  • 芭堤雅是一个尽情狂欢的理想去处:那儿有喧闹的现代酒吧、迪斯科舞厅及过夜酒馆,而寻求静谧、清洁的海滩和悠闲氛围的游客只能另寻他处了。
    Pattaya is the ideal destination for those seeking non-stop entertainment. It has boisterous go-go bars, clamorous discos and tumultuous nightclubs. Visitors seeking deserted and unpolluted beaches and a laid-back atmosphere should go elsewhere.
  • 因此我们常见勇气在民治国家中曾有奇效,而在有统治阶级或君主的国家中不如此之甚:又勇气总是在勇敢的人们初次活动的时候功效大,而以后就没有这样大了;因为勇气是不善于守信的。
    Therefore, we see it hath done wonders, in popular states;but with senates and princes less; and more ever upon the first entrance of bold persons into action, man soon after, for boldness is an ill keeper of promise.
  • 列宁领导的布尔什维克党是在帝国主义世界的薄弱环节搞革命,我们也是在敌人控制薄弱的地区搞革命,这在原上是相同的,但我们不是先搞城市,而是先搞农村,用农村包围城市。
    Just as the Bolshevik Party led by Lenin made its revolution at a weak link in the chain of the imperialist world, we made our revolution in areas where the enemy was weak.In principle, the two courses were the same.But instead of trying to take the cities first, we began with the rural areas, then gradually encircled the cities.
  • 他当即让工厂负责人把所有的螺丝和螺帽都漆成黑色,并指示工人除非车盖下的一切都整齐有序,否任何汽车都不能下线。
    On the spot,he instructed the plant chief to paint all bolts and screws black and ordered workers not to release any car unless all was orderly under the hood.
  • 奥兰加巴德位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于1610年,位于奥朗布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284,607
    A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay. Founded in1610, it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress. Population,284, 607.
  • 其他重点节目有"香港文化系列展览──余本作品展"、"强势以外──亚洲当代艺术"及"前线.焦点九六──1996香港新闻图片比赛"等展览。
    Other programme highlights included exhibitions on Hong Kong Culture Series - The Art of Yee Bon (1905-1995), Being Minorities - Contemporary Asian Art, and Focus at the Frontline 96 - A Photojournalistic Account of 1996 Contest.
  • 至于“卖回债券”让投资者在到期前把债券卖给发行机构。
    A puttable bond is a plain vani-lla bond with an option for the investors to sell or put the bond to the issuer at a date before maturity.
  • 请贵公司按小册子中所列商品,将我公司名称列入您的询价客户索引中不胜荣幸。
    We shall be glad if you have our name put upon your inquiry list for the article show in the booklet.
  • 请贵公司按小册子中所列商品,将我公司名称列入您的询价客户索引中不胜荣幸。
    We shall be glad if you will have our name put upon your inquiry list for the articles shown in the booklet.
  • ”这个忠告可在名为《酒吧护照:旅游者酒吧仪俗指南》的小册子中找到,它对那些想要领略“英国生活和文化核心部分”的人是一种行为准
    " This tip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub: The Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers' code of conduct for those wanting to sample "a central part of British life and culture".
  • 为促使机构遵守条例的规定,公署就《个人信贷资料实务守》的修订事项发出谘询文件,以及出版名为《电子私隐:建立对电子商业的信任和信心的政策方案》的管理策略指南、关于公署职能的小册子和《招聘广告方面的常问问题》资料概览,并且重新制作训练用的录影带。
    To promote compliance with the ordinance by organisations, the PCO issued a consultation paper in relation to the revisions of the Consumer Credit Data Code, and published a management handbook entitled E-Privacy: A Policy Approach to Building Trust and Confidence in E-Business, a booklet about the general functions of the office, and a fact sheet on frequently asked questions about recruitment advertisements. It also produced a new version of its training video.
  • 除非用于控制反复的布尔表达式得到“假”的结果,否语句会重复执行下去。
    A statement repeats until the controlling Boolean-expression evaluates to false.
  • 唯一不会得到编译错误的时候是x和y都为布尔值。在这种情况下,x=y属于合法表达式。而在上述情况下,可能是一个错误。
    (The only time you won’t get a compile-time error is when x and y are boolean, in which case x = y is a legal expression, and in the above case, probably an error.)
  • 如果你对某一食品过敏或有排斥,身体会在它认为有害的部位储存水以稀释有害物质,但这样就会增加体重和腰围。”
    “If you're slightly allergic or intolerant to a food, your body wil try to dilute what it sees as poison by retaining water in the area--boosting your weight and waistline.”
