  • 在第七次大会通过的党章,特别是党章的总纲中,就是贯串群众路线的精神的。
    The Party Constitution adopted by the Seventh Congress, and particularly its General Programme, is permeated with the spirit of the mass line.
  • 女人是水,男人是泥,水渗进泥里,把泥塑造了,泥吸收了水,使水有了形体的寄托,使水可以在这形体里流动,生活,获得了丰富的生命。
    Woman is water and man is clay, and water permeates and molds the clay, and the clay holds the water and gives its substance, in which water moves and lives and has its full being.
  • 敦煌独特的硬水,顺细小的缝隙无孔不入地渗透,再把岩层中的可溶性成分溶解后四处搬运。
    For the unique hard water in Dunhuang that permeates along slender crevices, there is not a single opening which it does not enter. Any soluble substance in the rock stratum will be solved and carried away in all directions.
  • 导向轴决定飞机方位的三条相互垂直线中的一条,一条沿飞行的方向,其它两条垂直于飞行的方向
    One of three mutually perpendicular lines that define the orientation of an aircraft, with one being along its direction of travel and the other two being perpendicular to the direction of travel.
  • 钟楼的坚墙厚垣,垂直开凿一道螺旋形楼梯,只要顺这阴暗的楼梯拾级而上,经过漫长摸索之后,突然终于来到两个高平台当中的一个,只见阳光灿烂,清风习习,一片向四面八方同时舒展开去的如画美景尽收眼底。
    That was, in fact,--when, after having long groped one's way up the dark spiral which perpendicularly pierces the thick wall of the belfries, one emerged, at last abruptly, upon one of the lofty platforms inundated with light and air,--that was, in fact, a fine picture which spread out, on all sides at once, before the eye;
  • 在美国,仁慈基本是由地区、犯罪性质、罪犯的态度和身份而定。当一个外国人被怀疑,或者有被拘捕的危险时,他应该总是说“是的,长官”,同时挥舞欧洲护照。
    The quality of mercy meted out in the U-nited States depends largely on the region of the coun try, the nature of the offence, and the attitude and identity of the purported perpetrator. When in doubt or in danger of arrest, a foreigner should say "Yes, sir, officer" a lot, and wave a European passport.
  • 两面派永远过提心吊胆的生活。
    Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear.
  • 因此,我们的抗日战争包含为争取永久和平而战的性质。
    Hence our War of Resistance Against Japan takes on the character of a struggle for perpetual peace.
  • 他困惑地看他的教授。
    he looked at his professor perplexedly.
  • 她茫然地望着我们.
    She looked at us in perplexity.
  • 坚韧不拔的精神, 他终于成为冠军。
    He became a champion at last in virtue of his perseverance.
  • 信心和毅力,他终于战胜了一切困难。
    With faith and perseverance, he finally triumphed over all the difficulties.
  • 正是国家坚持了正确的发展经济路向,坚定维持了社会的稳定,国家才可能出现一个梦寐以求的发展局面,人民才能过越来越好的生活。
    Our country has been assertive of its correct economic policies and persevering in the maintaining of social stability. It is only with such determination could the country trigger off the undreamt-of developments and the people enjoy better living.
  • 人格贯穿人的一生,影响人的一生。
    their different reactions reflected their very different personalities; it is his nature to help others.
  • 规则1:欣赏他人大多数美国人喜欢被人看作一个有独特个性和特点的人。
    RULE 1:Appreciate the Person Most Americans like to be recognized as individuals as someone special with unique characteristics and personalities.
  • 这些对夫妇有截然不同的性格,但是他们这段时间以来,同实验刚开始的时候相比在感情上更为融洽了。
    The couples maintained distinct personalities, but they were more closely attuned emotionally than they had been at the start of the study, the researchers found.
  • 他有反复无常的个性。
    He has a highly volatile personality.
  • 这就是随网站个人化技术的起飞,电子商务界正在与之较量的问题。
    That's the question the e-commerce industry is wrestling with as Web personalization technology takes off.
  • 8.随现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。
    8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.
  • 世界范围移动通信的成功标志通信正在向更加个人化、更方便的通信系统迈进。
    The success of mobile systems across the world is a sign that communication is moving towards a more personalized,convenient system.
  • 所有穿制服的人员均本国制服。
    All uniformed personnel wear their national uniforms.
  • 潮湿的,如排汗时衣服粘身体。
    moist as with undried perspiration and with clothing sticking to the body.
  • 她带相关的事实参加了
    She weighed in with some pertinent facts.
  • 房子里弥漫烤苹果馅饼的香味。
    The smell of baked apple pies pervaded the house.
  • 空气中弥散一种气味[烟味]。
    The air is pervaded by a smell [smoking].
  • 科学和技术已经开始渗透了我们生活的各个领域;结果,社会正以空前的速度改变
    Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result , society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.
  • 色性能色、渗透或区分的性质
    A quality that colors, pervades, or distinguishes.
  • 当时饥饿、寒冷、苦难笼罩俄国,这些使得民众激愤,革命的时机成熟了。
    The hunger, cold and misery then pervading Russia had reached the point of exasperating the masses and making them ripe for revolution.
  • 娜蒂契达趁到国外旅行空出她自己的住房之际,邀请柴可夫斯基在她外出期间住到这里来,翻阅她的书籍,参观她的藏画,好让她回来时能在隐隐之中到处感觉到他的存在。
    When Nadyezhda vacated her own home for a trip abroad she asked Tschaikovsky to visit it in her absence, to go over the books and to inspect her paintings, so that when s he re turned she world feel the atmosphere pervaded by his personality.
  • 他说,掉过头以一种特别的眼光向她望:一种憎恨的眼光,除非是他脸上的肌肉生得极反常,不会像别人一样地表现出他心灵的语言。
    He turned, as he spoke, a peculiar look in her direction: a look of hatred; unless he has a most perverse set of facial muscles that will not, like those of other people, interpret the language of his soul.
  • 他缠着我讨钱。
    He pestered me for money.
  • 他烦厌地缠我要我帮助。
    He pestered me to help.