  • 此时如知道患者有严重的致病倾向,就会及早地进行药物治疗,以防脑功受到无可挽回的损伤。
    In this case, knowing that an indMdual is seriously predisposed might allow drug therapy to begin before brain functioning is irreversibly diminished.
  • 整个国家的资本减少了一万镑,整个国家的收入也有所减少,减少额等于把那一万镑当作资本使用所产生的收入总额。
    The national capital is diminished by ten thousand pounds, and the national income by all which those ten thousand pounds, employed as capital, would have produced.
  • 尤伯说:“我们既没有增加也没有减小火星上有生命的可性,基本上,我们所做的是强调这样一个问题:跟早期比较起来,今天火星上的水太少了。
    "We haven't either improved or diminished the possibility of life on Mars," she says. "Essentially, what we have done is exacerbate the problem of there being too little water on Mars today compared to where there was earlier.
  • 但香港面积细小,若把某些行政职下放予十八个区议会,恐怕会使职权过於分散,有损效率。
    In view of Hong Kong s small size, delegating specific executive functions to the 18 DBs would run the risk of fragmenting responsibilities and diminishing efficiency.
  • 耐药量连续或大量吞服药物后不发生任何副作用的力;长时间服药后对药品反应的减弱
    The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use.
  • 后一家族在精神力量和才上获得了巨大的、种种不同的培养和发展,而且一代一代传下去,获致物质财富的力量将有增无已;而前一家族地产愈分愈小,愚昧和贫困情况的演进就势难避免。
    In the latter family a mass of different mental forces and talents is awakened and cultivated, which will increase from generation to generation, every succeeding generation possessing more power of obtaining material wealth than the preceding one, while in the former family stupidity and poverty must increase with the diminution of the shares in the landed property.
  • 我们认为她那小小的身材不忍受那项工作。
    We thought her diminutive figure could not suffer that work.
  • 尽管她身体娇小,但她在其著作中展示了极大的勇气和非凡的智慧—这真是应了那句老话:“身材矮小的人常有非凡的智慧和才。”
    Although she has a diminutive figure, she has displayed in her books great courage and wisdom—it just goes to show “little bodies may have great souls!”
  • 对于他们所激起的本冲动,人们只有个模糊的领略。
    They arouse instincts which can only be dimly understood.
  • 尽管我懂得一些节奏的愉快,因为当音乐通过地板振动时,我经常感觉到它的节拍,可是我也只模糊地想象到一个巴甫洛娃的优美。
    I can vision only dimly the grace of a Pavlowa, although I know something of the delight of rhythm, for often I can sense the beat of music as it vibrates through the floor.
  • 年轻的音乐家急于证明他们的才;植物显示出同种二形性
    Young musicians eager to exhibit their talent; a plant that exhibits dimorphism.
  • 这张桌子能坐八人。
    This table dines eight.
  • 在这间大厅你宴请多少人?
    How many can you dine in this hall?
  • 如果有什么客人到时不来,托德就会被请来凑数。
    If any guest failed at the eleventh hour, Todd was asked to dine.
  • 接着,在你等候电车回旅舍的时候,还可会看到“狗饭店”的招牌——一家专门为狗服务的餐馆!
    Later, while you wait to catch a street car returning to your hotel, you may even see the sign "Doggy Diner" - a restaurant for dogs!
  • 说人类永恒是非常容易的,因为人类会延续下去:当最后审判的铃声响起,消失在最后一抹晚霞下风平浪静海面上一块毫无意义的岩石后时,我们还听到一种声音:是他那微弱的不知疲倦的嗓音,他还在喋喋不休。
    It is easy enough to say that man is immortal be cause he will endur: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking.
  • 今晚你赏光与我共进晚餐吗?
    Would you honor me by dining with me tonight?
  • 我们把餐桌的桌腿伸展开吗。
    Can we extend the legs of this dining table?
  • 8.接受电视晚餐(一种速冻食品);
    8.Appreciates a good TV dinner
  • 食草性鸟臀目恐龙,背上有一(两)排骨板,刺状的尾巴可是进攻时的武器。
    herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur with a row of bony plates along its back and a spiked tail probably used as a weapon.
  • 实际上没有角而仅有皱褶初形的原始恐龙;后肢长,前肢短;可曾是两足动物。
    primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only the beginning of a frill; long hind and short front limbs; may have been bipedal.
  • [5]完全凭借勤奋与毅力所产生的非凡成果,已经引起许多名人怀疑天赋是否真像通常认为的那样,是种极为异常的才
    [5] The extraordinary results effected by dint of sheer industry and perseverance, have led many distinguished men to doubt whether the gift of genius be so exceptional an endowment as it is usually supposed to be.
  • 用电子电路,如集成电路、晶体管或二极管实现某种功的一种部件。
    A unit that performs some function in an electronic circuit, for example, an integrated circuit, a transistor, or a diode.
  • 迈达斯传说中的佛里几亚国王,酒神狄俄尼索斯赐给他一种力量使他够把他用手触摸的任何东西变成金子
    The fabled king of Phrygia to whom Dionysus gave the power of turning to gold all that he touched.
  • 如果温度足够低,干冰在常压下存在。
    If the temperature is low enough , solid carbon dioxide can exist at room pressure.
  • 矿中发生爆炸后的空气,含大量二氧化碳,不维持生命。
    the atmosphere in a mine following an explosion; high in carbon dioxide and incapable of supporting life.
  • 造成这一结果的原因可就是接触诸如二氧芑之类的毒素(这些毒素会影响男性的生殖系统),及生活压力所致。
    Exposure to toxins such as dioxin, which can affect the male reproductive system, and stress have been suggested as possible causes.
  • 我看见一个只容一个人钻过的小洞。
    there was a dip in the road.
  • 身心的缺陷体力或智力上的无
    A physical or mental disability.
  • 弱能人士训练。
    Training for People with a Disability
  • 或阻止走路的残疾。
    a disability that interferes with or prevents walking.
  • 家庭中挣工资的人可由于死亡、丧失劳动力或失业而使这个家庭失去收入。
    Income may be lost as the result of the death, disability, or unemployment of a family wage earner.