  • 如果我们这场实验能继续开花结果,这对中国或许也是个小小的启示。
    If our experiment can keep on bearing fruit, won't it provide some inspiration to China in her quest for modernization?
  • 格拉海德在亚瑟王传说中,他是圆桌骑士中最纯洁的位且独自人找到了圣杯
    In Arthurian legend, the purest of the Knights of the Round Table who alone succeeded in the quest for the Holy Grail.
  • 每到开学,女孩子都系上蝴蝶结,男孩子则把脸洗得干干净净。摄影师也拿起了照相机:那些走入学校的孩子都有种自豪感。
    Girls put bows in their hair, boys scrub their faces, photographers take pictures and children walking into school are made to feel special.
  • 新加坡是个年轻的国家,创新精神与对发展执着的追求是它充满活力的法宝。
    As a young nation, Singapore holds a recipe for sustained youth and vigour: the spirit of innovation with a persistent quest for development.
  • 科尔奇斯高加索山脉南面靠近黑海的个古地区,是杰森寻找金羊毛传奇中的地方
    An ancient region on the Black Sea south of the Caucasus Mountains. It was the site of Jason's legendary quest for the Golden Fleece.
  • 从香港到古巴,到伦敦,邦德为了揭开叛徒的面具,防止场灾难性战争的爆发环行世界。
    From Hong Kong,to Cuba to London,Bond circles the world in his quest to unmask a traitor,and prevent a war of catastrophic proportions.
  • 杰里的探索是要找到种“抗老化剂”,即种合成物,它可以阻止性质活泼的葡萄糖与敏感的蛋白质之间起反应。
    Cerami's quest has been to find an "inhibitor" -- a compound that by tying up reactive glucose might keep it away from susceptible proteins.
  • 尽管对克隆人的抗议将此事与当年原子弹的危害相比,但个由不同国家的科学家组成的工作小组宣布,首例克隆人计划将于两年内完成。
    An international panel of scientists declared that the first human clone will be complete within two years, despite protests comparing the quest with the perils of the atomic bomb.
  • 次这样的机会都体现了双方各自奋斗目标之间的密切关系,比方说北大所代表的治学传统和南非人民对正义和自由的渴望之间的关系。
    Each occasion expresses an affinity between ideals, such as those of the tradition of learning embodied in Beijing Uni versity, and the people of South Africa's quest for justice and freedom.
  • 巴塔哥尼亚野兔任种生活在阿根廷中部和南部灌木沙漠和草原上豚鼠属的,生有长耳长腿的豚鼠
    Any of various long-eared and long-legged cavies of the genus Dolichotis, inhabiting the scrub desert and grasslands of central and southern Argentina.
  • 在探索如何治疗伤口而不留疤痕的过程中专家们已在近三千的病人进行了试验,其中许多并未达到预期效果,而且没有例能使受伤的皮肤完全恢复到原来的状态。
    In the quest to heal wounds without leaving a scar, researchers have looked at some 3,000 treatments. Many have not lived up to expectations, and none can induce repair that leaves the skin in pristine condition.
  • 他们的要求是把信息变成知识,并以种让人们在决策时能更容易理解、共享和使用的方法来集中、分类和表示各单位收集到的情报。
    Their quest is to turn information into knowledge;to gather, sort and present organizations' collected intelligence in a way that makes it easier for people to understand it, share it and use it to make decisions.
  • 像很多社区里藉藉无名而雄心万丈的政客样,这位45岁的国会议虽直奔走于律师事务所和工会。无非是寻求足够捐款以换取政治威望。
    Like little-known but ambitious politicians in many communities, the 45-year-old Congressman has been making the rounds of the state's la firms and union halls, all in a quest to raise enough money to buy political respect.
  • 近距离地问或问个已经被对方问过的证人。
    question closely. or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side.
  • 战线问题是中国革命的三个基本问题之
    The question of the united front is one of the three fundamental questions in the Chinese revolution.
  • 香港问题的成功解决,这个事例可能为国际上许多问题的解决提供些有益的线索。
    The successful settlement of the Hong Kong question may provide useful elements for the solution of international questions.
  • 战或不战的问题,如今改成了战或和的问题,但性质还是样,这是切问题中的第个大问题,最根本的问题。
    What was once a question of whether or not to fight has now become a question of whether to continue the war or to make peace, but essentially it is the same question, the most important and fundamental of all questions.
  • 按规定申请者应具有3年的实践经验,但我以为我们可以通融点。
    It says here that an applicant should have three years' experience, but I think we can scrub round that.
  • 先谈第一个问题。
    About the first question.
  • 还有一个问题。
    And one more question.
  • 问了个意外的问题。
    asked an unpremeditated question.
  • 他问了一个问题。
    He asked a question.
  • 希:我还有一个问题。
    I have another question.
  • 那是个心理学的问题。
    It was psychological question.
  • 提出一个重要的问题
    Raised an important question.
  • 半日花属的任何种植物;生命力强,生长在多石的高山草地或干燥的丛林地区。
    any plant of the genus Helianthemum; vigorous plants of stony alpine meadows and dry scrub regions.
  • 避开个棘手的问题。
    Head off an awkward question
  • 略过个难以处理的问题
    Slide over a ticklish question
  • 例如某些人会在会议上提出个问题,个完全陌生的人会传送个答案;由于些人没有看到最初的答案而多次重复这问题,这时另外些人会搜集系列“经常提到的问题”并将其放置在新来者能找到的地方。
    For example, somebody would ask a question in a conference, and a complete stranger would send back an answer: after the same question were repeated several time by people who hadn’t seen the original answers, somebody else gathered list of "frequently asked questions" and placed it where newcomers could find it.
  • 我们有个《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》,解答了这些问题。
    We have adopted the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China, which answers your question.
  • 我用了很多的时间,问自己诸如“他为什么会那样说”之类的问题,然后又对另个爸爸的话提出同样的疑问。
    Much of my private time was spent reflecting, asking myself questions such as, "Why does he say that?" and then asking the same question of the other dad's statement.
  • 由于些人没有看到最初的答案而多次重复这问题,这时另外些人会搜集系列“经常提到的问题”并将其放置在新来者能找到的地方。
    After the same question were repeated several time by people who hadn't seen the original answers, somebody else gathered list of"frequently asked questions" and placed it where newcomers could find it.