  • 咱们把这东西仍然放回原处。
    Let's replace the things exactly as they were before.
  • 你必须更换那轮胎,它们都磨损得很厉害了。
    You'll have to replace those tyres; they're badly worn.
  • 冷静的审慎和敏感的自私连同对可能事物的迅速感知——这就使老练的政治家区别于其他人;熟练的讲了一个故事;熟练的新闻广告员;一个熟练的安排。
    cool prudence and sensitive selfishness along with quick perception of what is possible--these distinguish an adroit politician; came up with a clever story; an ingenious press agent; an ingenious scheme.
  • 关于新船的大小还有疑问。
    There is some doubt about size of the replacements.
  • 他不断地扩展公司产品的供应品种,这产品从膝盖置换物到理疗服务和骨骼切削工具。
    He continually expands Stryker’s product offerings,which range from knee replacements to physical therapy services to bone cutters.
  • 关于新船的大小还有疑问,不过,本公司已决定订购两艘两万吨级的船只。
    There was some doubt about size of the replacements. However, we've decided to go ahead with two ships in the 20 to 30-thousand ton class.
  • 使功能部件保持在或恢复到能完成其规定功能的状态的任何活动。注:维修是指通过一活动,诸如测试、测量、更换、调整以及修复等,使功能部件维持在规定状态。
    Any activity intended to retain a functional unit in, or to restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Note: Maintenance includes keeping a functional unit in a specified state by performing activities such as tests, measurements, replacements, adjustments and repairs.
  • 通过增加或替代某部分来改进计算机系统性能的过程。
    The process of improving a computer system by adding or replacing elements.
  • 我们建议换一个年纪轻,精力充沛的人代替现任主席。
    We suggest replacing the present chairman with a younger, more energetic person.
  • 因为这优点,电气火车在许多国家代替了蒸汽火车。
    Because of these advantages, electric trains are replacing steam trains in many countries.
  • 他们在土地上改植了;他再植了这秧苗。
    They replanted the land; He replanted the seedlings.
  • 这是防范再播放攻击的有效办法,这时,可信赖的包被俘获,然后在晚时候,企图中断服务时再在网络上重新播放。
    This is an effective defense against replay attacks, in which authentic packets are captured and then replayed onto the network at a later time in an attempt to disrupt service.
  • 这个教堂又吸收了一有相同背景的人来补充圣会。
    The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation.
  • 今后将进一步完善这制度,保持合理的粮食储备量,充实粮食市场风险基金,增强政府对粮食市场的吞吐调节能力。
    China will further perfect these systems, maintain reasonable amounts of grain in reserve, replenish the grain market risk funds and reinforce the government's ability to regulate grain markets.
  • 每个资本家持有的不是食品或衣着,而是货币,他把钱付给工人作为报酬,让工人自己去购买食品衣着。此外,仓库中还有制成的货物,把这货物卖掉后,他可获得更多的钱,用这钱支付工人的报酬,以及用来补充原料,修理房屋和机器,更换报废的房屋和机器。
    Instead of this, each capitalist has money, which he pays to his workpeople, and so enables them to supply themselves: he has also finished goods in his warehouses, by the sale of which he obtains more money, to employ in the same manner, as well as to replenish his stock of materials, to keep his buildings and machinery in repair, and to replace them when worn out.
  • 一切这同志都应该和在群众中做文艺普及工作的同志们发生密切的联系,一方面帮助他们,指导他们,一方面又向他们学习,从他们吸收由群众中来的养料,把自己充实起来,丰富起来,使自己的专门不致成为脱离群众、脱离实际、毫无内容、毫无生气的空中楼阁。
    All these comrades should make close contact with comrades engaged in the work of popularizing literature and art among the masses. On the one hand, they should help and guide the popularizers, and on the other, they should learn from these comrades and, through them, draw nourishment from the masses to replenish and enrich themselves so that their specialities do not become "ivory towers", detached from the masses and from reality and devoid of content or life.
  • 不错,这一时期的征调工作,已有其相当的成绩,前线军队一般地得到了相当的补充,但这决不能成为一种根据,认为我们还可以继续那不好的征调方式。它纵然可以供给一时的补充,但绝不能满足长期抗战的需要。
    It is true that our recent recruitment efforts have been quite successful and our troops at the front have generally been kept replenished.This does not, however, mean that we can continue those undesirable methods of recruitment, since they can help supplement the army only for a short period of time and they can never serve the needs of a protracted war of resistance.
  • 对于这服务的每一种总是有一个主要的而且可能有一件以上的复制品。
    There is always a master for each of these services and there may be one or more replicas.
