  • 他們在開動的卡車後面追着叫喊。
    They called after the departing trucks.
  • 我如實地告訴他我休假回來;他盡可能如實地回答問題。
    I told him truthfully that I had just returned from my vacation; he answered the question as truthfully as he could.
  • 我如實地告訴他我休假回來;他盡可能如實地回答問題。
    I told him truthfully that I had just returned from my vacation; he answered the question as truthfully as he could.
  • 從土耳其回到加拿大。
    I just returned to Canada from Turkey.
  • 從土耳其回到加拿大。
    I just returned to Canada from Turkey.
  • 纔各位結業學員步伐整齊,製服鮮明,使我留下深刻印象。
    Your smart turnout and fine bearing at the parade just now were very impressive.
  • 讓人把信件用黑色打印出來。
    I have just had the letter typed black.
  • 讓人把信件用黑色打印出來。
    I have just have the letter typed black.
  • 我剛把文件打完字。
    I have just finished typing the document.
  • 我們出發,車胎就破了。
    Hardly had we started our journey when the car got a flat tyre.
  • 對不起,她出去,過會兒再打電話好嗎?
    I am sorry Mr. Chen is unavailable. Will you like to speak to someone else?
  • 爵爺夫人不相信,逼着爵爺交代明白。“你衹當我纔對你說的話是鬍謅。
    The Lady, unbelieving, so berated her husband that he answered father, “You think what I have already told you is a wonder.
  • 然而,對於一個生活在二戰結束時期的小男孩來說,父親就像神,他擁有神奇的力量和神秘的能力,他無所不能,無所不知。
    But to a little boy right after World WarⅡ ,a father seemed a god with strange strengths and uncanny powers enabling him to do and know things that no mortal could do or know.
  • “達西先生,我跟弗斯脫上校講笑話,要他給我們在麥裏屯開一次跳舞會,你看我的話是不是說得非常得體?”
    "Did not you think, Mr. Darcy, that I expressed myself uncommonly well just now, when I was teazing Colonel Forster to give us a ball at Meryton?"
  • 纔已經跟您說過,她變了,嘴上已不再帶有那種滿不在乎的微笑。
    She looked much altered, as I have told you, and I could not detect on her lips her old unconcerned smile.
  • 70年代初期,在《郵報》的兩個年輕記者鮑勃·伍德沃德和卡爾·伯恩斯坦開始揭露尼剋鬆白宮的嚴重不道德行為時,《華盛頓郵報》開始步入繁盛期。
    The Washington Post had just begun to come into its own in the early 1970s when a pair of young Post reporters,Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein,began to uncover serious wrongdoing in the Nixon White House.
  • 歷史的篇章充滿廠毅無畏的男男女女的許多英雄故事的記載,他們戰勝了傷殘和苦難,顯示出勝利的精神。
    The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of undaunted men and women who triumphed over disabilities and adversities to demonstrate victorious spirits.
  • 纔我提出你們的了兩個低估,但是我想對於威脅,是高估我們了
    Just now l cited two underestimations,but here I think there is an overestimation of the so-called threat.
  • 第三天早上,它飛到一株我噴過水的植物上,開始在枝葉上面滑來沾去,不停地歡叫,把胸脯、翅膀和下頦都弄得濕漉漉的。
    On his third morning, he flew over to a plant I had just misted and began to slide around on the leaves, chirping all the while. He was getting his underparts wet -- his breast, his wings, his chin.
  • 加入公司時,那樣大規模的投資是做夢也想不到的。
    Investment on that sort of scale was undreamed of when I first joined the company.
  • 我發現她什麽也沒吃。但這並不叫我十分焦慮,因為有些捕到的動物在被關起來而沒有平靜下來時,是不吃東西的。
    I discovered that she had not eaten anything. I was not unduly worried by this, for some creatures when newly caught refuse to eat until they have settled down in captivity.
  • 把飯做好,吉姆出人意外地走了進來。
    I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly.
  • 你知道,我想離開沒料到我的表弟來了。
    You know, my cousin arrive unexpectedly just as I want to leave.
  • 對不起,我們遲到了。我們對這個城市不熟悉,纔迷路了。
    I'm sorry we're late, we got lost in this unfamiliar city.
  • 大傢知道,進城的時候,毛澤東同志就講過,我們過去熟悉的東西有些快要閑起來了,現在面臨的是我們不熟悉的東西。
    As we all know, shortly after we took over the cities, Chairman Mao said that we would soon put aside some of the things we knew well and be confronted with things with which we were unfamiliar.
  • 緊急命令催促着戰士們立即行動,他們穿上衣服,就嚮目的地進發了。
    The emergency order rushed the men off their feet, and they had barely time to get their uniforms on before they were on the march to their destination.
  • 出生的妹妹除非餓了,她是從來不哭的。
    My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry.
  • 下臺的這屆內閣非常得人心。
    The Ministry that has just gone out had become very unpopular.
  • 我們今天早上收到你們寄來的的馬口鐵皮,如期寄到,可是打開時卻發現經生銹,不能用了。所以我們特地想問清楚一下。
    We've just received a delivery of your tin plate this morning. But we found it had already begun to rust. It's unusable, so we would like to ask you for an explanation.
  • 我們使孩子們在一所新學校裏適應下來,就接到調令要前往另一個地區,於是衹好再給孩子們換一個完全陌生的環境。
    We'd hardly settled the children into a new school when we were posted to another district and had to uproot them again.
  • 我們搬進新房子,現在一切都亂七八糟。
    We just moved into a new house, and everything is now upside down.
  • 纔我們在樓上喝茶。
    We were having tea upstairs just now.