  • 以农村和经济欠发达地区为重点,制定优先原,发挥城市和发达地区的示范作用,推动不同地区的深入发展。
    Rural and under-developed areas are given priorities in economic development, while the exemplary role of cities and developed regions is given full play in further boosting the development of different regions.
  • 然而缺点是:一消耗敌人的不足;二我们自己不免消耗的较多,缴获的较少。
    But the drawbacks are first, that we did not sufficiently deplete the enemy, and second, that we were unable to avoid rather heavy losses and captured little war booty.
  • 自古以来,在战争中获胜的国家总会肆无忌惮地掠夺战败国的国宝和其他财富的象征。掠夺的财物是应得的战利品,掠夺的行为是胜者为王的表现。
    Since time immemorial, warring nations had no compunctions in plundering their enemy's national treasures and other symbols of wealth, both as war booty and to demonstrate their power over the defeated.
  • 植物学的命名原则
    The rules of nomenclature in botany.
  • 言论自由是民主的最基本原之一
    Freedom of speech is one of the bottommost principles of democracy.
  • 一列火车周一在葡萄牙北部的拜尔撞上一颗造成火车出轨的大石后瘫痪在河滨上,火车头栽进斗罗河里。
    A train lays down the embankment with the locomotive underwater in the Douro River, after it rammed into a boulder which derailed the train Monday Dec. 11, 2000 in Baiao, northern Portugal.
  • 民族资产阶级做了大资产阶级的尾巴。
    And the national bourgeoisie has become a tail to the big bourgeoisie.
  • 船首三角帆一面从前桅的中段展开至下桁的三角形帆,在小艇上展开至第一斜桅或艇首
    A triangular sail stretching from the foretopmast head to the jib boom and in small craft to the bowsprit or the bow.
  • 她还说,她不再幼稚了,她必须脚踏实地做起。因为,不是所有的拳击手都遵守比赛规
    And she said she's not naive at all, always aware that she'll have to stay on her toes because not all boxers play by the rules.
  • 谁人不知,两个拳师放对,聪明的拳师往往退让一步,而蠢人其势汹汹,辟头就使出全副本领,结果却往往被退让者打倒。
    We all know that when two boxers fight, the clever boxer usually gives a little ground at first, while the foolish one rushes in furiously and uses up all his resources at the very start, and in the end he is often beaten by the man who has given ground.
  • 由于不响应1936年抵制奥运会的号召,美国和其他西方民主国家错过了一次表态的机会,否(以当时观察家之见)可能会迫使希特勒三思而后行,从而使全世界反对纳粹独裁统治的运动得到加强。
    Having rejected a proposed boycott of the 1936 Olympics, the United States and other western democracies missed the opportunity to take a stand that some observers at the time claimed-might have given Hitler pause and bolstered international resistance to Nazi tyranny.
  • 船梁船的横向结构,用以支撑甲板并固着在船体的两以抵抗压力
    A transverse structural member of a ship's frame, used to support a deck and to brace the sides against stress.
  • 正牙学,畸齿校正术牙科保护和校正不规形状的牙齿的特殊技术和实践,如通过支架等
    The dental specialty and practice of preventing and correcting irregularities of the teeth, as by the use of braces.
  • 在虚拟远程通信存取方法的高级通信操作程序(acf/vtam)中,一种用以决定是否可以开始一个新的括号(即重新开始一次按类通信)的指示符。接收到该连通指示符的网点按如下二种方式中的一种回答对方:如果可以开始新的括号,发送一个正常响应;如果不能开始新的括号,发送一个异常响应。
    In ACF/VTAM, an indicator used to determine if a new bracket can be started. The node receiving the bid indicator sends a normal response if a new bracket can be started or sends an exception response if a new bracket cannot be started.
  • 本港水域的水质分布,大致上西面主要属咸淡混合,东面较受海洋影响,不如西面混浊。
    Local waters range broadly from the predominantly brackish in the west to the less turbid and more oceanic in the east.
  • 任何昙花属的植物,有扁平的有节的不规的干和美丽的管状花。
    any cactus of the genus Epiphyllum having flattened jointed irregularly branching stems and showy tubular flowers.
  • 布什做的另一件使他的朋友们感到吃惊的事,是他在仅仅3个月内就向一个叫劳拉·韦尔奇的图书馆管理员求婚并结了婚。与小布什的急脾气和爱嚷嚷的性格不同,劳拉较为矜持而达理。
    Bush had also surprised friends by courting and marrying in just months a librarian named Laura Welch,who was as reserved and knowing as he was brash and noisy.
  • 无私则无畏。
    The best heart is always the bravest.