  • 抗日战的正确要求应该是:尽可能的歼灭战。
    What should be demanded of our forces in the anti-Japanese war is that they should fight battles of annihilation as far as possible.
  • 然而达此目的的战形式,有运动战、阵地战、游击战三种,实现时的效果就有程度的不同,因而一般地有所谓消耗战和歼灭战之别。
    Since there are three forms of warfare, mobile, positional and guerrilla, for achieving this object, and since they differ in degrees of effectiveness, there arises the broad distinction between war of attrition and war of annihilation.
  • 我之弱的因素也依然存在,战略上的劣势和被动还未脱离,为了取时间,加强国内国际条件,改变自己的不利状态,没有战役和战斗的歼灭战,也不能成功。
    We still have our weakness and have not yet rid ourselves of strategic inferiority and passivity; therefore, unless we fight campaigns and battles of annihilation, we cannot win time to improve our internal and international situation and alter our unfavourable position.
  • 有关此点,我在十月的首份《施政报告》中已概略介绍过多项主要的新措施,包括提供足够土地每年兴建八万五千个住宅单位,以加强住屋费用方面的竞力;研究方法解决人手不足,特别是专才短缺的问题;提高本港制造业的增值能力,以及寻找更佳方法,务求即使在邻近经济体系币值占优的情况下,仍能像以往般吸引游客访港等等。
    I have outlined a number of major initiatives in this respect in my first policy address in October - by providing sufficient land to build 85,000 units of apartments per annum to enhance the competitiveness in the cost of our housing and by examining what needs to address the manpower shortage especially at the high end of the market, by enhancing the value-added in our manufacturing industry, by finding better ways to attract tourists back to Hong Kong despite the currency advantage in the neighbouring economies, and so on.
  • 为达此目的,在敌后方,必须坚持游击战,战胜敌人的“扫荡”,破坏敌人的占领地,实行激进的有利于广大抗日民众的政治改革和经济改革。
    To achieve this objective, behind the enemy lines it is imperative to keep up guerrilla warfare, defeat the enemy's "mopping-up" operations, disrupt the enemy's occupation of the areas he has seized, ant introduce radical political and economic changes beneficial to the masses who are resisting Japan.
  • 绝不能解决两岸的对立,我觉得我们花那么多的钱在武器上是非常错误的。
    War has absolutely no way to resolve the antagonism between the two sides. I think it is a gross mistake that we are spending so much money on weapons.
  • 但是,共产党一分钟也不忽略教育工人尽可能明确地意识到资产阶级和无产阶级的敌对的对立,以便德国工人能够立刻利用资产阶级统治所必然带来的社会的和政治的条件作为反对资产阶级的武器,以便在推翻德国的反动阶级之后立即开始反对资产阶级本身的斗
    But they never cease, for a single instant, to instil into the working class the clearest possible recognition of the hostile antagonism between bourgeoisie and proletariat, in order that the German workers may straightaway use, as so many weapons against the bourgeoisie, the social and political conditions that the bourgeoisie must necessarily introduce along with its supremacy, and in order that, after the fall of the reactionary classes in Germany, the fight against the bourgeoisie itself may immediately begin.
  • 我一定要向对手提供论点,但并无予以理解的必要。
    I am bound to furnish my antagonists with arguments, but not with comprehension.
  • 我一定要向对手提供论点,但并无予以理解的必要。
    I am bind to furnish my antagonist with arguments, but not with comprehension.
  • 我一定要向对手提供论点,但并无予以理解的必要。
    I am bound to furnish my antagonist with arguments, but not with comprehension.
  • 这些表示了战主体有广狭的区别(工农联合,或工农资产阶级联合),战对象有内外的区别(反对国内敌人,或反对国外敌人,国内敌人又分北洋军阀或国民党);表示了中国革命战在其历史进程的各个时期中有不相同的内容。
    They indicate the breadth of the main forces in the war (an alliance of the workers and peasants, or of the workers, peasants and bourgeoisie) and whether our antagonist in the war is internal or external (whether the war is against domestic or foreign foes, and, if domestic, whether against the Northern warlords or against the Kuomintang); they also indicate that the content of China's revolutionary war differs at different stages of its history.
  • 资产阶级处于不断的斗中:最初反对贵族:后来反对同工业进步有利害冲突的那部分资产阶级;
    The bourgeoisie finds itself involved in a constant battle. At first with the aristocracy; later on, with those portions of the bourgeoisie itself, whose interests have become antagonistic to the progress of industry;
  • (一八)和平实现与两党合作成立之后,过去在两个政权敌对路线下的斗方式、组织方式和工作方式,应当有所改变。
    When internal peace is achieved and co-operation is established between the two parties, changes will have to be made in the forms of struggle, organization and work which we adopted when the line was one of maintaining a regime antagonistic to that of the Kuo- mintang.
