  • 他的论证不充分。
    The content of his argument was weak.
  • 圣诞的祝福,平日的希冀,愿你心境祥和、满爱意,愿你的世界全是美满,愿你一切称心如意,快乐无比。
    At Christmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.
  • 如果有人应当得到满欢乐的一天,应当有轻松愉快的心情,这个人一定是你。这件礼物是我不变的爱的象征,祝你生日快乐!
    If anyone deserves a happy day which brings contentment and a light heart, it must be you. This gift is a token of my everlasting love for you. Have a happy birthday.
  • 这个国王把他的统冶扩到大陆的东部。
    The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent.
  • 我方要求你方继续订货,对此,我方总是给予分重视。
    We request a continuance of your orders, to which we shall always give our most careful attention.
  • 香港家庭计划指导会是政府补助机构,设有八间节育指导所、三间青少年保健中心及一部流动诊所车,提供有关性与生殖健康的服务,包括生育指导、避孕方法、男女绝育、妇科检查、婚前检查、怀孕前验身、激素补治疗、更年期服务和青年辅导等服务。
    The government-subvented Family Planning Association of Hong Kong runs eight birth control clinics, three youth health care centres and a mobile clinic. Sexual and reproductive health services in fertility regulation, contraception, male and female sterilisation, gynaecological check-up, pre-marital check-up, pre-pregnancy check-up, hormone replacement therapy, menopause service and youth counselling are offered.
  • 心舒张后期发生在心室盈和心房开始收缩之间的心脏舒张休息期
    The last stage of diastole in the heart, occurring just before contraction and during which little additional blood enters the ventricle.
  • 我知道现在的合同情况,但你能补一下过去的详情吗?
    I know the contractual situation as it stand now, but can you fill in the background details?
  • 我知道现在的合同情况,但你能补一下过去的详情吗
    I know the contractual situation as it stands now, but could you fill in the background details
  • 二律背反看上去同样必要及合理的原理或结论之间的矛盾;满矛盾的人或事
    A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox.
  •  英语中还满了其他一些显然具有矛盾倾向的与种族相关的词。
    The English language is full of other apparently contradictory tendencies for words relating to ethnicity.
  •    (三)在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,对全国人民代表大会制定的法律进行部分补和修改,但是不得同该法律的基本原则相抵触;
    To enact,when the National People's Congress is not in session, partial supplements and amendments to statutes enacted by the National People's Congress provided that they do not contravene the basic principles of these statutes;
  • 管理者,控制因素是或当管理者或控制因素
    To be or act as a supervisor or controlling element.
  • 如果我们不是马克思主义者,没有对马克思主义的分信仰,或者不是把马克思主义同中国自己的实际相结合,走自己的道路,中国革命就搞不成功,中国现在还会是四分五裂,没有独立,也没有统一。
    Conversely, if we had not had faith in Marxism, or if we had not integrated Marxism with Chinese conditions and followed our own road, the revolution would have been a failure, and China would have remained fragmented and dependent.
  • 人越全面发展,社会的物质文化财富就会创造得越多,人民的生活就越能得到改善,而物质文化条件越分,又越能推进人的全面发展。
    The more comprehensively people develop, the more material and cultural wealth they will create for society and the better the people's life will be. Conversely, the more adequate the material and cultural life is, the better man will achieve his all-round development.
  • 事实分证明,“一国两制”是完全行得通的,董建华先生及其领导的特别行政区政府是具有驾驭复杂局势的智慧和能力的,香港人是完全能够治理好香港的。
    Facts have shown convincingly that "one country, two systems" is entirely workable, that Mr. Tung Chee Hwaand the SAR Government under his leadership have the talent and ability to sit on top of complicated situations and that Hong Kongpeople are fully capable of administering Hong Kong successfully.
