  • 他头一碰枕头就睡了。
    He was asleep the moment after his head touched the pillow.
  • 我头一碰到枕头就睡了。
    I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
  • 他领这位老人穿过人群走到她的座位上。
    He piloted the old lady through the crowd to her seat.
  • 唐:副驾驶员会接开的。
    The co-pilot will take over.
  • 飞机员用目力观察这艘船
    The pilot made contact with the ship.
  • 她领那个老人穿过人群走到他的座位旁。
    She piloted the old man through the crowd to his seat.
  • 神风突击机装有炸弹,被驾驶撞击目标并与之同归于尽的飞机
    An airplane loaded with explosives to be piloted in a suicide attack.
  • 汤姆领他的朋友们参观了工厂,并向他们讲解了每一个过程。
    Tom piloted his friends through the large factory and explained each process.
  • 高超的技术,他将船引出危险的水域。
    With great skill, he piloted the ship out of these dangerous waters.
  • 沿狭窄路径传输的信号;黑暗中或天气不好时为飞行员导航。
    a signal transmitted along a narrow path; guides pilots in darkness or bad weather.
  • 她使劲拧我的胳膊,现在还疼呢。
    She pinched my arm hard, and it still hurts.
  • 世界形势在慢慢地转变
    The world situation is gradually-ping itself.
  • 王平:让我接着说吧。
    Wang Ping: Let me continue that.
  • 她穿粉红色的裙子。
    She is dressed in a pink skirt.
  • 他试把蓝色逐渐调进粉红色。
    He tried fading the blue into the pink.
  • 羽状叶子和扁直豆的热带北美乔木和灌木的小的属。
    small genus of tropical American trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves and flat straight pods.
  • 你试让他说出对实行极刑的意见了吗?
    Have you tried pinning him down on the question of capital punishment?
  • 卡德摩斯伺机行动,待到那蛇仰的头移到一棵大树干旁时,他猛力一刺,将那蛇头横钉在树上,那蛇临死前痛苦地挣扎,沉重的身躯把大树都压弯了。
    At last Cadmus, watching his chance, thrust the spear at a moment when the animal's head thrown back came against the trunk of a tree, and so succeeded in pinning him to its side. His weight bent the tree as he struggled in the agonies of death.
  • “我认为这能有效地揭穿那些拿大把钞票来买鸟的人。其方法是确定乌的基因,指出这些收藏品都是偷猎的鸟,而不是人工繁殖的鸟。
    "My guess is that it would be effective to nail the people who are coming up with the big money for these birds by pinning them with the genetics and showing that 'Oh, this whole collection is, in fact, full of poached birds' rather than 'this whole collection is full of cap-tive-bred birds,'" he says.
  • 他喝完威士忌酒接又喝了一品脱啤酒。
    He chased the whisky down with a pint of beer.
  • 她说这些话,就猛然把一桶冰冷的水顺我的脖子上一倒,又把我拉进厨房里。
    With these words she suddenly splashed a pint of icy water down my neck, and pulled me into the kitchen.
  • 这个少先队员扶盲人过了马路。
    The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road.
  • 根据某些人的看法,美国人心中仍保持先驱者的拓荒精神。
    In the opinion of some people the pioneer spirit remains in the American mind.
  • 水沿管道流到我们家。
    The water flows along a pipe to our houses.
  • 他顺着管道看过去。
    He looked down the pipe.
  • 将军军服的肩上镶表示军衔的肩章。
    The shoulders of the general's uniform were piped with signs of his rank.
  • 大蛋糕顶上装饰“生日快乐”这四个字。
    The top of the big cake was piped with the words "Happy Birthday".
  • 早在一九六零年,政府已手制定方案,利用输水管每年从广东省输入2270万立方米食水。
    This arrangement dates from 1960, when a scheme was formulated for receiving a piped supply of 22.7 million cubic metres a year.
  • 在农村,新的输水管道标志水作为一种珍贵液体的年代的结束,水可以节省地分配到各处,可以一滴一滴地称量。
    in villages, the new pipeline marks the end of water as a precious liquid, to be dispensed frugally, weighed out drop by drop.
  • 在微处理器技术的发展中,流水线操作、超标量体系结构和高速缓冲内存储器仍将扮演重要的角色。如果可能,平行处理方法也会加人。
    Pipelining, superscalar organization and caches will continue to play major roles in the advancement of microprocessor technology, and if hopes are realized, parallel processing will join them.
  • 孩子们伴随管乐器者们吹奏的音乐起舞。
    The children danced to the music that the pipers were piping.
  • 海盗船挂美国国旗航行,直到驶近才升起黑旗。
    The pirate ship sailed under false colours: it flew the American flag until it got near, then raised the black flag.