  • 對喜劇演員有兩種缺乏根據的看法:一是他們都想扮演姆雷特;二是他們都有憂鬱癥。但這兩種觀點都被理查德·布賴爾斯打破了。
    Two myths about comedians: they all want to play Hamlet and they’re all melancholic. Both are exploded by Richard Briers.
  • 那樣的話,就來些密瓜吧。
    Then, have some Hami melon.
  • 為了扮演赫爾曼·麥爾維爾的《白鯨》中船長阿布這個角色,他蓄起了短鬍須。
    He sported a heavy five o'clock shadow for his role as Captain Ahab in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
  • 1913年,一位名叫·布裏爾利的冶金傢試圖發現一種適合做槍管的金屬。
    In 1913 Harry Brearley, a metallurgist, was trying to find a metal suitable for making gun barrels.
  • 裏的確無論幹什麽事都能賺錢,他做了幾筆生意,筆筆都獲巨利。
    Harry certainly has the Midas touch; he's been involved in several business ventures and he's made a fortune out of each of them.
  • 裏裝出懊惱的樣子,那位姑娘答應幫他訂購一些。
    When Harry put on his act of being mildly annoyed, the girl promised to order some for him.
  • 仍在奧馬海灘,約翰·米勒上尉(湯姆·漢剋斯飾)接受另一項任務。
    Still reeling from Omaha Beach, Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) is given another assignment.
  • 我看老裏還是以前那樣——卑鄙可恥而又冷漠無情!
    I see old Harry is the same as ever—miserable and unfriendly.
  • 貝爾維尤美國內布拉斯加州東部一城市,位於密蘇裏河畔的奧馬近郊。人口30,982
    A city of eastern Nebraska, a suburb of Omaha on the Missouri River. Population,30, 982.
  • 1998年5月蘇多倒臺前夕爆發排華暴動,大批暴徒肆無忌憚的掠奪和焚燒華人區,驚動世界,也驚醒無數默默承受的印尼華裔。
    The anti-Chinese riots on the eve of the fall of Suharto saw countless mobsters looting and burning Chinese districts. The violence and lawlessness shocked the world. It was also the last straw for Chinese Indonesians who had always suffered in silence.
  • 她和姐姐娜由母親撫養大。
    She and sister Hana were raised by their mom.
  • 薩剋蘇聯的中亞南部一區,位於裏海東北部。13世紀時蒙古人奴役了這裏最初的突厥族居民,並一直處在不同汗國的統治之下,直至1730-1853年被俄羅斯徵服
    A region of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. northeast of the Caspian Sea. The original Turkic inhabitants were overrun by the Mongols in the13th century and ruled by various khanates until the Russian conquest of1730 to1853.
  • 其他在場的飛行員都沒有想到要起飛,但是梅爾——這個布雷裏奧式單翼飛機最優秀的駕駛員之———是不會被阻攔的。
    None of the other p1- lots present would have thought of going up, but Hamel one of the finest of all pilots of the Beriot monoplane was not to be stopped.
  • 在長期發展中,新疆生産建設兵團已有漢族、維吾爾族、薩剋族、回族、蒙古族等37個民族成分。
    During its long years of development, the XPCC has become a mosaic of people from 37 ethnic groups, including the Han, Uygur, Kazak, Hui and Mongolian.
  • 薩剋人居住在薩剋斯坦和中國新疆維吾爾部分地區的遊牧的伊斯蘭教徒
    A member of a pastoral Moslem people inhabiting Kazakhstan and parts of Xinjiang Uygur in China.
  • 行動黨青年團團員和特選學校學生等非回教徒,在芝節集體到回教堂瞭解回教精神和儀式背後的意義,明確傳達了華族子弟主動接觸他族風俗禮儀的積極做法。
    To gain an understanding of practices by Muslims and their underlying significance, some non-Muslim members of the Young PAP and students from Special Assistance Plan schools visited some mosques on Hari Raya Haji.The tour was also a clear signal of the willingness of the Chinese to get to know the customs and habits of other ethnic groups.
