a more humane place.