  • 在这种环境下,欧洲在各个领域现了大量的创新发明,特别是体现在美术、科学、音乐、建筑等方面。
    Under such circumstances, Europe produced many new creations and inventions in the realms of art, science, music, architecture and so on.
  • 既善于通过提和贯彻正确的理论路线带领群众前进,又善于从群众的实践创造和发展要求中获得前进动力;
    We must be good at both leading the people ahead by putting forward and implementing the correct theory and line and acquiring the motivation for progress from the people's creations in practice and their desire for development.
  • 她突然爆发创作灵感。
    She was suddenly fired with creative inspiration.
  • 他们表现确实是有创造性的艺术家。
    They showed themselves to be creative artists.
  • 他们想要做些比焦糖和坚果更有创造力的东西。"
    They want to so something more creative."
  • 4.哪一队比较可能打新意,有创造力?
    4. Which team is likely to be more innovative and creative?
  • 李资政强调执政党必须对不断改变的环境作有创意的反应,以免在人民之中失去立足之地。
    SM Lee stressed the need for the ruling party to respond creatively to changing circumstances lest it should lose its standing with the people.
  • 邓小平先生是“一国两制”事业的奠基人,他以伟大政治家的智慧和胆略,创造性地提了“一国两制”的科学构想,为完成祖国和平统一大业打开了切实可行的道路。
    Mr. Deng Xiaoping was the founder of this great cause. In a display of the wisdom, creativeness and bold vision of a towering statesman, he laid down this scientific concept and thus blazed a feasible way for the peaceful reunification of the motherland.
  • 激发不寻常活动或创造的思念。
    arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity.
  • 想象的,创造力的想象或创造来的,表示想象力或创造力的,以想象力和创造力为特征的
    Created by, indicative of, or characterized by imagination or creativity.
  • 这个学生表现了极大的创造力。
    This student gives promise of real creativity; The office gave evidence of tampering.
  •  第十二条专利法所称发明人或者设计人,是指对发明创造的实质性特点作创造性贡献的人。
    Rule 12 "Inventor" or "creator" referred to in the Patent Law means any person who makes creative contributions to the substantive features of an invention-creation.
  • 他们流露明显的厌恶看那动物。
    They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised.
  • 雨蛙尤指青蛙等发短促而高尖声音的动物
    A creature that makes short, high-pitched sounds, especially a frog.
  • 妖怪一种想象来的令人害怕的动物,尤指用来吓唬孩子的
    A fearsome imaginary creature, especially one evoked to frighten children.
  • 把一种抽象的性质或者观点象人或者生物一样表现来。
    representing an abstract quality or idea as a person or creature.
  • 广场已经装饰了高大的圣诞树,部分还布置成了传说中耶酥基督在马槽生时众人围绕初生婴儿的的情景。
    Peter's Square, already decked with a towering Christmas tree and parts of the creche, the traditional scene depicting Christ's birth in a manger.
  • 这位82高龄的教皇是在席每周一次的圣彼得广场见面会时说这番话的。广场已经装饰了高大的圣诞树,部分还布置成了传说中耶酥基督在马槽生时众人围绕初生婴儿的的情景。
    The 82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance in St. Peter's Square, already decked with a towering Christmas tree and parts of the creche, the traditional scene depicting Christ's birth in a manger.
  • 当joe联络她,同时她也就这个应当在uddi注册中心中公共可见的关联关系达成一致之后,xina向她的uddi操作入口站点发了完全相同的断言(当然,使用了另一个authinfo认证令牌)。
    Since Joe has contacted her and she agrees that the relationship should be visible within UDDI, Xina sends the exact same assertion (with a different authInfo credential) to her UDDI operator site.
  •  检查人员进行现场检查,应当示证件。
    The inspectors shall produce their credentials before conducting on-the- spot inspection.
  • 去年9月10日,我向纳丹总统呈递国书,正式任美国驻新加坡大使。
    On September 10, 2001, I presented my credentials to President Nathan and officially took up my post as U.S. ambassador to Singapore.
  • 一个超我们信任程度的故事
    A story that strained our credibility.
  • 加快建立企业、中介机构和个人的信用档案,使有不良行为记录者付代价,名誉扫地,直至绳之以法。
    We need to accelerate the establishment of credibility records for enterprises, intermediary agencies and individuals, making those with a record of bad conduct pay a price for what they have done, and have their credibility ruined and even punishing them according to law.
  • 撇开这个不说,我认为最糟的情况,是现类似30年代初期的局面:除了日本以外,其他亚洲国家都拼命严守正统的金融系统,却无法树立政治可信度以博回投资者的信心。
    But leaving that aside -- and that's only amateur political futurology -- I think the worst case is a kind of early-1930s scenario in which the non-Japan Asian countries try desperately to adhere to financial orthodoxy and at the same time fail to generate the political credibility that will bring back investor confidence.
  • 但也不能不指,有的国家竟不顾国际信誉,违反与中华人民共和国建交时所作的承诺,同台湾发展官方关系,从而给中国统一事业设置障碍。
    On the other hand, it should be pointed out that, in disregard of their international credibility, certain countries have breached the undertaking made at the time of the establishment of diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China by evolving official relations with Taiwan, thereby putting a spoke in the wheel of China's reunification.
  • 如果他们真的拥有这些武器,就应该交并销毁,如果他们没有,也应该提交令人信服的证据。
    If they exist, they should be presented for destruction. If they do not exist, credible evidence to that effect should be presented.
  • 开出信用证
    To issue a credit
  • 三击未中击球员局对于抛球手抛的球,击球手由于三次未击中而被罚
    An out made by a batter charged with three strikes and credited to the pitcher who threw the strikes.
  • 我们于本日,以贵方为付款人开3个月期,面额为400,000元汇票一张,该款已记入贵方贷方帐户,特此通知。
    We advise you that we have drawn on you today for $400, 000, at 3 months' date, which amount has been credited to you.
  • 我们于本日,以贵方为付款人开3个月期、面额为400,000元汇票一张,该款已记入贵方贷方帐户,特此通知。
    We advise you that we have draw on you today for $400, 000, at three month' date, which amount have be credited to you.
  • 法院发的让第三债务人向判定债权人付还债务的命令
    Court order, making a garnishee pay money to a judgment creditor
  • 欠债权人的款项;售商品或服务应收的正常款项。
    a creditor's accounts of money owed to him; normally arise from the sale of products or services.