  • 而计算机病毒是一小程序,它们把自己的一个副本附加到另一个程序上面进行复制。
    However, computer virusesare small programs. They replicate by attaching a copy of themselves to another program.
  • 科幻小说是经久不衰的恶梦。其中一个便是有朝一日人类能够仅仅通过体细胞进行无性繁殖。
    One of the abiding SciFi nightmares has been the idea that we could one day replicate human beings asexually, just by copying material from human cells.
  • 有讽刺意味的是,这策略在技术上源于计算机病毒——即在合法程序执行前插入其中、附加上去或代替之的计算机程序,然后进行复制和执行某有害任务的计算机程序。
    Ironically, they are technically rooted in computer viruses -- computer programs that either insert themselves into, attach to, or replace authorized programs prior to execution, and then replicate and perform some pernicious task.
  • 赛尔福公司已经开发出新技术用以大规模地复制在荒野中发现的某最优良的花旗松标本的精确的遗传副本。
    CeilFor has developed techniques that mass-replicate exact genetic copies of some of the finest Douglas fir specimens ever found in the wild, trees coveted by limber companies for their straight, strong, knot-free wood.
  • 分组[包]交换技术中的一种路由选择方法,使用这种方法的每个网点复制输入进来的信息包,将这复制件发送到相邻的网点,这样尽管使用很大的传输能力,但可确保快速可靠地到达实际终点。
    In packet switching, a routing method in which each node replicates incoming packets and send copies to its neighbours, thus ensuring that the actual destination is reached quickly and with certainty, though with considerable use of transmission capacity.
  • 海关严厉执法,遏止了不法之徒使用昂贵复制器材大规模生产盗版光碟的活动。年内,这活动已经销声匿迹。
    As a result of the department's vigorous enforcement action, large-scale illicit optical disc manufacturing activities, for which expensive replicating machines were used, had been successfully stamped out, and no large-scale activity was detected in 2001.
  • 每一种有机生命体中都存在着dna,这种分子作为一种超级计算机装置的吸引力在于其已经得到证实的存储大量信息的能力--事实上复制生命所需的全部指令都存储在dna中。尽管这种化学物质不会在短期内取代个人计算机,但是科学家组成的两个研究小组上个月已经向人们演示了这满载信息的分子也许可以通过怎样的方式在未来的计算机中执行计算任务。
    DNA is present in every living organism, and the appeal of the molecule as a supercomputer mechanism lies in its demonstrated ability to store a vast amount of information, indeed, all of the instructions for replicating life. Although the chemistry set won't be replacing your PC anytime soon, two groups of scientists demonstrated last month how these information-laden molecules might perform calculations in future computers.
  • 英得罗一种阻止β肾上腺素分配的药剂商标,用于治疗某心血管疾病
    A trademark used for a beta-adrenergic blocking agent for the treatment of certain cardiovascular conditions.
  • 据说威廉十分痛恨狗仔队,当他和母亲外出时,他们会突然冒出来。等他长大一后,据说他避免与她在公共场合出现。
    William is said to have hated the paparazzi who emerged from nowhere when he was out with his mother and,as he grew older,he reportedly avoided appearing in public with her.
  • 皮质酮一种自然产生的类皮质激素,c21h28o5,主要作用于碳水化合物的新陈代谢并用于风湿性关节炎、肾上腺不足、某过敏症和痛风的治疗。
    corticosterone :a naturally occurring corticosteroid, C21H28O5, that functions primarily in carbohydrate metabolism and is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, adrenal insufficiency, certain allergies, and gout.
  • 国会的一条款已在fy97ndaa禁止(传闻李文皓已经下载了几乎所有的档案)任何与中国的有关武器关系的合作项目,其中包括“stockpilestewardship”,国会有确凿证据怀疑克林顿政府参与了与中国的“stockpilestewardship”项目。
    But note again that Congress prohibited in the FY 97 NDAA(after Wen Ho Lee had reportedly already downloaded nearly all the 'legacy' files ) any cooperative nuclear weapons-related programs with the PRC including "stockpile stewardship." Congress must have had some reason for suspecting that the Clinton Administration was engaged in, or was proposing to engage in, some sort of cooperative 'stockpile stewardship' program with the PRC.
  • 已经报导了一发高烧的病例。
    Several cases of fever have been reported.
  • 干练的记者不问部队调动、进攻计划或作战情报。生手如果不慎问了这问题,他马上就会被阻止。
    Competent reporters do not ask for troop movements, plans for attacks or operational information. Should an incompetent reporter blunder into such questions, he is quickly stiffarmed.
  • 维持这仓库需要(共同)努力和纪律。
    Maintaining the repositories requires effort and discipline.