  • 請聯絡野本先生的秘書瑞女士。
    Please ask for Mr. Nomoto's secretary, Ms. Hara.
  • 萊拉.阿裏21歲,前拳擊巨人莫莫得.阿裏之女,她决定繼承其父親的光輝事業,在拳擊界一展拳腳。
    Laila Ali, the 21 year old daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali, has decided to follow in his famous footsteps and is working on a career in the boxing ring.
  • 羅傑斯和默斯坦的音樂喜劇 南太平洋 .
    Rogers and Hammerstein's musical South Pacific'.
  • 西亞(尤其是在薩剋)的穆斯林土爾其語係民族的人。
    a member of a Muslim Turkic people of W Asia (especially in Kazakstan).
  • 西德派教徒18世紀興起於東歐的大衆神秘主義運動的成員
    A member of a movement of popular mysticism founded in eastern Europe in the18th century.
  • 那個最小的孩子說了些年幼無知的話,引起人傢大笑。
    The youngest boy was laughed at for his naive remarks.
  • 篷卡人一支美洲土著人,原先定居在內布拉斯加東北、奈厄布拉勒河附近,現在他們居住在俄剋拉何馬州和內布拉斯加州。篷卡人和奧瑪人在語言和歷史沿上都有緊密的聯繫
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast Nebraska near the Niobrara River, with present-day populations in Oklahoma and Nebraska. The Ponca are closely related to the Omaha in language and history.
  • 諾福剋美國內布拉斯加東北奧馬西北的城市,是農業區的加工和商業中心。人口21,476
    A city of northeast Nebraska northwest of Omaha. It is a processing and trade center in an agricultural region. Population,21, 476.
  • 奧馬人從17世紀晚期居住在美國內布拉斯加東北部的一美洲印第安民族,他們在語言和歷史上與篷卡的淵源很深
    A Native American people inhabiting northeast Nebraska since the late17th century. The Omaha are closely related to the Ponca in language and history.
  • 弗裏蒙特美國內布拉斯加中東部一城市,位於普拉特河沿岸,在奧馬的西北偏西。是農業區的加工中心。人口23,680
    A city of east-central Nebraska on the Platte River west-northwest of Omaha. It is a processing center in an agricultural region. Population,23, 680.
  • 巴菲特在美國內布拉斯加州的奧馬出生、長大,40多年來他一直居住的是法鈉姆大街那棟自己以31500美元購置的灰色水泥墻的房子。
    Born and bred in Omaha, Nebraska, for more than 40 years Buffett has lived in the same gray stucco house on Farnam Street that he bought for $31,500.
  • 1997年4月,中國與俄羅斯、薩剋斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦和塔吉剋斯坦簽署《關於在邊境地區相互裁減軍事力量的協定》,規定:將中國與四國邊境地區的軍事力量裁減到與睦鄰友好關係相適應的最低水平,使其衹具有防禦性,互不使用武力或以武力相威脅,不謀求單方面軍事優勢;
    In April 1997, China and Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed the Agreement on Mutual Reduction of Military Forces in the Border Areas. It stipulates that the five countries shall reduce their military forces in the border areas to the minimum level compatible with their friendly and good-neighborly relations, a level that shall not go beyond their defense needs; none of the parties shall use or threaten to use force against the other party or parties, neither shall they seek unilateral military superiority;
  • 大笑以遮掩緊張的心情.
    He laughed to cover (ie hide) his nervousness.
  • 6杯威士忌下肚,裏兩腿站不住了。特德說:“你醉了,我還是為你叫一輛出租車吧。”
    After six whiskies Harry was finding it difficult to stay on his feet."You're as pissed as a newt, " Ted said,"I'd better get you to a taxi."
  • 6杯威士忌下肚,裏兩腿站不住了。特德說:“你醉了,我還是為你叫一輛出租車吧。”
    After six whiskies Harry was finding it difficult to stay on his feet. "You're as pissed as a newt," Ted said, "I'd better get you to a taxi."
  • 喂?我是尼剋拉斯。請雷來接電話好嗎?
    Hello? Nicholas here. May I talk to Halley, please?