Chinese English Sentence:
  • 请给我看一下酒单。
    May I see the wine list, please?
  • 请给我来一杯咖啡。
    I'd like a cup of coffee, please.
  • 有的。您有两封信和一封电报,一小时前有一位小姐来电话留言您。
    Yes. You have two letters and one telegram, also a message was left by a lady before one hour.
  • 顺便问问,你能不能我讲一下宾馆服务的情况?
    By the way, could you tell me about your hotel service?
  • 你能否在这儿卖我两张明天的车票?
    Could you get me two tickets for tomorrow here?
  • 他们住在705号套房,我来他打电话。
    They are in suite 705. Let me phone him.
  • 您要我什么时间来你打扫房间呢,先生?
    When would you like me to do your room, sir?
  • 我想请你我拿一瓶开水来。
    I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water.
  • 此外,请我们带瓶刚烧开的水来。
    Besides, please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.
  • 我换个房间吗?这儿太吵了。
    Can you change the room for me? It's too noisy.
  • 请给我换个亮的。
    Please get me a brighter one.
  • 给我放尊重一点!
    Don't get fresh with me!
  • 他盼望有好运,老爸能多寄点钱他。
    He keeps his fingers crossed hoping his father will send him more money.
  • 一些青少年总是会父母和老师惹麻烦。
    Teenagers tend to make waves with their parents and teachers.
  • 要么你就去做,不然就我闭嘴。
    Put up or shut up.
  • 术语“厂房和设备”用来描述企业为经营使用而购买并不打算再出售顾客的长期资产。
    The term plant and equipment is used to describe long-lived assets acquired for use in the operation of the business and not intended for resale to customers.
  • 别这样让我为难,你知道我不能你机密资料的。
    Don't put me on the spot like this. You know I can't give you confidential information.
  • 教练在半场时候球员们打起,希望将他们引上胜利之途。
    The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory.
  • 很抱歉把这个问题抛你,我不知道还可以找谁求助。
    I'm sorry to hit you with this problem. I don't know who else to turn to.
  • 教练在半场时候球员们打气,希望将他们引上胜利之途。
    The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory.
  • 每当你讲闲话琼尼听时,他总是全神贯注。
    Whenever you tell Jonny some gossip, he's all ears.
  • 请不要非那么多工夫,我不想你添麻烦。
    Please don't go to so much trouble. I don't want to put you out.
  • 真是个糊涂虫!他忘了咖啡壶插电。
    What a scatterbrain! She forgot to plug in the coffee maker.
  • 我不能马上您一个明确的答复
    I can not give you a definite answer right now.
  • 我给你找找。
    Let me check.
  • 您能给锁边吗?
    Would you hem it?
  • 您能给锁边吗?
    Would you alter it?
  • 您能给锁边吗?
    Would you shorten it?
  • 请给包一下。
    Please wrap it.
  • 您能我换一下这个吗?
    Could you exchange this, please?
  • 请把钱退给我吧。
    I'd like my money back, please.
  • 请给我一张地铁图。
    A subway map, please.