  • 不贞性伙伴之,尤指夫妻之的不忠诚
    Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse.
  • 已婚的某人和并非是自己配偶的异性之发生的性关系。
    Sexual intercourse by consent between a marry person and someone of the opposite sex who is not that person's spouse.
  • 从城垛子中伸出来一个个黑喙,远远望去以为是承溜,其实全是大炮。
    Those sorts of black beaks which project from between the battlements, and which you take from a distance to be cave spouts, are cannons.
  • 到晚起子一阵冷风。
    Towards evening a cold wind sprang up.
  • 春天将重返人间。
    Spring will come again.
  • 在老虎向你扑过来之前的那一瞬对准他的眼睛开枪。
    Fire at the tiger's eyes the moment before he springs on you.
  • 他以轻快的跑步跳进房
    He bounced into the room with a springy step.
  • 棕仙传说中夜帮人干活的小精灵
    A small sprite thought to do helpful work at night.
  • 政府制订艺文政策总体方向时,首先要拓展公平竞争和开放的空,鼓励民对文化内容的多元诠释,和容许不同表达方式,才能提供广阔的沃土,让种子发芽茁壮成林,接在吸引人才方面更易荟萃精英,愿意在此落地生根。
    Therefore, the Singapore government would be well-advised to map out policies on arts and culture conducive to fair competition in an open and liberal environment.Discussion of cultural issues should be encouraged and different modes of expression allowed, so that talent will be more likely to come and stay, just as seeds sprout and take root more easily in rich soil.
  • 在我们忙着修理农具的时候,时很快地过去了。
    Time spun away when we were occupied in repairing the farm tools.
  • 造成著作权保护期延长的意见本质上可以归结为一点,即更长时的保护会激励更有创造力的活动。
    Arguments in favor of copyright duration extension essentially boil down to the proposition that more years of protection will spur more creative activity.
  • 警方抓获了一名外国谍。
    The police had captured a foreign spy.
  • 他们处死了一个谍。
    They executed a spy.
  • 作为间谍他被逮捕。
    He is arrested as a spy.
  • 谍口渴得难受极了。
    He spy was maddened with thirst.
  • 这个怀疑是谍的人立即被处死了。
    the suspected spy was summarily executed.
  • 谍们一般都训练得严守秘密,而且他们一般都会那么做,所以说真正的谍故事是极其少见的,就我个人来说,还没看过一本读起来真正让人感觉真实的谍故事。
    Spies are trained to keep their mouths shut and they don't often lose the habit.That's why true spy stories are extremely rare, and personally I have never seen one in print that rang completely true.
  • 对付敌人谍的谍。
    a spy who works against enemy espionage.
  • 他跟踪那谍到他住的旅馆。
    He tailed the spy to his hotel.
  • 谍为反敌人谍工作的
    A spy working in opposition to enemy espionage.
  • 他承认他们有一个谍系统。
    He admitted that they maintained a spy system.
  • 据我所知,他是个谍。
    He is a spy for anything I know.
  • 她被指控为敌人当谍。
    She is accused of spy for the enemy.
  • 那名谍把他的同夥出卖给警方。
    The spy sold his associates to the police.
  • 那个谍勾画了一张这座要塞的平面图。
    The spy traced a plan of the fort.
  • 警察来时,那谍偷偷地溜了。
    When the police arrived, the spy faded away.
  • 他在赌博中浪费了他的时和金钱。
    He squander his time and money in gambling.
  • 那么就不要浪费时,因为时是组成生命的材料。
    "Then do not squander time,for that's the stuff life is made of."
  • 那就不要浪费时,因为那是构成生活的要素。"
    Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of."
  • 这房间14米见方。
    The room is 14 meters square.
  • 这个房间六米见方。
    The room is6 metres square.
  • 不可思议的是,在两座楼里,即便是在被飞机撞个正着的楼层里,仍有一些人有足够的时打电话。
    Yet remarkably, in both towers, even on floors squarely hit by the jets, a few people lived long enough to make calls.