  • 情报员报导俄国和西班牙舰队已向这个海域航。
    A courier reports that the Russian and the Spanish fleets have sailed for these waters.
  • 画出船的航程图
    Plot a ship's course.
  • 当然是要最近版的啦。
    The latest, of course.
  • 她装很有礼貌的样子。
    She made a show of courtesy.
  • 那人虽穷,却表现天生的谦虚有礼。
    The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy.
  • 谦让,引退因失败或于礼貌而让步;屈服
    To yield in defeat or out of courtesy; submit.
  • 被告被带进来时, 审判室里发一阵嘈杂声.
    The courtroom buzzed as the defendant was led in.
  • 我公司所订10部柴油发动机,今日由美国银行通过东京分行开不可撤消信用证金额五万美元,请立刻安排船期。
    Day pond ire l.c. for us 50, 000 cove our dr ten diesel motor with bank of america ck branch rush arr. shpt.
  • 我得去考文垂差,我想借此拜访一下住在附近的姐姐,这样就可一举两得。
    I had to go to Coventry on business so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and visit my sister who lives nearby.
  • 警察已监视住城的所有道路。
    The police are covering all road out of town.
  • 我在窗户上掩护,你从后边跑去。
    You run out the back while I cover you from the window.
  • 版物写作的记者;为版物写的报道
    A print journalist; print coverage.
  • 我们新近推的导游服务得到了媒体的好评。
    We get good media coverage for the launch of the new turgid.
  • 我们新近推的导游服务得到了媒体的好评。
    We got good media coverage for the launch of the new turgid.
  • 她露出贪婪的表情。
    She shows a covetous look.
  • 这头母牛出奶率高。
    The cow milks well.
  • 这头母牛奶不太多。
    This cow isn't milking very well.
  • 严厉的校长走进来时,大家胆怯得不敢声。
    There is a coward silence when the stern principal come in.
  • 严厉的校长走进来时,大家胆怯得不敢
    There was a coward silence when the stern principal came in
  • 一个军官作如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。
    Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.
  • “只不过是你的客人在这儿罢了,先生。”我叫声来,省得他更暴露胆怯样子而使他丢掉面子。
    `It is only your guest, sir,' I called out, desirous to spare him the humiliation of exposing his cowardice further.
  • 猎人不时能听见某只看不见的小林狼发的拖长的哀嚎。
    Now and again the hunter can hear a long-draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.
  • 猎人不时能听见某只看不见的小林狼发的拖长的哀嚎
    Now and again the hunter can hear a long - draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.
  • 我们可以听到隔壁燃烧的木柴发的噼啪声。
    We can hear the crackle of the wood on the fire in the next room.
  • 爆裂发劈啪声或爆裂声;爆裂
    To make a crackling or popping sound; crackle.
  • 煅烧炙烤或煅烧(水晶石或盐)直到发毕毕剥剥的声音或停止爆裂的声音
    To roast or calcine(crystals or salts) until they emit a crackling sound or until crackling stops.
  • 像丝绸和树叶一样发沙沙的声音。
    make a dry crackling sound, as of silk or leaves.
  • 烧烤或者煅烧使得发哔剥声直到哔剥声停止。
    to roast or calcine so as to cause to crackle or until crackling stops; of salts.
  • 中国人可以指望政府提供从生到死亡的资助的日子已经不复存在了。
    Gone are the days when Chinese people could expect cradle to death support from the government.
  • 她用小提琴奏一支美丽的摇篮曲。
    She fiddled a beautiful cradlesong.
  • 他发现完全掌握了他的工艺。
    He showed perfect mastery of his craft.
  • 各种船只进这个港囗。
    Craft of all kinds come into this port.