  • 我特别喜欢村的生活
    I like life in countryside very much.
  • 村的生活变得十分艰苦
    Life in the countryside becomes very arduous.
  • 农村的生活十分安宁
    Life in the countryside is very tranquil.
  • 然后她们动身到村去。
    Then they set out for the countryside.
  • 这一次改革首先是从村开始的。
    This time it began in the countryside.
  • 为什么要从村开始呢?
    Why did we start in the countryside?
  • 你们在农村适应吗?
    How do you fit in in the countryside?
  • 我想起了我在村的那些日子。
    I remembere my those days in the countryside.
  • 他们就是不懂得村。
    In fact, they knew nothing about the countryside.
  • 这帽子在村很有用。
    It come in very handy in the countryside.
  • 英格兰中部的一个以业为主的郡。
    a largely agricultural county in central England.
  • 村登记人数已突破30,000大关。
    Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county.
  • 英格兰西部的一个业郡,临北海。
    an agricultural county of eastern England on the North Sea.
  • 延伸100公亩的农场
    A farm covering more than100 acres.
  • 牛产奶时,那位民吹着口哨。
    The farmer whistled as the cow milked.
  • 牛死了,夫正在伤心。
    The cow being dead , the farmer was bleeding.
  • 依靠大工业而不是业或手工业建立的经济体系。
    an economic system built on large industries rather than on agriculture or craftsmanship.
  • 公布这项计划的业电视主持人约翰·克雷文说:"家畜动物对于民朋友来说是最重要的,所以给予这些动物最好的照顾也就变得非常重要了。"
    "Animals are every farmer's first priority, so it is important that they're given the best care," rural affairs television presenter John Craven said, launching the project.
  • 精选农作物
    The cream of the crop.
  • 妇联开展的“学文化、学技术、比成绩、比贡献”竞赛活动(简称“学比”运动)为村妇女积极性、创造性的发挥提供了有力的支持与帮助。
    The campaign to learn culture and technology and to compete in achievement and contribution ("Learning and Competing Campaign" for short) launched by the women's federations provide forceful support for bringing rural women's enthusiasm and creativeness into full play.
  • 国家银行等金融机构要改进业务经营计划的管理,合理划分贷款权限,及时发放与运用国债资金安排的基础建设项目相配套的固定资产贷款和有市尝有效益、守信用企业的流动资金贷款,大力发展居民购房、助学等消费信贷,支持科技型、社会服务型等小型企业发展,认真解决民贷款难的问题。
    Financial institutions will be required to improve their management and to clarify responsibilities of loan officers. They will be encouraged to extend fixed-asset loans to support the infrastructure projects financed by government debt as well as working loans to enterprises with marketable products, good earnings and creditworthiness. The central bank will also encourage financial institutions to expand housing loans, student loans and credit to support the development of small-sized enterprises in hi-tech and service sectors and to resolve financing difficulties facing the peasants.
  • 你瞧小河边的那个场,那是我的邻居的,事实上,它是我弟弟的。
    Look across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor, in fact, it's my younger brother.
  • 历月初月亮由亏转盈时呈现出的月牙的样子。
    the time at which the moon appears as a narrow waxing crescent.
  • 但是如果一个业国在业发展上,就它在国外贸易影响下所能达到的发展限度来说,已经达到了顶点,或者是工业国输出工业品时,不愿意接受业国的产品作交换,或由于工业国在这个业国市场上的有力竞争,使后者的工业无法成长;在这样情况下,这个业国的业生产力就要发生陷于残缺状态的危险.
    If, however, the agricultural nation has already reached the culminating point of its agricultural development, as far as that can be attained by the influence of foreign commerce, or if the manufacturing nation refuses to take the products of the agricultural nation in exchange for its manufactured goods, and if nevertheless, owing to the successful competition of the manufacturing nation in the markets of the agricultural nation, no manufactures can spring up in the latter, in such a case the agricultural productive power of the agricultural nation is exposed to the danger of being crippled.
  • 在今天,是在由于资本主义的经济危机和政治危机已经一天一天把世界拖进第二次世界大战的时候;是在苏联已经到了由社会主义到共产主义的过渡期,有能力领导和援助全世界无产阶级和被压迫民族,反抗帝国主义战争,打击资本主义反动的时候;是在各资本主义国家的无产阶级正在准备打倒资本主义、实现社会主义的时候;是在中国无产阶级、民阶级、知识分子和其他小资产阶级在中国共产党的领导之下,已经形成了一个伟大的独立的政治力量的时候。
    This is a time when the economic and political crises of capitalism are dragging the world more and more deeply into the Second World War, when the Soviet Union has reached the period of transition from socialism to communism and is capable of leading and helping the proletariat and oppressed nations of the whole world in their fight against imperialist war and capitalist reaction, when the proletariat of the capitalist countries is preparing to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism, and when the proletariat, the peasantry, the intelligentsia and other sections of the petty bourgeoisie in China have become a mighty independent political force under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • 民是否增加收入和减轻负担,作为检验业和村工作的重要标准。
    Increase in farmers' incomes and reduction in their burdens will be an important criterion for judging our agricultural and rural work.
  • 租种小场并在其中耕作的人;佃
    One who rents and cultivates a croft; a tenant farmer.
  • 在英国指佃户经营的小地。
    (Great Britain) a small farm worked by a crofter.
  • 那位没文化的村小伙子被狡猾的骗子骗了。
    The uneducated country lad was sucked in by a clever crook.
  • 洪水毁坏了大量作物。
    The flood did a lot of damage to the crops.
  • 场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
    The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop.
  • 小麦是主要的作物。
    wheat is a staple crop.