  • zài chē chū shì shí tuǐ shāng chéng liǎo cán fèi
    She was crippled in the car accident.
  • zhǎo dào guǎn zhè xiē hái men de lǎo shītán dào zhè jiàn shì shuō : shì dedāng xiǎo hái huì chū jiāng yào zhōng shēn chéng wéi cán fèi shíhuì gǎn dào nán shòu 'ér 'ān
    I spoke about it to one of the men in charge of the boys. Oh, yes, he said, “ when a boy realizes that he is going to be a cripple for life, he is shocked at first;
  • zài zhè rèn shàng qiē chǔyú hòu de yóu gēn de lǐng dǎo zhě menhuò lín shí bèi pài chū de yóu bīng tuán de lǐng dǎo zhě men hǎohǎo pèi zhì de liàng dāng shí dāng de qíng kuàngcǎi yòng tóng de fāng xiàng zhe rén zuì gǎn wēi hài zhī diǎn ruò zhī diǎn xíng dòng lái dào xuē ruò rénqián zhì rénfáng 'ài rén yùn shū jīng shén shàng zhèn fèn nèi xiàn shàng zhàn zuò zhàn jūn zhī mùdìjìn zhàn pèi de rèn
    In performing a task of this sort, the leaders of each guerrilla base behind the enemy lines, or the commanders of a guerrilla formation temporarily dispatched there, must dispose their forces well and, by adopting different tactics suited to the time and place, move energetically against the enemy's most vital and vulnerable spots in order to cripple him, pin him down, disrupt his supply lines, inspire our armies campaigning on the interior lines, and so fulfil their duty of co-ordinating with the campaign.
  • dàn shì guǒ nóng guó zài nóng zhǎn shàngjiù zài guó wài mào yǐng xiǎng xià suǒ néng dào de zhǎn xiàn lái shuō jīng dào liǎo dǐng diǎnhuò zhě shì gōng guó shū chū gōng pǐn shí yuàn jiē shòu nóng guó de nóng chǎn pǐn zuò jiāo huànhuò yóu gōng guó zài zhè nóng guó shì chǎng shàng de yòu jìng zhēngshǐ hòu zhě de gōng chéngzhǎngzài zhè yàng qíng kuàng xiàzhè nóng guó de nóng shēng chǎn jiù yào shēng xiàn cán quē zhuàng tài de wēi xiǎn .
    If, however, the agricultural nation has already reached the culminating point of its agricultural development, as far as that can be attained by the influence of foreign commerce, or if the manufacturing nation refuses to take the products of the agricultural nation in exchange for its manufactured goods, and if nevertheless, owing to the successful competition of the manufacturing nation in the markets of the agricultural nation, no manufactures can spring up in the latter, in such a case the agricultural productive power of the agricultural nation is exposed to the danger of being crippled.
  • liǎng guó guān dào chū xiàn wēi de
    Relation between the two countries has reached a crisis point.
  • shì shí shàngjīn róng wēi bìng fēi zhǐ zài xīn xīng de zhōu shì chǎng chū xiàn
    Indeed financial crises are not unique to emerging markets of Asia.
  • ān quán shì huì shì lián guó zhù yào wéi guó píng 'ān quán de guānzài chū xiàn wēi shí chǔlǐ wēi
    The Security Council is the UN organ primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security, dealing with crises as they arise.
  • zhǐ yào zhǐ chū zài zhōu xìng de chóngfù zhōng yuè lái yuè wēi zhěng chǎn jiē shè huì shēng cún de shāng wēi jiù gòu liǎo
    It is enough to mention the commercial crises that by their periodical return put on its trial, each time more threateningly, the existence of the entire bourgeois society.
  • yán zhòng de guó wēi jiāng chū xiàn
    A major international crisis is at hand.
  • zài wēinàn zhōng de yōu xiù pǐn zhì xiǎn liǎo chū lái
    Her best qualities come out a crisis.
  • wēi shǐ huī chū zuì yōu de cái néng
    A crisis brings out the best in her.
  • zhū yóu bèi zhà chū hòu cuì de shèng
    the crisp residue left after lard has been rendered.
  • zhèng zài kàn bào tiáo juàn cháng de yòu diǎn zhī suì de dōng chū xiàn zài bào zhǐ shàng xià tiào liǎo lái
    Over the top of the paper I was reading came a crispy, crumbling long object that caused me to jump.
