  • 车主人再也不要依赖共交通了。
    The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport.
  • 社会主义的政策有利於在煤炭工业中推行有制.
    Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry.
  • 第二条 中华人民共和国实行土地的社会主义有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。
    Article 2 The People's Republic of China resorts to a socialist public ownership i.e. an ownership by the whole people and ownerships by collectives, of land.
  • 社会化的所有权;费医疗制度。
    socialized ownership; socialized medicine.
  • 使有化属于众所有或控制
    To subject to public ownership or control.
  • 接管某物的所有权;多指企业或司。
    take over ownership of; of corporations and companies.
  • 公司被收归国有。
    The company has been put into state ownership.
  • 司股东享有的所有权。
    the ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation.
  • 牛肉宰杀了的完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、牛或母牛的肉
    The flesh of a slaughtered full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow.
  • 这个人正在驯服这头牛好让它给我们干活。
    This man is breaking in the ox to work for us.
  • 我们就这样一步一步向前跋涉吧——是为苍蝇对着牛说的话。
    And so we plough along , as the fly say to the ox.
  • 看来'牛'队没有打赢这次蓝球联赛胜的可能了。
    The Ox doesn't seem to have any chance of winning the league basketball matches.
  • 同轭车的动物通过轭连在一起的一对载物动物,如
    A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke.
  • 河边有十二头公牛。
    There are twelve oxen by the stream.
  • 牛一种牛属哺乳动物,包括母牛、食用牛、牛,为食用肉和奶制品而饲养
    Any of various mammals of the genus Bos, including cows, steers, bulls, and oxen, often raised for meat and dairy products.
  • 司已从伦敦迁移到牛津。
    The company has removed from London to Oxford.
  • 我是太平洋机械司来的。
    I'm from the Pacific Mechanical Company.
  • 喂!你那儿是太平洋机械司吗?
    Hello, is this the Pacific Mechanical Company?
  • 公共汽车挤满了人。
    The bus was packed with people.
  • 每辆开来和开走的共汽车都塞得像沙丁鱼罐头一样拥挤。
    Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin.
  • 司的运营理念:走在竞争者的前列。
    Business Philosophy: "Lead the pack of competitors.
  • 一旦供应商完成了从打包的应用程序向组件的转变,各司的开发人员就能编制接口,以便更容易地修改供应商的产品。
    Once vendors complete the transformation of packaged application to components, corporate developers can write to these interfaces to more easily modify vendors' wares.
  • 来此干的客人如有一、二天空闲,都会希望交给旅游司去整套安排。
    Visitors on business trips here with one or two free days on their hands would like the tour agencies to provide packaged tours.
  • 在瑞典一家名为“生态洁净”的司开发了一种新型包装材料。
    A fledgiling firm, EcoLean, in Sweden, that has developed a new packaging material.
  • 人们挤进了共汽车。
    People packed into the bus.
  • 共汽车里挤满了乘客。
    The bus was packed with passengers.
  • 这一约并没有促进国际和平。
    That pact didn't advance peace among nations.
  • 约或条约维系的民族或国家的组织。
    an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty.
  • 人工湿地约4000万顷,包括水库面积约200万顷,稻田约3800万顷。
    There are about 40 million hectares of artificial wetlands, including about 2 million hectares of reservoirs and about 38 million hectares of rice paddy fields.
  • 元393年,皇帝狄奥多西一世,一个基督教徒,把奥运会当作异教徒的表演出明令加以禁止。
    In 393 A. D. Emperor Theodosius I, who was a Christian, banned the Games as pagan shows.
  • 当你感到足够放心,可以和网友电话聊天时,给他(她)一个办室电话、手机或呼机号码。不要告诉对方自己的住宅电话号码或索要对方的宅电。
    When you feel secure enough to talk on the telephone to your on line friend, give him or her a work, cellular phone or pager number rather than your home telephone number, or get theirs.
  • 有六类这种装置:现代的通用pc机、像x终端或wyse司的winterm等一类的internet终端、电视机上的顶匣盒、无线遥控装置、像游戏机一类的交互式数字机以及像传呼机一类的其它设备。
    There are six classes of devices: the off-the-shelf general-purpose PC;Internet terminals such as X-terminals and Wyse Technology Inc.'s Winterm;set-top devices for the television;wireless remote devices;interactive digital machines such as game players;and other devices such as pagers.