  • 生两个星期后,熊猫最有特点的黑白两色就会显现来,但小宝宝要自己会爬则还需要等它长到3个月的时候。
    The characteristic black and white giant panda colouring becomes apparent at two weeks, but it isn't until the cub is three months old that it can crawl about on its own.
  • 事现场到处都是警察。我毛骨悚然
    The accident scene was crawling with police officers. My flesh crawled in horror.
  • 表面上现网状纤细的裂纹;现细微裂纹
    To become covered with a network of fine cracks; craze.
  • 远的不说,最近就有人指美国股市现了“网络郁金香”。
    Recently, many have pointed to the American investors' craze over Internet stocks as another 'tulipmania'.
  • 远的不说,最近就有人指美国股市现了“网络郁金香”。
    Not to talk about the far, recently many have pointed to the American investors' craze over Internet stocks as another 'tulipmania'.
  • 那位影星一场,孩子们欣喜若狂。
    The kids went crazy when the film star appeared.
  • 这间老房子的地板发吱吱嘎嘎的响声。
    The floorboards in the old house creaked noisily.
  • 负重的弹簧发吱吱声。
    the creak of the floorboards gave him away.
  • 时间一分钟一分钟地过去。窃贼走过门厅到了她的房间--就在隔壁了!她的心随着地板发的嘎吱声而砰砰直跳。
    As the seconds ticked by,her heart pounded with every creak of the floor boards as the burglar made his way up the hallway to her room-- right next door!
  • 那橡木门第一声轧的一响吓得他像是触电一样:手里的蜡烛跳来有几尺远,他激动得这么厉害,以至于他连拾也拾不起来。
    The first creak of the oak startled him like an electric shock! the light leaped from his hold to a distance of some feet, and his agitation was so extreme, that he could hardly pick it up.
  • 我反对把最聪明的学生挑选来,将他们送到一个特别的班级学习。
    I’m opposed to the idea of creaming off the cleverest pupils and sending them to a special class.
  • 我反对把最聪明的学生挑来送往专门学校的主张。
    I'm opposed to the idea of creaming off the cleverest pupils and sending them to a special school.
  • 澳大利亚东南和南部的发麝香的灌木或树,有含乳脂的黄色的花。
    musk-scented shrub or tree of southern and southeastern Australia having creamy-yellow flower heads.
  • 你把衣服坐了一条皱痕。
    You've got a crease in your dress where you've been sitting.
  • 口订单的增加提供了数以百计的就业机会。
    The in crease in export order have create hundreds of job opportunity.
  • 于是,上帝按自己形象造人类,造男与女。
    So God created man in his own image; inthe image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
  • 蜡染印花式图案用这种方法染的图案
    A design that is created by this method.
  • 一件用木头雕刻来的艺术品。
    a piece of art created by carving wood.
  • 那部影片营造吓人的气氛。
    That film creates an atmosphere of menace.
  • 一句话,它按照自己的面貌为自己创造一个世界。
    In one word, it creates a world after its own image.
  • 一旦朝新的方向迈第一步,就能树立信心,以后的路就会变得更容易。”
    Once you take a step in a different direction, it creates confidence.
  • 通过在模块中解决交叉引用而从几个模块中创造一个模块的编辑程序。
    an editor program that creates one module from several by resolving cross-references among the modules.
  • 制造误以为真的幻觉。
    creating the illusion of seeing reality.
  • 显示寒冷的;产生冷的印象的
    Suggesting coldness; creating an impression of coldness
  • 设计一个能使计算机进行逻辑运算的程序。
    creating a program that enables the computer to reason logically.
  • 版儿童书籍是这家版公司的新方针。
    Creating children's books is a new departure for this publishing company.
  • 拼贴把(各种各样的材料)粘贴在画面上,从而制作一件艺术品
    To paste(diverse materials) over a surface, thereby creating an artistic product.
  • 设计一系列指令使计算机能做某种事情。
    creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something.
  • 剪贴作品用剪贴制作来的画或图案
    A creation produced by this technique.
  • 恶作剧的鬼通过发声响、敲击和制造混乱来显现自己的鬼
    A ghost that manifests itself by noises, rappings, and the creation of disorder.
  • 他们生动的创造指了文艺发展的道路。
    Their vivid creations point the way for the development of art.
  • 在这种环境下,欧洲在各个领域现了大量的创新发明,特别是体现在美术、科学、音乐、建筑等方面。
    Under such circumstances, Europeproduced many new creations and inventions in the realms of art, science, music, architecture and so on.