  • 如条件许可,则应派队向西发展,截断京杭路,如敌进攻,则求得在野战中逐步地予以歼灭,如力量不足,则继续巩固阵地,以待第七、第九兵团赶到时协同歼灭之。
    If conditions permit, troops should be dispatched to march westward and cut off the Nanjing-Hangzhou Highway. If attacked, they should try to wipe out the enemy group by group through field operations. If outnumbered, they should continue strengthening their positions until the Seventh and Ninth Armies arrive and join them to wipe out the enemy.
  • 众迸发了对戴妃的巨大的哀悼,这引起了英国皇室的注意。
    The massive outpouring of public grief made the Windsors sit up and take notice.
  • 关闭那所医院是然违反民意的。
    The closing of the hospital has outraged public opinion.
  • 以及推行外展专责小组计划,协助个别部门多用中文处理务。
    and an outreach programme to assist departments in the use of Chinese.
  • 该署又推行一项外展计划,派出中文主任到11个局和部门,协助制定事上多用中文的措施。
    The outreach programme led by Chinese Languages Officers has also helped 11 bureaux and departments to draw up specific plans and programmes on the use of Chinese in their daily business.
  • 星期六,在这里举行的跆拳道女子67斤以上级的比赛中,陈中以8比3力克俄罗斯选手娜塔丽亚·伊万诺娃,荣获奥运会金牌。
    Chen Zhong of China outscored her Russian rival Natalia Ivanova 8-3 to take the women's 67kg taekwondo Olympic gold medal here on Saturday.
  • 首先,感谢国务院新闻办室给我提供了这次与中外记者朋友们见面,介绍今年以来中国对外经济贸易发展情况的机会。
    At the outset, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Information Office of the State Council for providing me this opportunity to meet with friends from domestic and foreign press and to share with you the developments of China' s foreign economic and trade sector since the beginning of this year.
  • 众心目中,她的丈夫的名声比她大得多。因此,在守寡以后,她根本不相信人们会为了她的缘故来探望她。
    She was so outshone publicly by her husband that, as his widow, she could scarcely credit that people might want to come and visit her for her own sake.
  • 目前,几乎没有几个场地符合标准,因此申奥投标中有关体育竞赛设施的重点是在城市的北闻将要建造的一个巨型奥林匹克园(奥委会称之为olympicgreen奥运会绿地)。
    There are few venues that are currently up to standard, so the center of the sporting side of the bid is a giant Olympic park (or what the Committee call an Olympic Green) on the northern outskirts of the city.
  • 职业生涯突出业绩:曾经是一位德裔会计师,佩佛在1983年加盟康柏司以前在德州仪器效力了20年,他因康柏司在欧洲的业绩颇佳以至于在1990年超过美国地区的销售额而声名大振。
    Resume highlights: A German native who was trained as an accountant, Pfeiffer spent 20 years at Texas Instruments before joining Compaq in 1983; he made his name by launching Compaq's successful European division, which outstripped U.S. sales in 1990.
  • 雄的,的属于、表明是或与某种性别有关的,此性别具有能产生使成熟卵子受精的精子的器官
    Of, relating to, or designating the sex that has organs to produce spermatozoa for fertilizing ova.
  • 人们被挤入了一辆已很拥挤的共汽车。
    The people were packed into an already overcrowded bus.
  • 共汽车已经拥挤不堪了,可是他们还在让乘客挤进来。
    The bus was already overcrowded but they were still packing people in.
  • 上方有总长1000里的高压线。
    Overhead stretch high-tension lines, 1000 kilometres in all.
  • 司的修理业一般管理费为他们营业额的70%,问题在于管理人员多,干活的人少。
    That company's overheads cost 70 per cent their turnover; the trouble is, there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
  • 然而一天,纳什维尔当地一位叫戴维·切斯的写歌人碰巧听到希尔在办室里哼唱。
    One day,however,a Nashville songwriter named David Chase overheard Hill singing in the office.
  • 事实上我们发现对于任何我们司所能提供给您的职位而言,您都“太出色”了。
    The truth of the matter is that we find you are"overqualified" for any position we might offer you in our organization.
  • 说真的我们这每个人都觉得您“太出色”了,而您的资历表明您如果能到一家可以尽展您聪明才智的司去任职,将会更加愉快。
    Frankly it is the feeling of everyone here that you are "overqualified", and your experience indicates you would be much happier with a company that could make full use of your talents.
  • 她打扮得像个主一样去参加宴会,真是太夸张了。
    That's overkill; she dress up like a princess for the party.
  • 在水蚀和风蚀面积中,水蚀风蚀交错区土壤侵蚀面积为26万平方里。
    In the water and wind erosion areas, the overlapping area of the water and wind erosion is 260000 km2.
  • 我监督办室的工作。
    I overlook the work in the office.
  • 埃格伯特西撒克逊国王(802-839年),元829年成为英国人民的第一任君主
    West Saxon king(802-839) who became the first overlord of all the English peoples(829).
  • 带有开玩笑性质的礼品在许多办室也颇为流行,只要不过分伤人。
    Joke gifts are fine and popular in many offices as long as they are not overly offensive.
  • 当然,所有安排您在10日晚间夜宿的费用,皆将由本司代您支付。
    All arrangements for your stay overnight on April10 will, of course, be made by us at our expense.
  • 那就是他们建这么多天桥、地下通道和路的原因吗?
    Is that why they're constructing so many underpasses, overpasses and highways?
  • 共关系科负责监察派驻政府各局及部门新闻组的工作。
    The division oversees the work of information units in various government departments and bureaux.
  • 外汇基金投资有限司委任的监督委员会,就盈富基金的管理及行政事务,监督信托人和经理人。
    A Supervisory Committee oversees the Trustee and Manager in relation to the administration and management of TraHK.
  • 检察机关对安机关、法院和监狱、劳改场所的活动是否合法实行监督。
    Procuratorial organs shall oversee whether the activities in public security organs, courts, prisons and reform-through-labor institutions are legal.
  • 有关众货物装卸区管理改革的财务可行性研究完成后,当局已成立工作小组,负责制订改革措施和监察措施的实施情况。
    On completion of a financial viability study, a working group was set up to develop and to oversee the implementation of the management reform of public cargo working areas.
  • 该机构负责监督伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器研制活动,命令的意思是确保不会留下任何将伊拉克安全部门、萨达姆的总统办室与伊军工机构有联系的任何文件材料。
    This is the organization that oversees Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activities. Make sure there are no documents left which could connect you to the OMI.
  • 1997年,监管联邦统计行为的管理与预算办室批准一项指令,即人们可以填上自己所有的种族归属。
    In 1997, the Office of Management and Budget, which oversees federal statistical practices, approved a directive allowing people to check as many racial boxes as they believe apply to them.
  • 司在海外市场获得巨大成功。
    The company had succeed best on the overseas market.