  • 协助奥组委与国际奥委会指定的技术合作伙伴分合作,建设符合国际奥委会要求的、世界领先的奥运会和残奥会信息系统。
    Assist the Olympic Organizing Committee of Beijing in fully cooperating with technological partner of cooperation appointed by the International Olympic Committee. Build a leading information system in the world for both Olympic and Paralympics which will meet the demands of the International Olympic Committee.
  • 各地禁毒部门与宣传、文化、广播电影电视、新闻出版等部门密切合作,分运用报刊、广播、电视等新闻媒体和各种群众喜闻乐见的形式,经常开展禁毒宣传、教育和咨询活动,普及禁毒知识和法律知识。
    Local drug control departments often carry out education, publicity and consultation activities concerning the dangers of narcotics and the anti-drug laws, using the news media-newspapers, radio and television programs, and by other methods appealing to the general public, closely cooperating with the departments of publicity, culture, radio, film and television, and press and publications.
  • 各地禁毒部门与宣传、文化、广播电影电视、新闻出版等部门密切合作,分运用报刊、广播、电视等新闻媒体和各种群众喜闻乐见的形式,经常开展禁毒宣传、教育和咨询活动,普及禁毒知识和法律知识。
    Local drug control departments often carry out education, publicity and consultation activities concerning the dangers of narcotics and the anti-drug laws, using the news media -- newspapers, radio and television programs, and by other methods appealing to the general public, closely cooperating with the departments of publicity, culture, radio, film and television, and press and publications.
  • 大量的或充足的
    Copious or abundant.
  • 有为晚会准备的足的食物;足的供应;食物很足;多产的葡萄树。
    had ample food for the party; copious provisions; food is plentiful; a plenteous grape harvest; a rich supply.
  • 党外人士把共同纲领背得烂熟,在讨论工作和政策时,能够引经据典,分说理。
    Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme, so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies.
  • 宴会始终满亲切友好的气氛。
    The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.
  • 充足的就业机会
    A cornucopia of employment opportunities.
  •  中国监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理的基本原则是依法文明管理,即在管理活动中,尊重罪犯人格,给他们以人道主义待遇,坚决禁止有辱罪犯人格的做法,分发挥管理在改造罪犯中的约束、矫治、激励和引导作用。
    The basic principle governing management of prions and reform-through-labour institutions in China is humane handling of prisoners in accordance with the law. This means respecting the human dignity of prisoners and treating them humanely, resolutely forbidding prisoners to be humiliated and taking full advantage of the restraining, corrective, inspirational and guiding role of management in reforming criminals.
  • 他精力沛地动手处理起信件来。
    He started to have at his correspondence.
  • 政府斥着腐化现象。
    The government was shot through wish corruption.
  • 他必须要靠止痛的可的松来使自己精力沛,使他能顶住到处都会碰到的类似布切尔给他的那种伤害—包括在阿根廷,西班牙,意大利以及世界杯锦标赛。
    He has had to pump himself full of the pain-killer cortisone, to enable him to play on with the countless injuries inflicted by the Butchers he found wherever he played—in Argentina, in Spain, in Italy and in World Cup tournaments.
  • 我们将致力提高香港作为国际财经金融中心的地位;分发挥香港作为国际大都会的作用;
    We will strive to enhance Hong Kong's position as an international financial centre and a cosmopolitan city.
  • 任何想改学科的学生与指导老师商议,以确保这种更换是经过分考虑而不是随意挑选的。
    Any student wishing to change a program must consult his or her faculty counselor in order to assure that such substitutions are well thought out and not carelessly chosen.
  • 让每一天都满意义。
    Make every day count.
  • 根据《关于惩治假冒注册商标犯罪的补规定》,对于假冒注册商标违法所得数额较大或者有其他严重情节的,处3年以下有斯徒刑或者拘役,可以并处或者单独处以罚金;
    In accordance with the Supplementary Regulations on Punishing Criminal Counterfeiting of Registered Trademarks, in cases where the illegal gains are relatively large or other serious circumstances are involved the counterfeiter of a registered trademark will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and/or fined;