  • 前面的船舱;船的前面部
    the fore cabins; the forward part of the ship.
  • 这些工作中涌现出成千上万的积极子。
    These tasks brought to the fore tens of thousands of activists.
  • 保护前臂的一部盔甲。
    plate armor for the forearm.
  • 扶手椅子或沙发的支持坐者的肘或前臂的部
    the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person.
  • 手人类胳膊的末端,前臂以下的部,用来抓拿或握持,由腕、手掌,四个指头和一个与之相对的拇指组成
    The terminal part of the human arm located below the forearm, used for grasping and holding and consisting of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and an opposable thumb.
  • 据预报说今天的空气湿度是百之六十。
    It's said by forecast that the humidity in the air today is 60%.
  • 农田土壤水分预报
    soil moisture forecast of field
  • 弹性带宽今天,在环地球轨道运行的约700颗人造卫星中有一半左右是美国的,其中110颗是军用卫星,别用于导航、通信、天气预报、成像、侦察和导弹发射的早期预警。
    Elastic bandwidth Approximately half of the roughly 700 operational satellites in orbit today are U.S. spacecraft and of those, 110 are military satellites used for navigation, communications, weather forecasting, imaging, surveillance, and early warning of missile launches.
  • 厂商们把它吹捧为erp,而信息系统的经理们还是把它当作集成的核心业务系统,通常包括预测、后勤供应、制造运作和财务应用等各种应用成这个和那个的结合。
    What vendors touted as ERP, IS managers typically regarded simply as integrated core business systems, usually encompassing any of a variety of elements including forecasting, logistics, manufacturing operations, and financial applications in one combination or another.
  • 第十二条 国务院地震行政主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府负责管理地震工作的部门或者机构,应当加强对地震活动与地震前兆的信息检测、传递、析、处理和对可能发生地震的地点、时间和震级的预测。
    Article 12 The competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council and the administrative departments or institutions for seismic work under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall improve their work in examining, transmitting, analysing and processing information about seismicity and precursors of earthquakes and in forecasting the place, time and magnitude of a possible earthquake.
  • 日本政府周二表示,遭到罢黜的秘鲁前总统藤森具有日本国籍,而这个身将让他得以继续留在日本这块祖先的土地上,同时也可能让他不必回秘鲁接受调查人员的侦讯。
    Japan said on Tuesday that Peru's disgraced ex-president Alberto Fujimori has Japanese nationality, a status that allows him to stay in the land of his forefathers and probably avoid facing investigators in Peru.
  • 请把筷子开,夹在大拇指和食指中国间。
    Rest them between the thumb and the forefinger.
  • 首先拇指和中指开轻轻握住筷子,要像握笔那样,中指紧贴筷子,夹起食物时中指应紧贴筷子上部,然后像写字一样握紧,就是这个样子。
    First of all you hold them slightly apart between your thumb and forefinger, pressed against the side of your middle finger as if you were holding a pen. To pick up food, you press your forefinger against the up chopstick and they will close in a pen-like movement, like this.
  • 一、入世后,随着传媒业的逐渐开放和对外文化交流增多,西方的思想、价值观念将更为中国人所熟知,西方的竞争精神和自由理念将逐渐为中国人特别是处于开放前沿的知识子、企业界人士和青年学生所推崇。
    Firstly, as China's media industry opens up and with greater cultural interactions with the West, Chinese will become more familiar with Western ideas and values. Western emphasis on competition and freedom will be extolled, particularly by Chinese intellectuals, entrepreneurs and young students, who are at the forefront of change.
  • 如前所述,世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国不可割的一部
    As has been elucidated in the foregoing, there is only one China in the world, of which Taiwan is an inalienable part.
  • 第九节 上面考察了运用劳动促进生产的各种方式,在这种考察中,我几乎未采用通常的类方法,没有把产业为农业、工业和商业三大类。
    9. In the foregoing survey of the modes of employing laboring furtherance of production, I have made little use of the popular distinction of industry into agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial.
  • 远景绘画表现的构成部,看起来似乎在远处,为使在前景的主要物体形象更突出
    The part of a pictorial representation that appears as if it were in the distance and that provides relief for the principal objects in the foreground.
  • 在某些系统中,在多道程序设计环境中一种作业的类,它既非“前台”(高优先级),也非“后台”(低优先级)。
    In some systems, a classification of jobs in a multiprogramming environment that are neither"foreground"(high priority) nor"background"(low priority).
  • 他们公司部向国外市场销售。
    Their company sell partly to foreign markets.
  • 中型到大型得蝴蝶,布广泛,特征是有色彩鲜亮的翅膀,几乎退化的无作用的前腿折放在胸前。
    medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast.
  • 肱,上臂从肩至肘之间的上臂部或前肢
    The part of the upper arm or forelimb extending from the shoulder to the elbow.
  • 臂状物与人体上肢相似的部,如动物的前肢或机器上从中间支撑部位伸出的部
    A part similar to a human arm, such as the forelimb of an animal or a long part projecting from a central support in a machine.
  • 前甲板船的上甲板的一部,位于前桅前部的船首
    The section of the upper deck of a ship located at the bow forward of the foremast.
  • 最前方最前面的一部或一区域
    The foremost part or area.
  • 首要因素是,我们过去多年一直奉行十审慎完善的理财政策。
    First and foremost because for years we have practised very prudent sound financial policies.
  • 前半部下面的薄的东西。
    the thin under portion of the forequarter.
  • 从脖子到肋骨之间的包括肩胛骨在内的前半部
    the part of a forequarter from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade.
  • 在我看来她应该不会是三钟热度,因为时下她太爱打高尔夫球了。"
    I don't ever foresee her doing that because right now she just has a great love of playing golf."
  • 后海岸海岸的一部,位于前滩和除最强烈的暴风雨之外,高出水面的向陆地边缘地区之间
    The part of a shore between the foreshore and the landward edge that is above high water except in the most severe storms.
  • 因为包皮细胞可在培养基上继续生长,形成层层的基层,并能泌出生长素。
    The foreskin cells are grown on substrates, resulting in layered matrices that secrete growth factors.
  • 日本四个主要岛屿中最小的一个;被内陆海将其与本州开;多山且草木丛生。
    the smallest of the four main islands of Japan; separated from Honshu by the Inland Sea; forested and mountainous.
  • 一个高大光滑的草本属,产于欧洲和小亚细亚草木丛生的山上;在有些类中包括常归入一点红属的多种植物。
    genus of tall smooth herbs of forested mountains of Europe and Asia minor; in some classifications includes many plants usually placed in genus Emilia.