  • 一度视为犯忌的许多问题现在可以开谈论了。
    Question and problem that are once taboos are now discussed openly.
  • 我和她都没有开说过这些爱的字眼。
    She and I would never have openly exchanged such words of affection.
  • 通过开表露自己的感情增加彼此理解的会议。
    a meeting of people to develop mutual understanding by openly expressing their feelings.
  • 我要开、坦然地说出我对他的看法
    I am going to say what I think of him openly and publicly
  • 让我开诚布跟你说吧,得开而明白地谈一谈。
    Let me speak openly and frankly : There will have to be some plain speaking.
  • 这出戏剧将于下星期开演出
    The play opens next week.
  • 从那扇窗可以望见园的景色。
    That window opens on the park.
  • 九广铁路(现时普遍称为东铁)原由政府建造并营运,直至一九八二年,始由当时成立的法定共机构--九广铁路司--负责营运。
    The KCRC was established in 1982 as a statutory public body to operate the KCR (now commonly known as East Rail), which was formerly built and operated by government.
  • 与中国建交国家的官方航空司当然不可与台湾通航,而其民间航空司如欲同台湾通航,则须由其政府与中国政府磋商。在征得中国政府同意后,其民间航空司始可同台湾的私营航空司互飞。
    State-run airlines of countries having diplomatic relations with China certainly must not operate air services to Taiwan. Privately-operated airlines must seek China's consent through consultations between their government and the Chinese Government before they can start reciprocal air services with privately-operated airlines of Taiwan.
  • 在港岛行走的电车,于一九零四年投入服务,由香港电车有限司经营,共有九条部分重叠的行车路线,使用由港岛北岸坚尼地城至筲箕湾的13里双程路轨,以及环绕跑马地长约三里的单程路轨。
    Electric trams have operated on Hong Kong Island since 1904. The Hongkong Tramways Limited operates nine overlapping routes on 13 kilometres of double track along the northern shore of Hong Kong Island between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan, and about three kilometres of single track around Happy Valley.
  • 司未按法律规定运营。
    The company is operating outside the law.
  • 位于摩苏尔的地区办室现在已在临时司令部里完全投入运作。
    The regional office in Mosul is now fully operational at its temporary headquarters.
  •    第八条农村人民社、农业生产合作社和其他生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。
    Article 8. Rural people's communes, agricultural producers' co-operatives, and other forms of co- operative economy such as producers' supply and marketing, credit and consumers co-operatives, belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people.
  • 各家固网司,均与香港国际电讯的国际通讯收发站互相联接,因此,用户无论使用哪家营办商的服务,也可直接接驳至各类国际电讯服务。
    The FTNS operators are connected to HKTI's international gateways so that customers may have direct access to a variety of international telecommunications services, regardless of which operator's service they choose.
  • 你对李先生的看法如何? view 指“见解”、 “观点”, 侧重“对较广泛、重大或有关众的问题所采取的态度”, view 比opinion更为肯定、全面和有系统, 如:
    What's your opinion of Mr Li?
  • 众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
    Public opinion was against the old feudal system.
  • ——基督教(新教)于元十九世纪初传入中国,并在鸦片战争后大规模传入。
    -Protestantism was first brought to China in the early 19th century and spread widely after the Opium War.
  •  开批评希拉里·罗德曼·克林顿的投机行为:于2000年代表纽约出价竞买参议院的一个席位。
    Publicly criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2000 bid for a seat in the Senate[1] representing New York as the work of an opportunist.
  • 我在这里是办事而不是度假。
    I am here on business as opposed to a holiday.
  • 这两辆共汽车朝相反的方向开,一辆向南,一辆向北。
    The buses went in opposite directions — one went south and the other went north.
  • 他是在本司巴黎办事处和我干同一职位的人。
    He's my opposite number in the company's Paris office.
  • 过去一年中,从oracle司到netscape司,有很多很多的软件司获得了第三方的orb使用许可,通常是visigenic司的visibroker,并且它们发誓支持internetinter-orb协议(iiop)。
    In the past year, a long list of software vendors from Oracle to Netscape, have licensed third-party ORBs, usually Visigenic's VisiBroker, and pledged support to the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP).
  • orb是一个引擎,它能利用完善定义的共接口和行协议,与其他本地的或远程的对象进行通信。
    An ORB is an engine that can communicate with other local or remote objects using a well-defined common interface and line protocol.
  • 但即使中间件供应商打入orb市场,微软司也推出它自己的产品,多种中间件功能的结合仍是进展之中的一种工作。
    But even as middleware vendors break into the ORB market and Microsoft rolls out its own wares, the merging of multiple middleware functions is still a work in progress.
  • 微软司不是提交一个拥有c++或java工具箱的对象请求中介(orb),而是试图用工具(如微软事务服务器和微软消息排队服务器)把开发人员与对象的基础设施隔离开,这是针对vb程序员的。
    Rather than presenting an object request broker (ORB) with a C++ or Java toolkit, Microsoft tries to shield developers from the object infrastructure with tools, such as Microsoft Transaction Server and Microsoft Message Queue Server, aimed at Visual Basic programmers.
  • 安基塔(非真名)于1998年初和她的新婚丈夫抵达美国时,她的苦难历程也就此开始。安基塔的丈夫是印度人,在硅谷的一家著名司当软件工程师。
    Ankita's(not the real name) ordeal began in early 1998 when she arrived in the United States with her new husband,an Indian software engineer working for a prestigious Silicon Valley firm.
  • 司所订购之货物我们无法制造,今随函将订单退回。
    We is unable to manufacture the article you ordered, enclosed, we is return your order.
  • 我们相信,所订货物会安然到达,并且定能符合贵司的要求。
    We trust that the goods ordered will reach you in good order and that you will find same suitable for your purpose.
  • 第三十九条 在震后救灾中,任何单位和个人都必须遵纪守法、遵守社会德,服从指挥,自觉维护社会秩序。
    Article 39 All units and individuals shall, during the relief period after an earthquake, abide by rules of discipline and laws, observe social ethics, obey orders and help maintain public order conscientiously.
  • 希律犹太王(元前40-4年),据《新约》讲,他命令杀死伯利恒所有两岁以下的儿童,想借以杀死尚处于襁褓中的耶稣
    King of Judea(40-4) who, according to the New Testament, attempted to kill the infant Jesus by ordering the death of all children under the age of two in Bethlehem.
  • 除定货外,这家司如果需要还可以送货上门。
    Besides ordering goods, this company calls on its users if necessary.
  • 兹向贵司订购下列货品:
    We have now much pleasure in ordering from you the following goods:-