  • 负载沉重的物质重量或者负担。
    bearing a physically heavy weight or load.
  • 瘦长的人有如此身材的人
    A person having such a physique.
  • 从去年八月任弼时同志等率领第六军团向贺龙同志的地方开始转移起,接就是十月开始的我们的转移。
    The Sixth Army Group led by Jen Pi-shih and other comrades began to shift to Comrade Ho Lung's area in August last year, and in October we ourselves started to shift position.
  • 那位钢琴家像了魔似地演奏
    The pianist played like a man possessed by devils.
  • 他和着钢琴唱。
    He sang to the piano.
  • 穿彩衣的吹笛人使得汉姆林镇所有的孩子都跟他走。
    The Pied piper had all the children of Hamlin on his heels.
  • 工人们正在忙碌盖新房子。
    The workers were-pied in building new houses.
  • 船在码头停着。
    The ship lies at the pier.
  • 他沿木码头走,沿短梯爬下进入船里。
    He walked along the wooden pier and climb down theshort ladder into the boat.
  • 腾格拉尔这时以锐利的目光盯那青年,卡德鲁斯的话字字句句都融进了那青年的心里。
    During this time Danglars fixed his piercing glance on the young man, on whose heart Caderousse's words fell like molten lead.
  • 地上躺着头死猪。
    A dead pig is on the ground lying.
  • 铁路平台货车载货物穿过了乡村。
    the trailer rode piggyback across the country.
  • 用涂料给…色,染色于,染
    To color with pigment.
  • 上色,染色色素对组织的
    Coloration of tissues by pigment.
  • 异常的红色素沉异常的红色素沉,像红须发或红羽毛
    Unusual red pigmentation, as of hair or plumage.
  • 这种疾病能引起面部色素斑沉.
    The disease causes patches of pigmentation on the face.
  • 以黑色的头发、皮肤或者眼睛或者有比较多的黑色素沉为特点。
    marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes.
  • 雀斑,色斑,小痣皮肤上的一种扁平、有色的小斑点
    A small, flat, pigmented spot on the skin.
  • 我绘了一张梳长辫子的女孩画。
    I painted a girl with a pigtail.
  • 不要告诉我你不知道你把油漆刷过了架子,而刷到了窗户上,那不是明摆的么。
    Don't tell me you can't see where you've painted over the frame and onto the window, it's as plain as a pikestaff.
  • 这些书随意地堆放
    the books were piled up helter-skelter.
  • 街道因堆积大量未融化的积雪而无法行走。
    streets unpassable because of piles of unmelted snow.
  • 他们把干树叶推成一堆堆的点了。
    They shovelled the dry leaves into piles and fired them.
  • 首都长安(即现在的西安)吸引源源不断从亚洲各地来的商人、学生、朝拜者和艺术家。
    Its capital of Chang'an (Present-day Xi'an) attracted an endless stream of merchants, students, pilgrims and artists from all parts of Asia.
  • 人民生活水平的提高,有数万穆斯林去麦加朝觐;
    tens of thousands of Muslims have made pilgrimages to Mecca as their living standards have improved;
  • 我们在栅栏的一边坐成一排,看木材被搬进搬出,彼得的父亲正在整理木头,而且看上去对他的木头很满意。
    We sat in a line on one side of the fence watching the timber coming and going for a while and Peter's dad piling things up and looking very satisfied with all of his wood.
  • 波浪拍打着岸桩
    Waves washed over the pilings.
  • 这座教堂的屋顶由石柱支撑
    The roof of the church was supported by stone pillars.
  • 楼梯绕中央的柱子盘旋上升。
    The stairs spiraled round the central pillar.
  • 这座楼梯绕中间的柱子向上呈螺旋状。
    The staircase winds upwards round a central pillar.
  • 照片上照那只狗被拴在一根柱子上。
    Tied on a pillar as that dog on the photograph.
  • 熟睡的孩子枕她的手臂。
    Her arm pillowed the sleeping child.