  • zài zhè chū liǎo biāo zhǔn rèn wéi shì wéi de biāo zhǔn
    Here I advanced a criterion which I regard as the only valid one.
  • zài mǒu zhǒng céng miàn shàngzhè dào liǎo dāng chū nuò bèi 'ěr jiǎng rén chū xiāng gǎng de zhǔn
    In that sense it satisfied my original criterion for determining where the Nobel Laureate was "from".
  • guān zhēn biāo zhǔn wèn de tǎo lùnxiàn zài yuè lái yuè xiǎn shì chū de zhòng yào xìng
    The importance of the discussion of practice as the criterion of truth is becoming clearer all the time.
  • zhè jiù jiě shì liǎo wèishénme dāng xiāng tóng de guān jiàn sōu suǒ zhǔn shū jìn shí, hotbot zhōng pái zài zuì qián miàn de 10 zhàn diǎn huì chū xiàn zài altavista zhōng zuì qián miàn de zhàn diǎn zhōng
    This explains why a top 10 site in HotBot may not appear near the top of AltaVista when the same keyword search criterion is entered.
  • zhè wèi píng jiā duì zhè chū zuò de píng
    The critic panned the play.
  • gāi xiàng diào chá duì de gōng zuò chū liǎo píng
    The inquiry was critical of her work.
  • yòu guān zhè chū zuì xīn de píng lùn jiàn
    critical opinions on this latest play
  • 1995 niánluò pèi chū yǎn liǎo léi · shòu dào píng lùn jiā jiā de yǐngpiān jiā》, xiàng pái zhì piàn rén zhǎn shì liǎo zhè wèi yǎn yuán de cái huá
    In 1995,Lopez appeared in Gregory Nava's critically acclaimed Mi Familia,a film that introduced the actress's talent to top filmmakers.
  • biǎo píng lùn shí yào chāo chū suǒ liǎo jiě de shì qíng de fàn wéi .
    Confine your criticism to matters you understand.
  • shuō chū píng de rén
    A voicer of criticism.
  • píng shì liè zhēng lùn de fāng shì chén shù chū lái de
    criticism too polemically stated.
  • duì bié rén xiǎng chū de zhù zǒng shì dài píng
    She's always prompt to criticize other people's ideas.
  • zài jiā chū liǎo diǎn 'ér xiǎo shì suì liǎo xiē táo
    I have a slight accident at home and break some crockery.
  • zài jiā chū liǎo diǎn 'ér xiǎo shì , suì liǎo xiē táo
    I had a slight accident at home and broke some crockery.
  • lán cóng xiāng qīng qīng chū táo rán xiàn xiāng yòu zhāng xiǎo yóu huà
    Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box and suddenly noticed a miniature painting at the bottom of the pacing-case.
  • yīn wéi zài dōng nán xiē men jīng kàn dào liǎo zhè yàng de dāng guó jiā quē yóu mín zhù dài lái de tòu míng shíjiù huì chū xiàn zhǒng rénrén wéi qīn de běn zhù jiēguǒ dǎo zhì cǎi yòu zhe yán zhòng cuò de jīng zhèng jiàn
    Because we have seen for example, in some of the areas in Southeast Asia, that when you lack the transparency that democracy brings, then you can get the kind of crony capitalism that can lead to very ill-advised economic policies.
  • dǎo yóu : xiè xièzhè shì huā gǎng guān zài biān néng kàn dào piàn de huā suí zhe wēi fēng bié zài luò shí huī gěi yún cǎi gòu chū jīn biān jiù gèng měi liǎo men yīn chēng wéi yuàn fēng
    Thank you . Here is Fish Wonder at Huagang Crook and over there you can see miles of lotus flowers dance in the breeze as sunset glow fringes the clouds. So we call it lotus in the Breeze near Quyuan Garden.
  • de shǒu biàn yuán dūn dūn decháng chū liǎo gōu zhuàng de zhǎozhǐ pèi yòng lái zuò jiǎo zhǎng liǎo
    Her hands grew rounded, became armed with crooked claws, and served for feet;
  • zhǒng yàng de kùn nán xiǎng dào chū xiàn liǎo
    All sorts of difficulties cropped up.