  • 亨利显一副自信心十足的样子,然而母亲稍加警告他很快就感到窘迫难堪。
    Henry appeared to be very sure of himself, but his mother soon put him out of countenance with a few words of warning.
  • 对方律师提诽谤罪的反诉。
    A countercharge of libel was made by the opposing counsel.
  • 有关原告向其所售机器的被告就其所受损失和损害向原告提反索赔。
    The defendant counterclaim for loss and damage in respect of a machine sell to him by the plaintiff.
  • 有关原告向其所售机器的被告就其所受损失和损害向原告提反索赔。
    The defendant counterclaim for loss and damage in respect of a machine sold to him by the plaintiff.
  • 北方从东逆时针方向沿着90度经线的方向;日时左边的方向
    The direction along a meridian90= counterclockwise from east; the direction to the left of sunrise.
  • 对于假冒商标的商品,除个别场合外,主管当局不得允许该侵权商品按照原封不动的状态重新口,或以不同的海关程序处理该商品。
    In regard to counterfeit trademark goods, the authorities shall not allow the re-exportation of the infringing goods in an unaltered state or subject them to a different customs procedure, other than in exceptional circumstances.
  • 香港海关负责执行保护版权和商标方面的刑事法例,就侵犯知识产权的举报进行调查,并采取行动对付制造、分销、售卖和进口盗版或伪冒商标货品的活动。
    The Customs and Excise Department is responsible for enforcing the criminal law for the protection of copyright and trade marks. It investigates intellectual property rights infringement reports and takes action against the manufacture, distribution, sale, import and export of pirated or counterfeit goods.
  • 与中央宣传部、国家质量技术监督局、国家工商行政管理局一起,深入开展百城万店无假货活动,抓好100个示范店,30条示范街,今年底将推5家示范专业批发市常
    They should join the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in carrying out in-depth activity to ensure there are no counterfeit goods in tens of thousands of shops in one hundred cities, properly grasp 100 exemplary stores and 30 demonstration streets, five exemplary specialized wholesale markets will be set up by the end of this year.
  • 1993年2月,全国人民代表大会常务委员会作了《关于惩治假冒注册商标犯罪的补充规定》,进一步强化了惩治假冒注册商标犯罪和处罚商标侵权行为的力度。
    In February 1993, the National People's Congress Standing Committee adopted the Supplementary Regulations on Punishing Criminal Counterfeiting of Registered Trademarks to further intensify punishment for such counterfeiting and other infringements.
  • 美国政府一个独立的机构,从国家利益发负责境外情报和反情报活动的收集和整理工作。
    an independent agency of the US government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest.
  • 我绞尽脑汁也想不它在文学中的对等物,也许你可以想一个。
    I racked my memory in vain for its counterpart in literature: perhaps you could think of one.
  • 这样,欧洲便呈现与亚洲各国极为相似的经济状况。
    This gave rise to a sort of European counterpart of the economical condition of Asiatic countries;
  • 1993年,国家有关部门提了经济、教育比较发达的省、直辖市与国家重点扶持的143个少数民族贫困县开展教育对口支援协作的意见,明确了协作关系和教育扶贫的主要任务。
    In 1993, the relevant government departments proposed that counterpart support and cooperation between the economically and educationally advanced provinces and municipalities and the 143 poverty-stricken ethnic minority counties under government supervision should be started, and defined the cooperative relations and the main tasks of helping the poor through education.
  • 入境事务人员定期到海外探访,与外国的入境部门人员保持紧密联系。
    Immigration officers pay regular visits overseas to maintain close liaison with their counterparts abroad.
  • 由于当局预期在政权移交前后会现偷渡潮,香港警队因此与广东省警方展开密切和定期的联络。
    Anticipating a major influx of IIs before and after the transfer of sovereignty, the Force embarked on close and regular liaison with its counterparts in Guangdong Province.
  • 报名者的年龄要求在二十七、八岁到三十岁头,比美国要求的年龄大一些。其意图是要把学生先前的诸多管理经验带入课堂。
    Candidates had to be in their late 20s or early 30s older than their American counterparts and consequently tended to bring a great deal of previous management experience to the classroom.
  • 再没有任何人以不懂某事为理由而辩解了,因为有数不清的介绍“自己动手”的版物。
    No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do- it- yourself publications.
  • 好多国家都有口补贴。
    Many countries subsidize exports.
  • 日本向许多国家口货物。
    Japan exports to many countries.
  • 中国向许多国家口货物。
    China exports to many foreign countries.
  • 他逃出国境。
    He flew the country.
  • 他们卖了自己的国家。
    They betrayed their country.
  • 出发到农村旅行
    Sally forth into the country
  •  世界上有很多人都有一个梦想,希望有一天能到中国、到北京来,我的同胞们渴望着在北京举办一届将会对奥林匹克运动做巨大贡献的伟大的奥运会。
    Many people in the world have a dream that one day they could come to China and visit Beijing. My fellow countrymen, for their part, share a strong desire to stage an excellent Olympic Games in Beijing, which, as they see it, is a great contribution to the Olympic Movement.
  • 为了使国防政府真能担当起国防重任,为了使抗日联军真能担负起抗日重责,共产党号召全体同胞:有钱的钱,有枪的枪,有粮的粮,有力的力,有专门技能的贡献专门技能,以便我全体同胞总动员,并用一切新旧式武器,武装起千百万民众来。”
    To enable the national defence government and the anti-Japanese united army effectively to discharge their immense responsibilities for national defence and for resisting Japan, the Communist Party hereby appeals to the whole nation: those who have money give money, those who have guns give guns, those who have grain give grain, those who have labour power give labour power, and those who have special skill contribute special skill, so that all our fellow countrymen will be mobilized and all weapons, old or modern, will be used to arm the people in millions upon millions."
  • 他出发去考察农村。
    He set out to explore the countryside.
  • 但真正的绝妙之举在于汤姆·克鲁斯的加盟,这个无论在哪儿都是顶极的影星,来演一个为他量身打造的小角色:一个屏幕上的性指导者。
    But the real casting coup[5] was enlisting Tom Cruise, one of the biggest stars anywhere, for a small but custom-written[6] role of a TV sex guru.
  • 但是在丹麦队断送了法国队的世界杯之梦后,希拉克向全队发了战斗口号,其实也可以看作是他向选民发的戴高乐式的个人宣言。
    But following the coup de grace against Denmark, Chirac sent out a rallying call to the team which could have doubled as a personal statement of Gaullist intentions to voters.
  • 1924年,冯玉祥发动“北京政变”,将溥仪逐宫禁,同时成立“清室善后委员会”,接管了故宫,对宫内文物进行清点。
    In 1924, during a coup launched by the warlord Feng Yuxiang, Puyi was expelled from the Forbidden City and the management of the palace fell to the charge of a committee set up to deal with the concerns of the deposed imperial family. The committee began a sorting and counting of the imperial treasures.
  • 我看见有几个人去了。
    I saw a couple of men get out.
  • 因为战争意味着数百万可能为人类进步作贡献的最优秀、最勇敢的栋梁之材的牺牲;
    For war means the killing of millions of the best and the most courageous of men who might contribute something to human progress.
  • 服务员贴列明已开放的滑雪道的告示。
    The courier posted up a list of ski run, which is open.