| - 她买了能使数据数字化的装置。
She bought device to digitize the data. - 在一个数字化的数码有两种可能的读法时,由于选择错误产生的误读。
An error resulting from an incorrect choice when there are two possible readings of a digitized number. - 下一个产品高潮就是集成的图像功能,具有监视、路由和跟踪数字化文档的技术。
The next product wave integrated imaging capabilities with technology to monitor, route and track digitized documents. - 能够以数字显示的电伏特计。
an electronic voltmeter that gives readings in digits. - 对於那些未能帮助自己的人,我们的确有责任确保他们能够过美好和有尊严的生活。
For those who cannot help themselves we clearly have a responsibility to ensure they live a decent and dignified life. - 在民生方面,我的理想是让香港成为一个市民安居乐业的地方:大部分家庭都能自置居所,人人重视传统观念,长者在退休后安享晚年,人们互相关怀爱护。
In social terms, my vision is for Hong Kong to be a place in which the majority of families have the security of owning their own home, where our traditional values are upheld, where the elderly can enjoy a dignified retirement and where care and compassion are encouraged. - 自动作用身体器官或其它结构不受意识控制的,自动的功能,如心跳或瞳孔放大
The involuntary functioning of an organ or other body structure that is not under conscious control, such as the beating of the heart or the dilation of the pupil of the eye. - 这些苦恼都能因股价指数期货的到来而解决。
With SIF contracts, such a dilemma can be easily resolved. - 既然我只能看一个戏,我就会面临进退两难的困境,因为有几十部剧我都想看。
And since I could see only one play, I should be confronted by a many-horned dilemma, for there are scores of plays I should want to see. - (九)坚持转变政府职能,努力建设廉洁勤政务实高效政府。
9.Continuing to transform government functions and endeavoring to build a clean, diligent, efficient and pragmatic government - 有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。
Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision. - 如果我们沾染了骄气,我们就不能前进,我们就不会兢兢业业地工作,我们在工作当中就不可避免地要犯严重的错误。
If we become conceited, we shall stop making progress and working diligently, and we are bound to make serious mistakes. - 这就说明,努力加上方法正确,才能完成任务。
This shows that only by working diligently, to which we must add the correct methods, can we accomplish our tasks. - corba供应商们已认识到此局限性,正在努力工作,使他们的orb能以某种形式捆绑起来,成为标准的软件配置。
CORBA vendors have recognized this limitation and are currently working diligently to get their ORB bundled in some fashion as a standard software configuration. - 她是否能学会接受这样一个事实:即她曾经精心策划的一个事件如今已变成她要全力加以回避的事呢?
Will she learn to accept the fact that the one event she has so diligently planned has turned into one she will do everything to eschewed? - 必须指出,进入西南以来,工作是很繁重的,绝大多数同志,无论在农村还是城市,工作都很努力,但是检查我们党和党员的工作,不能只以“努力”二字来衡量。
It must be stressed that, since we entered the southwest, we have been engaged in difficult tasks and the overwhelming majority of our comrades, both in rural and urban areas, have been working very diligently. However, we cannot use how "diligently" one works as the sole criterion for checking on the work of our Party or Party members. - 另外一种人,虽然本事不大,但是能够同党外人士虚心合作,遇事共同商议,共同决定,工作勤勤恳恳,结果事情办得很好,也得到人家的尊重。
The other kind, though not possessing a great deal of talent, knows how to be open-minded in co-operating with non-Party people, consulting them about any matters that may arise, making joint decisions, and working diligently and conscientiously. As a result, they handle affairs fairly well and win other people's respect. - 大学里应当有一批热爱本职工作、勤勤恳恳为教学和科研服务的人,把这方面的工作管起来,使教学和科研人员能够集中精力做好业务工作,不要让他们为了设备和工作条件问题到处奔跑。
they have an immense load, and their work directly involves the implementation of policies. These departments in our colleges and universities should be staffed by people who love their jobs and are ready to work diligently in the service of teaching and scientific research. This will make it possible for those engaged in teaching, study or research to devote their energies to their professional work instead of running around looking for necessary equipment and suitable working conditions. - 水能使酒变淡。
The water will dilute the wine. - 在那里,人为的污染物质日益超越了空气和水将污染物分解稀释到安全水平的能力。
There the people-made pollutants increasingly surpass the ability of air and water to dilute the contaminants to safe levels. - 他生还的可能性不大。
His chances of survival are dim. - 我对他康复的可能性很怀疑。
I took a dim view of his chances of recovery. - 这部车能在极小的地方转弯。
The car can turn on a dime. - 在租来的单间里就能完成的微不足道的工作;微不足道的男演员。
a nickel-and-dime operation run out of a single rented room; a small-time actor. - 我知道该往哪儿插硬币,我曾看人做过并曾多次幻想有一天我也能亲身试一试。
I knew where to insert my dime. I had seen it done before and had fantasized about this moment many times. - 葛里梅博士又说:“电脑程序设计员俯拾即是,现在需要的是能把轮廓模糊的问题设法澄清并写出程序的人才。”
"Programmers for computers are a dime a dozen, but what is needed are people who can take vaguely formed problems and find ways to make them precise enough to be programmed," Dr. Glymour added. - 灵媒,降神者被认为是有能力与死者的灵魂或另一世界或空间的力量进行交流的人
A person thought to have the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension. - x射线仅能获得身体某一部分的三维构造。
X-rays capture only a slice of the body's three- dimensional structure. - 他喜欢贬低别人的技能。
He likes to diminish the skills of others. - 任何不能引出新问题的知识都会迅速灭亡;
They don't want to find out about anything else, since that might diminish their arguments'force. - 时间可以吞噬一切美丽的外表,但它不能削减的:是你的思想,你的幽默,你的善良,还有的你的勇气.
Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish... is the wonderful workings of your mind. Your humor, your kindness... and your moral courage. - 贝达得:品茶员对一杯杯茶进行比较,才能断定茶叶质量是好还是差。还有另外一种评估标准,从某一周茶叶在市场上的销售情况看价格的涨落,从而去决定茶叶的售价是升还是降。
Bed-And the taster then compares come tea against another so that you can see whether their performance is better or worse than previously, and you also have another standard for valuation purposes, so that you know on any given week whether the market has gone up or down and therefore whether you should increase or diminish your valuation.