  • 每次离开医院之前,我总是先把儿子抱上床,听着他喃喃祈祷,将他抱在怀里等他入睡。因为返回车站的时还比较宽余,所以我经常在横跨泰晤士河的大桥上小想片刻,凝视着那宽阔的、奔腾不息的河流。
    After putting my little son to bed in the ward, hearing his prayers and holding him in my arms while he fell asleep, I usually had plenty of time to make my way to the station. I frequently paused on the bridge spanning the River Thames to watch the broad river flowing along on its never-ending journey to the sea.
  • 你能抽出这段时帮我吗?
    Can you spare the time to help me?
  • 有些学生业余时做散工。
    Some students job at spare time.
  • 是的,我有一个单的房子。
    Yes.I've got a spare single.
  • 是的,我有个单人房空着。
    Yes, I've got a spare single.
  • 他空余时都用来探望工人。
    He spends his spare time visiting workers.
  • 你业余时怎麽打发?
    How do you spend your spare time?
  • 耽搁了你宝贵的时,非常非常感谢。
    Thank you very, very much for sparing your valuable time.
  • 费你这么多宝贵时,非常[非常非常]感谢。
    Thank you so much [very, very much] for sparing your valuable time.
  • 而我们这些房里的人真的只是仅次于虚幻的泡影而已。
    We here in this room really are ghosts, secondary to that spark.
  • 铁路付他工资不是让他在上班时去向女孩子求爱的。
    The railroad do not pay him to spark a girl on its time.
  • 铁路付他工资不是让他在上班时去向女孩子求爱的
    The railroad does not pay him to spark a girl on its time
  • 他的话引起他们之的一场争吵。
    His statement sparked off a quarrel between them.
  • 拉哥尼亚古希腊南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒东南部。在公元前3世纪和2世纪之的第二次亚该亚联盟崛起以前该地一直受斯巴达的统治
    An ancient region of southern Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. It was dominated by Sparta until the rise of the second Achaean League in the third and second centuries b.c.
  • 行为或活动歇出现。
    the quality of moving or acting in spasms.
  • 吃吃地笑以重复歇的、短的声音笑
    To laugh with repeated short, spasmodic sounds.
  • 一条或多条神经上的剧烈,歇性疼痛。
    acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves.
  • 那只是兄妹的小吵小闹。
    There is only a spat between the brother and sister.
  • 过去一段时接二连三出现的有关徖生方面的事件,是香港徖生环境已经严重恶劣的警告信号。
    The outbreak of a spate of incidents of hygiene nature within a short span of time is a warning that the sanitary conditions of Hong Kong are of a seriously low level.
  • 主要是空感觉;相对大的,或相对于平均空范围或指定范围较大的。
    primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified.
  • 感觉;存在于指定地点。
    spatial sense; being or existing in a specified place.
  • 尺寸存在于空范围的一种量变,特别是宽度、高度或长度
    A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.
  • 在时,空或者可估价意义上有个开头。
    have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense.
  • 区别于本身物质组成的某物的空排列。
    the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance.
  • 对人与人之在不同文化或不同情况下的空距离的研究。
    the study of spatial distances between individuals in different cultures and situations.
  • 存在于空和时两者之中;既有空上的扩展又有时上的持续。
    existing in both space and time; having both spatial extension and temporal duration.
  • (指空位置)没有排成直线或者处在不适当的相对位置上。
    (of spatial position) out of line with or not in proper relative position.
  • (指空位置)位置或者使得位置成直线,或者处于相对适当的位置上。
    (of spatial position) in or brought into line with or into proper relative position.
  • 属于或关于时和空(有共同的空范围和持续时)。
    of or relating to space and time together (having both spatial extension and temporal duration).
  • 构象单一化学原理中通过原子的自由旋转而形成的分子中原子的空排列
    One of the spatial arrangements of atoms in a molecule that can come about through free rotation of the atoms about a single chemical bond.
  • 一种结构以空为主,把食物摆放在盘子的左、中、右,如印度餐。
    One kind of structure depends on spatial layout, as in Indian meals, where the foods are arranged on the right, left, and middle of the dish.
  • 从空关系讲可分为单一工程的环境影响评价和几个工程联合运转的环境影响评价乃至流域规划全部工程联合运转的流域规划环境影响评价。
    From spatial dimension it can be classified as assessment for individual project, for a system of projects, and even for all the projects included in the river basin planning.