  • 我在村政厅的跳蚤市场上买了一些每钟78转的旧唱片。
    I bought some old 78-rpm records at a flea market in the village hall.
  • 完全长大;他并没有完全懂得;了解得十透彻(full在full-grown(完全长大)或者full-fledged(完全发育)中用作构词成)。
    fully grown; he didn't fully understand; knew full well; (`full' is used as a combining form as in `full-grown' or `full-fledged').
  • 在那永恒的刹那他已站在以她为中心的一道肖像画廊里。她的周围出现了许多妇女。以她为标准一衡量,那些妇女的量和尺寸转瞬之间便一清二楚。
    For an eternal second he stood in the midst of a portrait gallery, wherein she occupied the central place, while about her were limned many women, all to be weighed and measured by a fleeting glance, herself the unit of weight and measure.
  • 腓,小腿肚人腿部位于膝关节和踝关节之间的多肉的、腿后部的肌肉部
    The fleshy, muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.
  • 牧草植物的通常可食用的肉质部
    The fleshy, often edible parts of plants.
  • 动物尾巴骨肉部分
    The solid or fleshy part of an animal's tail.
  • 耳垂外耳下部柔软、肉质且呈下垂状态的部
    The soft, fleshy, pendulous lower part of the external ear.
  • 球兰属的任一种植物,肉质叶,花朵通常泌蜜汁。
    any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers.
  • 二腹肌的有二个多内端,靠一较薄的腱状部相连的。用于某个肌肉
    Having two fleshy ends connected by a thinner tendinous portion. Used of certain muscles.
  • 有灰斑的,部灰色的
    Streaked with or partly gray.
  • 我们的计画十分灵活.
    Our plans are quite flexible.
  • 鞭子的可以弯曲的部
    the flexible part of a whip.
  • 由一九九三年起,公司注册处成为以营运基金运作的部门,可保留大部收入,并可因应需要、营业额及客户需求,灵活运用收入。
    Since 1993, the Companies Registry has operated as a trading fund department. As a trading fund, the Registry can keep most of its income and apply it flexibly, having regard to its needs, business turnover and its customers' demands and expectations.
  • 他把传单印了出来,发给这个地区所有的报纸。
    He had fliers run off and distributed to all the newspapers in the district.
  • 飞行器结构强度分析
    structural analysis of flight vehicle
  • 是星期六,12点30的班机吗?
    The 30 flight on Saturday?
  • 在这个实验中,碳元素别被检测。
    in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately; he called each flip of the coin a new trial.
  • 所以答案就是:将一个float或double值造型成整数值后,总是将小数部“砍掉”,不作任何进位处理。
    So the answer is that casting from a float or double to an integral value always truncates.
  • 物以类聚,人以群
    Birds of a feather flock together, people of a mind fall into the same group.
  • 大量的大学生开始从事诸如遗传学和子生物学领域的研究。
    Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.
  • 我们幸运,因为只有占我们农场的极少部的低田受洪水影响。
    We are lucky in that only the lower fields, which make up a very small proportion of our farm, are affected by flooding.
  • 第二十九条 防洪区是指洪水泛滥可能淹及的地区,为洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区。
    Article 29 A flood control area means an area where floodwater is likely to inundate, which is classified as a flooded area, a flood storage and detention area or a flood control protected area.
  • 地球的以植物群和动物群布来划的区域。
    an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna.
  • 作者有意在中间部离开主线,但在尾声又突然折回,给读者以惊喜。
    The writer intentionally divagated flora the plot in the middle, but returned at the end to give the reader a surprise.
  • 香港位于亚洲热带植物布区的北面边缘,本土和外来的维管系植物,估计约有2800种。
    Hong Kong is near the northern limit of the distribution of tropical Asian flora and has an estimated 2800 species of vascular plants, both native and introduced.
  • 不规则的花的组成部相异的,如两侧对称或不对称的花
    Having differing floral parts, as of a zygomorphic or asymmetrical flower.
  • 下位的位于花被和其它部以下的。用于指子房
    Located below the perianth and other floral parts. Used of an ovary.
  • (植物学)成五个部的;特别是每个花轮由五部(或五的倍数)组成。
    (botany) divided into five parts; specifically, having each floral whorl consist of five (or a multiple of five) members.
  • 花托花茎或花轴的顶端臌胀的部,它的顶端承受着花卉器官或一组花朵
    The expanded tip of a flower stalk or axis that bears the floral organs or the group of flowers in a head.
  • 布于塔斯堪的意大利方言(尤其是佛罗伦萨)。
    a dialect of Italian spoken in Tuscany (especially Florence).
  • 广泛布在佛罗里达州。
    occurs widely in Florida.
  • 庆祝节目精彩缤纷,包括来自本港18区共1100人所进行的30钟陆上巡游、直升机及定翼机飞行表演、海事界船队巡游、青屿干线亮灯仪式,以及由本港的国际团体和公益金受惠团体组成的车队沿青屿干线巡游。
    The colourful programme featured a 30-minute land parade by 1 100 people representing Hong Kong's 18 districts, a fly-past by helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, a flotilla of boats representing the marine community, lighting-up of the Link, and a car procession over the Link by members of the international community in Hong Kong as well as beneficiaries of the Community Chest.