  • 爱玛自己则开始考虑选邱吉尔做哈里特的丈。不过她决定自己不再去出力撮合这桩婚事。
    Emma herself began to think of Churchill as a husband for Harriet, but she resolved to do nothing to promote the match.
  • 简到达后不久,韦斯顿妇便接到邱吉尔的信,信中又另定他的来访日期。
    Soon after Jane's arrival, the Westons received a letter from Churchill setting another date for his visit.
  • 韦斯顿妇首先想到的是爱玛。他们担心邱吉尔对爱玛的殷勤举动可能已使爱玛陷入情网。
    The Westons' first thought was for Emma, for they feared that Churchill's attentions to her mighthave had their effect.
  • 奈特利先生的猜疑后来得到了证实:邱吉尔向韦斯顿妇承认他和简在10月份就已秘密订婚。
    His suspicions were finally justified when Churchill confessed to Mr. and Mrs. Weston that he and Jane had been secretly engaged since October.
  • 同许多俄国的伟大作曲家一样,柴可斯基经历了一条曲折的道路才到达音乐的国土,并且几乎是出于偶然。
    Like other great Russian composers, Tschaikovsky arrived at music by a circuitous route, almost by accident.
  • 报刊上流传起关于这对皇家妇的传闻,两周后此事得到证实,他们宣布离婚,真是无风不起浪嘛。
    A rumour circulated in the press about the royal couple, and two weeks later it was confirmed when they announced their divorce. There's no smoke without fire.
  • 她现在是个27岁的妇女,虽然还硬朗,却已憔悴消瘦。她的人生观受了她丈的影响,所以她现在对娱乐和责任的看法比当初在小地方做少女时还要来得狭隘。
    She was now a thin, though rugged, woman of twenty-seven, with ideas of life coloured by her husband's, and fast hardening into narrower conceptions of pleasure and duty than had ever been hers in a thoroughly circumscribed youth.
  • 安塔那那利佛,塔那那利马达加斯加的首都和最大城市,位于该国家中东部。作为有城墙的城堡建于17世纪,人口700,000
    The capital and largest city of Madagascar, in the east-central part of the country. It was founded in the17th century as a walled citadel. Population,700, 000.
  • 律师们还提出了一些妨碍这些妇女作不利于她们丈的证词的棘手的文化障碍问题。
    Advocates also cite formidable cultural barriers that prevent women from testifying against their husbands.
  • 拉伍格罗称富有魅力的形象有助于吸引顾客并提高机票的销售额。他还引用了20世纪70年代早期西南航空公司成功的范例。当时这家公司的空姐身着短裤,脚穿白色的长筒皮靴,结果吸引了大批乘客。
    Lovegrove says that a glamourous look can help attract customers and increase airline ticket sales, citing the dramatic jump in customer base for Southwest Airlines in the early 1970s, when it dressed its flight attendants in high white leather boots and hot pants.
  • 杜布罗夫尼克旧城
    City of old Dubrovnik
  • 即使在文明人之中,时不时也可以看出那么一丁点一一妻本能的痕迹。
    Even in civilized mankind faint trace of a monogamic instinct can sometimes is perceive.
  • 和水手有时声称看到过海里的妖怪。
    Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
  • 每当我提到他丈,她就不说话了。
    She clammed up whenever I mentioned her husband.
  • 地主政权既被打翻,族权、神权、权便一概跟着动摇起来。
    With that overturned, the clan authority, the religious authority and the authority of the husband all begin to totter.
  • 那年,信奉一多妻制教派的金斯敦家族中的一个16岁女孩,因为拒绝成为她叔叔的第15位老婆,被其父亲打得不省人事。
    That year, a 16-year-old girl from a polygamous sect called the Kingston clan was beaten unconscious by her father for refusing to become her uncle's 15th wife.
  • 这四种权力——政权、族权、神权、权,代表了全部封建宗法的思想和制度,是束缚中国人民特别是农民的四条极大的绳索。
    These four authorities -- political, clan, religious and masculine -- are the embodiment of the whole feual-patriarchal system and ideology, and are the four thick ropes binding the Chinese people, particularly the peasants.
  • 我的华文启蒙教育是从成保路的这所房子开始的,秘密给我们上课的是一对妇。
    So my first schooling was in Mandarin, in a clandestine class run by a married couple.
  • 我来介绍一下:这位是我的美国同学尼克,这位是我的新英国同学安妮,这位是杰,也是美国人。
    Let me introduce to you.This is my classmate Nick, an American. This is my new classmate Annie, British. This is Jeff. He is American, too.
  • 阿格丽品娜罗马皇后。她谋杀了丈克劳狄皇帝,以便使她与前所生之子尼禄能成为皇帝。尼禄因为不信任她而将其杀害
    Roman empress. She murdered her husband, the emperor Claudius, so that her son by a previous marriage, Nero, would become emperor. Nero, distrusting his mother, had her murdered.
  • 这个案子继续在克利兰激起人们的强烈情绪。
    The case continues to provoke intense feelings in Cleveland.
  • 今天电视转播的棒球赛是底特律对抗克利兰。
    Today's televised baseball game is Detroit versus Cleveland.
  • 贝德福德美国俄亥俄州东北一城市,为克利兰的一个居住郊区。人口15,056
    A city of northeast Ohio, a residential suburb of Cleveland. Population,15, 056.
  • 巴尔马俄亥俄东北一城市,是克利兰的一个主要住宅区。人口87,876
    A city of northeast Ohio, a chiefly residential suburb of Cleveland. Population,87, 876.
  • 欧几里德俄亥俄州东北部的一个城市,是伊利湖附近克里兰市专营制造业的郊区。人口54,875
    A city of northeast Ohio, a manufacturing suburb of Cleveland on Lake Erie. Population,54, 875.
  • 门托美国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于伊利湖畔。它是克利兰的居民郊区。人口47,358
    A city of northeast Ohio, a residential suburb of Cleveland on Lake Erie. Population,47, 358.
  • 威克利市美国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于伊利湖边,是克利兰的工业郊区。人口14,558
    A city of northeast Ohio, an industrial suburb of Cleveland on Lake Erie. Population,14, 558.
  • 首任农业部长是诺曼考尔曼,他是被科莱兰德任命的。
    the first Secretary of Agriculture was Norman J. Colman, who was appointed by Cleveland.
  • 威洛比市美国俄亥俄州东北部的城市,位于伊利湖岸、克利兰东北方。制造的产品包括电子原件。人口20,510
    A city of northeast Ohio on Lake Erie northeast of Cleveland. Its manufactures include electronic components. Population,20, 510.
  • 佩恩斯维尔俄亥俄东北的一个城市,位于克里兰的东北,是农业地区的一个商业中心。人口15,699
    A city of northeast Ohio northeast of Cleveland. It is a trade center in a farming area. Population,15, 699.
  • 阿什兰克利兰东南俄亥俄州中北部的一座城市,是一个农业区的制造中心。人口20,079
    A city of north-central Ohio southeast of Cleveland. It is a manufacturing center in an agricultural region. Population,20, 079.
  • 塔曼尼集团的头子克里兰先生在早期政治生活中,曾经跟他发生过冲突。
    The boss of Tammany, with whom Mr Cleveland had at an earlier period in his career “locked horns”.