  • 她要求不要打扰她,但报界总是缠她不放。
    She's asked to be left alone but the press keep pestering her.
  • 他努力地各处寻找,也缠他的亲戚帮他找,但他们也因事务缠身,自顾不暇而无能为力。
    He tried hard and pestered his relatives, but they had problems of their own.
  • 现在那些小"布莱特妮""和小"克瑞斯蒂尼"们总是缠自己的父母给自己买成人款式的衣服。
    Now "baby Britneys" and "teeny Christeenies" are pestering their parents to have a wardrobe that's beyond their years.
  • 从进院的那时起,他就缠要医生告诉他什么时候可以回家。
    From the moment he arrived there, he kept on pestering his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home.
  • 当伊和邻舍的妇人们出去外面走的时候,她们都是右手抱一个,左手牵一个,还有许多扯住衣角,要妈买糖,买泥娃娃的,不住的喊;
    Whenever she was with the women in the neighborhood walking out in the streets, the women would invariably be carrying a child with the right hand and holding on to another with the left. Several women even had children tugging at the corner of their dress, calling out without stopping, pestering their mothers to buy candies or some clay dolls.
  • 农业除开化肥、农药以外,要重解决水利问题,包括排涝在内。
    In agriculture, we should solve the problems of fertilizer, pesticides and water conservancy in particular, including the drainage of flooded fields.
  • 有规律排列的在其它部分间有规律地排列的,如花瓣间的雄蕊
    Arranged regularly between other parts, as stamens between petals.
  • 向日葵是长黄色花瓣的大花。
    Sunflowers are large flowers with yellow petals.
  • 皮特若有所思地看她。
    Pete looked at her thoughtfully.
  • 皮特面无表情地注视她。
    Pete studied her with a stony air.
  • 皮特抬起头看她,轻轻地回答说:“是,是从我这儿买的。”
    Pete raised his eyes to hers and answered softly, "Yes, it did."
  • 当皮特回到珍等候的柜台前时,他手里拿一个小盒子,是用鲜红的纸包起来的,上面还系一根打成蝴蝶结的绿丝带。
    When Pete returned to where Jean Grace waited, a package lay in his hand, wrapped in scarlet paper and tied with a bow of green.
  • 那女孩的头发是小麦般的淡黄色,眼睛是海一样的蓝。彼得曾一度爱上一个有和这女孩一样的黄色头发和蓝色眼睛的姑娘。
    The child's hair was wheat yellow, her eyes sea blue, and once upon a time, not long before, Pete had been in love with a girl with hair of that same yellow and with eyes just as blue.
  • 时间的推移这种木头石化了。
    the wood petrified with time.
  • 你要是了解博,就会知道期待爱抚的它哪怕10秒钟也像了无尽头。
    If you knew Beau,you'd know that even ten seconds was an eternity to wait for a petting.
  • 埃文摊开手脚躺在草地上,望海教帕沿月牙形边缘栽种的白色紫心牵牛花。
    Evan sprawled on the grass and watched Hesper plant white, purplethroated petunias along the concave border.
  • 到了街上,公爵扶玛格丽特坐上一辆四轮敞篷马车,自己驾那辆车子,两匹骏马拉他们得得地远去了。
    When he reached the boulevard, he handed her up into a phaeton, which he drove himself, and they disappeared, borne away at a trot by two superb horses.
  • 他们发现,这种代码与昼夜更迭以及月亮盈亏有联系。
    They have found that it is connected with the passage of days and the phases of the moon.
  • 跳马的五步骤是:踏起、第一腾空、推手、第二腾空和地。
    Take-off, pre-flight, repulsion, post-flight and landing constitute the five phases of a vault.
  • 野鸡长着长尾巴。
    Pheasants have long tails.
  • 因为这种奇怪现象必定伴另外一件奇怪现象,那就是白色政权之间的战争。
    For this unusual phenomenon can occur only in conjunction with another unusual phenomenon, namely, war within the White regime.
  • 菲尔决定进城去,我们剩下的人也跟去。
    Phil decided to go into town and the rest of us followed suit.
  • 哲学家的特性、充满哲学的态度或基于哲学的。
    characteristic of or imbued with the attitude of a philosopher or based on philosophy.
  • 希刺克厉夫和他的仆人迈烦躁的懒洋洋的脚步,爬上了地窖的梯阶:我认为他们走得并不比平常快一秒钟,虽然炉边已经给撕咬和狂吠闹得大乱。
    Mr Heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm: I don't think they moved one second faster than usual, though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping.
  • “叶小娟的音乐把我带回到中国古代,当人们还穿描龙雕凤的衣服的那个年代。”一个观众评价到,“这是一个逃离纷扰的现代生活的绝佳方式。”
    "Ye Xiaojuan's music took me back to the ancient Chinese days,when people still wore long Chinese dresses adorned with dragon and phoenix embroideries,"a viewer remarked,"and it's a great way to escape from the complexity of our modern world."
  • 留声机正在开着?
    Is the phonograph playing?
  • 在ibm的3800印刷子系统中,一种镀有光电导体的中空圆筒。印刷时鼓连续旋转,带光电导体通过不同的位置。鼓还包括光电导体电源和提升卷轴。
    In the3800 Printing Subsystem, a hollow cylinder around which the photo- conductor is wrapped. The drum continuously rotates during printing and carries the photoconductor part the various stations in the printing process. The drum also contains the photoconductor supply and takeup spools.
  • 戴安娜有一副上镜的姣好容貌,她那能让人产生共鸣的手势和毫不设防的表情,让她看上去远比王室其他成员平易近人。
    Diana, with her photogenic good looks, her sympathetic gestures and an air of vulnerability, seemed much more relaxed than the other royals, and much more accessible.
  • 摄影者捕捉住他祈祷的姿势(如跪)。
    The photographer has caught him in the attitude of prayer, eg kneeling.
  • 我的小弟弟有惊人的记忆力。
    My little brother has a photographic memory.
  • 照片之间夹杂新闻兴评论的文章。
    The photographs are intermingled with news and articles.
  • 但是接闪入脑海的却是:"他是爱女儿的。
    Then some phrases popped into her mind: "He loves her.