  • 《奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德斯的丰功伟绩.
    Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in The Odyssey'.
  • 它不是提倡用行善和求乞、独身和禁欲、道和礼拜来代替这一切吗?
    Has it not preached in the place of these, charity and poverty, celibacy and mortification of the flesh, monastic life and Mother Church?
  • 这种瓷砖是现代厨房装中的极品.
    These ceramic tiles are the ultimate in modern kitchen design.
  • 这种瓷砖是现代厨房装中的极品
    These ceramic tiles are the ultimate in modern kitchen design
  • 这种瓷砖是现代厨房装中的极品。
    These ceramic tiles is the ultimate in modern kitchen design.
  • 在年代较近的上部文化层,继续发现绳纹陶器和磨琢石器,而一种新的几何印纹陶器,也同时出现,这个阶段在公元前2500年开始。该文化层的石器全部经过磨琢,手工较佳,种类繁多;有些石器呈现有段和有肩的饰,这大概与装柄技术的进步有关。
    Cord-marked pottery and chipped stone tools continue into the higher, later levels, in which appears a new ceramic form decorated with a wide range of impressed geometric patterns. In this phase, beginning in themid-3rd millennium BC, polished stone tools show better workmanship and a proliferation of forms, some with steps and shoulders - features probably connected with improvements in hafting techniques.
  • 此外,也为231名救护人员开办了18项复及重新考核的课程。
    It also ran 18 refresher and re-certification courses for 231ambulance personnel.
  • 普罗米斯从奥林匹斯偷火给人类的巨人,因为这事宙斯将他锁在一块巨石上,派一只鹰去吃他的肝,而他的肝每天又重新长上
    A Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind, for which Zeus chained him to a rock and sent an eagle to eat his liver, which grew back daily.
  • 为此,朱庇特命令将普罗米斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受着一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。
    By Jove's order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.
  • 谁的椅子需要修理?
    Whose chair needs fixing?
  • 过了蒙马尔特门,是白墙环绕的谷仓——艄女道院,道院后面,便是蒙马尔特,石灰石山坡上当时教堂之多大致与磨坊的数量相当,以后只剩下磨坊了,因为社会如今只需要肉体的食粮而已。
    beyond the Montmartre Gate, the Grange-Bateli鑢e, encircled with white walls; behind it, with its chalky slopes, Montmartre, which had then almost as many churches as windmills, and which has kept only the windmills,for society no longer demands anything but bread for the body.
  • 祷告所用来作祈祷的地方,例如私人的小教堂
    A place for prayer, such as a small private chapel.
  • 这些小青年中的一些人只顾着自己身养性,他们意识不到在他们的周围世界正在发生着变化。
    Some of these young chaps are so busy contemplating their own navels they don’t realize there’s a world going on about them.
  • 修自行车索价两美元
    charge two dollars for repairing the bike
  • 理自行车收了你多少钱?
    How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?
  • 我们将免费替你理汽车,因为它仍在保期内。
    We'll repair your car without charging because it's still under warranty.
  • 厄庇墨透斯把各种天资都慷慨地赠予了其他动物,竟没有剩下什么象样的天赋能赐给最崇高的被造物了。于是普罗米斯升到天上,在太阳马车那里点燃了一只火把,将火送到地上来。
    Then since Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his gifts to other animals that no blessing was left worth conferring upon the noblest of creatures, Prometheus ascended to heaven, lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire.
  • 人们认为有魅力的领导者都不边幅。
    Charismatic leaders are supposed to have rough edges.
  • 一九九五年以慈善捐款成立的在囚人士教育信讬基金,为有意进的犯人提供经济援助,资助他们购买参考书、缴付学费或考试费。
    A Prisoners' Education Trust Fund set up with charitable donations in1995 provides financial assistance to prisoners in educational pursuits, in the form of grants to cover course or examination fees, and expenses on reference books.
  • 我们赞成对宪章进行研究,并作必要的改。
    We are in favour of reviewing the charter and making the necessary amendments.
  • 长的折式车篷和两种色调的内部装饰下,隐藏着是一个可对驾驶做出灵敏反应的底盘,其中融合了一个完全独立的悬架和齿条齿轮式转向装置,它们可应付起伏不平的路面和高速公路转弯的各种情况。
    Its longish hood and two-tone interior cloak a responsive chassis that incorporates a fully independent suspension and rack-and-pinion steering, tuned to handle everything from rough pavement to highway curves.
  • 一个女人成了妻子就等而下之,不仅抵不上恪守妇道的寡妇,也不如女,女还发过誓保持贞洁。
    A wife was considered inferior to both a nun, who ha d taken a vow of chastity, and a virtuous widow.
  • 女,尼姑归属或献身于具有积极的仪式或冥想的宗教制度或团体的女性,生活在贫穷,贞洁和服从中
    A woman who belongs to a religious order or congregation devoted to active service or meditation, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  • 用来整干酪凝乳的挤压工具。
    a press for shaping cheese curd.
  • 在斯坦福大学的头两年,他是学校最棒的游泳运动员——和切尔西的前任男友马·皮尔斯是队友。
    He was a top swimmer in his first two years at Stanford where Chelsea's previous beau,Matthew Pierce,was a teammate.
  • 她主修化学。
    She majors in chemistry.
  • 你也应该看一个有养的下棋者把棋子放在棋盘上的样子。
    One should also watch a cultivated chess-player put his stones on the chessboard.
  • 他正在鸡笼前面理铁丝网。
    He is mending the wire mesh in front of the chicken coop.
  • 我们在建立长城站时,来自阿根廷和智利的朋友们自愿为我们建房屋。
    When we were establishing the Great Wall Station friends from Argentina and Chile volunteered to put up houses for us.
  • 山羊胡一种小的下巴上的胡子,成尖状
    A small chin beard trimmed into a point.
  • 将…切割用磨或的方法把(砖或石)成需要的尺寸
    To chip or rub(bricks or stones) to size.
  • 经理逐渐改公司的做法。
    The director chipped away at the firm's methods.