Chinese English Sentence:
  • 诡计多端的国王请老人喝酒并送他金子,诱他说哪儿能找到妖怪以及其所设的陷阱。
    The king craftily offered the man wine and gold and persuaded him to tell where the traps and the sprite --could be found.
  • 具有创造性的艺术家或工匠的最杰的作品。
    the most outstanding piece of work of a creative artist or craftsman.
  • 这位老工匠擅长打磨宝石,能使宝石显美丽的光泽。
    This old craftsman has the skill to fetch out the beauty of a gem by polishing it.
  • 在他音乐生涯的初期,他的音乐风格更加偏向与摇滚而不是pop,但随着他的发展,他的pop歌曲在更大的程度上得到了广泛的好评。在这之后他的创作天赋也更多的显现了来。
    At the beginning of his career,he relied more on rock than pop,but as his career progressed,he became known for his ballads.But both his rockers and his slow numbers were the result of his craftsmanship,both as a writer and a performer --Adams never let anything obscure a good hook.
  • 这人骨子里很狡猾,虽然表面上看不来。
    This man was in fact very crafty, though he didn't look so.
  • 我一刻也不能把小儿子一个人放在家里。他十分调皮,什么样的事情都做得来。而你回来时,他又装成好人似的。
    I can't leave my youngest son alone in the house for a moment. He's as crafty as a barrel of monkeys and gets up to any number of tricks and then appears all innocence when you return.
  • 克拉姆在赛跑中成绩突夺得金牌
    Cram run a fine race to take the gold medal
  • 克拉姆在赛跑中成绩突夺得金牌。
    Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal.
  • 游泳者两腿抽筋,不得不由他人救助水。
    The swimmer got cramp in his legs and had to be helped out of the water.
  • 那个游泳的人突然抽筋,须由人把他拉水来。
    The swimmer had an attack of cramp and had to be lifted from the water.
  • 游泳者忽然抽筋,因而不得不由他人救助水。
    The swimmer was seized with cramp and had to be helped out of the water.
  • 游泳者两腿抽筋,不得不由他人救助水。
    The swimmer got cramp in his leg and had to be helped out of the water.
  • 游泳者两腿抽筋,不得不由他人救助水.
    The swimmer got cramp in his legs and had to is helped out of the water.
  • 我们从车的后面钻来,舒展一下紧蜷的四肢。
    We Piled out of the back of the car and stretched out cramped limbs.
  • 每一个窗口都有人探头来看。
    From every window head is crane for a view of it.
  • 一架起重机的吊杆伸入二号舱,吊一辆上海牌轿车。
    One crane dipped into No.2 hold and came up with a "Shanghai" sedan.
  • 那晚阿特非常小心认真地折叠着那不饶人的金箔纸,直到一只优美精致、展翅欲飞像真鹤一样的金纸鹤现在他眼前。
    That evening Art very carefully folded and shaped the unforgiving gold foil until it became as graceful and delicate as a real crane about to take flight.
  • 这帮白痴每年炮制数百项新法律条文让我们大家遵守。
    The same group of idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
  • 没已从曲轴箱中漏来。
    The oil is leaking out from the crankcase.
  • 目前,人们可以很轻易地在因特网上找到该密钥,这意味着任何一台个人计算机都能临时变成制作影片的机器,制作完美的数字拷贝。
    Now, that key is easily found on the Internet --meaning that almost any PC can be turned into a part-time moviemaking machine, cranking out perfect digital copies.
  • 不要怒气冲天,发怨言的信,除非你想拆毁自己强烈的愿望。
    Don't get your spleen all in a bunch and zip off a cranky message, unless that is how you want to crash you hard?drive desires.
  • 他在相撞的事故中被抛去。
    He was shot out in the crash.
  • 很强声音地冲闯。
    move with, or as if with, a crashing noise.
  • 警察们从后门冲进房子时,窃贼已经从大门跑去了--手中拿着一支枪。
    When police came crashing in the back,the burglar had run out the front door-- carrying a gun.
  • 我弟弟想成为一个色的医生,但没有通过入医学院的考试,他的梦想完全破灭了。
    My brother wanted to become a great doctor, but he failed in the examination to go to the medical college, and his dream came crashing about his ears.
  • 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷来。
    Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano.
  • 烟从火山口一阵阵地喷
    Smoke puffed up from the crater of the volcano.
  • 他们看见火焰从火山口猛烈地喷来。
    They saw flames blaze out from the crater of the volcano.
  • 多数先进和发展中国家都渴望能够培育一个诺贝尔得奖人为国争光。
    To have a native-born Nobel Laureate is what most developing and developed countries crave for as an unparalleled honour.
  • 一百多年来的历史事实清楚地说明,所谓“西藏独立”完全是新老帝国主义者于攫取西藏的野心而挑动起来的。
    Historical facts over more than a century clearly demonstrate that so-called "Tibetan independence" was, in reality, cooked up by old and new imperialists out of their crave to wrest Tibet from China.
  • 他渴望风头已迹近病态。
    His craving for publicity has become almost a perversion.
  • 言谈中我提到了爬行空地的那条死蛇,询问如何将它弄来。
    I remark ed about the dead snake in the crawl space and wondered aloud how to get it out.