  • 在民主革命阶段内,国内阶级间、党派间、政治集团间的矛盾和斗是无法避免的,但是可以而且应该停止那些不利于团结抗日的斗(国内战,党派敌对,地方割据,一方面封建的政治压迫和经济压迫,一方面暴动政策和不利于抗日的过高的经济要求等等),而保存那些有利于团结抗日的斗(批评的自由,党派的独立性,人民政治条件和经济条件的改善等等)。
    During the stage of the democratic revolution, it is impossible to avoid contradictions and struggles between classes, parties and political groupings, but it is both possible and essential to put an end to such struggles as are detrimental to unity and to resisting Japan (the civil war, the antagonistic conflict between the political parties, provincial separatism, feudal political and economic oppression on the one hand, and the policy of insurrection and excessive economic demands harmful to the resistance on the other, etc.), and to continue such struggles as benefit unity and resistance to Japan (for freedom of criticism, for the independence of the political parties, for the improvement of the political and economic life of the people, etc.).
  • 1959年,当他正要提升为麻省理工大学正教授时,他对竞该职位的另一个系的主任说他不能接受提拔,因为"我注定会主宰南极洲。"
    In 1959,just as he was about to be promoted to full professor at MIT, he told the chairman of a rival department that he wouldn't be able to accept an offer because" I am scheduled to become the emperor of Antarctica."
  • 如果萨达姆公开拒绝最后通牒,两年以前在海弯战中与萨达姆作战的反伊拉克盟国可能轰炸他的导弹以为报复――或提高赌注攻击伊拉克空军基地或战机。
    If Saddam defies the ultimatum, the anti-Iraq allies who fought Saddam in the Gulf War two years ago could retaliated by bombing his missiles?Cor up the ante and go after Iraqi air bases or was planes.
  • 我们增加预付金额,这样一来就只有那些资金最雄厚的公司才能和我们竞这份合同。
    We raised the ante so that only the richest companies could compete with us for the contract.
  • 真实的原因;真实的战;真正的朋友;真正的女人;肉和土豆-我把这叫一顿真正的饭;他是时候有份真正的工作了;那不是份零工-他的确赚钱了。
    the real reason; real war; a real friend; a real woman; meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal; it's time he had a real job; it's no penny-ante job--he's making real money.
  • 五角大楼里纸上谈兵的鼓吹战者;纸上谈兵的人类学家。
    armchair warriors in the Pentagon; an armchair anthropologist.
  • 全世界的反法西斯战
    the world-wide anti-fascist war;
  • 浙东抗日游击战争
    Anti-Japanese Guerrilla War in Eastern Zhejiang
  • 抗日战应该是有计划的。
    The anti-Japanese war must have a plan.
  • 在生意上,你必须事先估计到你的竞对手会如何行动。
    In business, you've got to anticipate how your competitors will act.
  • 我们赶在竞对手之前,先把产品推向市场。
    We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto the market first.
  • 我们可以预见,将有一个持续增长的对可用土地的不同使用之间的竞,而保持生物多样性的需要不会比其他需要更能得到足够的重视。
    We can anticipate an ever-increasing competition among different uses of the available land, and the maintenance of biodiversity may not rank high in the face of other, more obvious demands.
  • 我们赶在竞对手之前,先把书送进店里。
    We anticipated our competitors by getting our book into the shops first.
  • 全军动员以应付即将来临的战
    All troops have been mobilized in anticipation of the coming war.
  • 我们比竞对手抢先一步,这意味著我们书的销售量会更多。
    Our anticipation of our competitor mean greater sale for our book.
  • 在战期间,这个杂志始终是反法西斯的。
    In the war the magazine was antifascist from hub to tire.
  • 与古董的其他出价人竞
    Contested with other bidders for the antique.
  • 然而我们是在革命战中,革命战是一种抗毒素,它不但将排除敌人的毒焰,也将清洗自己的污浊。
    But we are in the midst of a revolutionary war, and revolutionary war is an antitoxin which not only eliminates the enemy's poison but also purges us of our own filth.
  • 微软公司已同司法部达成协议从而解决了长期僵持的反垄断端。
    Microsoft Corp.and the Justice Department have reached an agreement to settle their long-running antitrust dispute.