Chinese English Sentence:
  • 谁能借我一本字典用?
    Who can lend me a dictionary?
  • 没有任何指示,我只按我认为最好的方法去做了。
    Failing instructions I did what I thought was best.
  • 她似乎并不激动,但这是生意上的交易,他不指望她会和盘托出。
    She didst seem excited, but this was a business deal, and he could not expect her to place all her cards down on the table.
  • 一死不可免,二死不可
    A man can die but once.
  • 人只能死一次。
    A man can only die once.
  • 高聚物介电性能
    dielectric properties of polymers
  • 绝缘材料介电性测试
    dielectric properties test of insulating material
  • 平均量衰减与峰值负荷时量衰减的比值。对于电介质来说,它是介电常数和介质损耗角的正切的乘积,这是对出现在电介质中的热效应的量度。
    The ratio of the average power loss to the power loss under peak loading. Of a dielectric, the product of dielectric constant and the tangent of its dielectric loss angle; a measure of the heating effect which occurs in dielectrics.
  • 某个活动的rcs过程已经死亡且不重启该过程。
    An Active RCS process dies and cannot be restarted.
  • 柴油潜艇在水下只航行非常短的时间,而核潜艇在水下航行的时间要长得多。
    A diesel submarine is able to cruise under water for a short period of time, but a nuclear one is able to cruise under water much longer.
  • (二)2008年源结构框架
    * Switch to LPG and light diesel:
  • 用一页纸把柴油机的所有用途都列出来几乎是不可的。
    It is hardly possible to take one page for listing all the ways in which diesel engines are used.
  • 到2008年我市的优质源比重将大幅度提高,约占终端源消费量的86%,基本方案的主要内容为:
    2.92 million tons of coal will be switch to 1.15 million tons of LPG and light diesel in final energy consumption.2.2 Expected energy mix in 2008 in Beijing
  • 正在节食的人不吃巧克力。
    People who are on a diet mustn't have chocolate.
  • 不健康的饮食习惯更可出现在低层社会群体的孩子中。
    Poor dietary habits are more likely among children in lower social groups.
  • 你能看出差异吗?
    Can you see the difference?
  • 遗传性不缺别色彩差别。
    genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue.
  • 不善于辨别音高的不或不善于辨别音乐声调高低不同的
    Unable to distinguish differences in musical pitch.
  • 在不同语言中有不同用法的功词。
    a function word having different uses in different languages.
  • 在这个主题上,我们怎样才把乡村音乐同其他音乐区分开来呢?
    How can we differentiate country music from other kinds of music on this theme?
  • 现代意义上的爱国主义则明确的把对领袖个人的忠诚和对“国家”这一政治共同体的忠诚区别开来,只有当领袖和政府的利益与全体人民的利益相一致时,当他们够真正代表“国家”时,爱国主义才延及他们。
    Today, however, a different perspective of nationalism has been taken. People can now differentiate between loyalty to the individual ruler and loyalty to the country. They would not rise to calls for nationalism unless the interests of the ruler and theirs are identical, that is, they truly reflect the interests of the country.
  • 现代意义上的爱国主义则明确的把对领袖个人的忠诚和对“国家”这一政治共同体的忠诚区别开来,只有当领袖和政府的利益与全体人民的利益相一致时,当他们够真正代表“国家”时,爱国主义才延及他们。
    Today, however, a different perspective of nationalism has been taken. People can now differentiate between loyalty to the individual ruler and loyalty to the country. They would not rise to calls for nationalism unless the interests of the ruler and the interests of the nation are identical, that is, they truly reflect the interests of the country.
  • 也许cim有别于以前标准的最重要之处是其表示组成计算机系统或公司网络的不同单元和部件之间关系的力。
    Perhaps CIM's most important differentiator from previous standards is its ability to show the relationships between different elements and components that make up a computer system or a corporate network.
  • 难以或者不可消灭。
    difficult or impossible to extinguish.
  • 很难或不可喜欢的。
    difficult or impossible to like.
  • 我们克服这个困难吗?
    Can we get over this difficulty?
  • 克服这些困难是有可的。
    Get over the difficulty is possible.
  • 别对自己的才如此缺乏信心.
    Don't is so diffident about your talents.
  • 华透过霾或薄云看到的天体所围绕的有微弱颜色的发光的环,尤指围绕月亮或太阳的这种环,是由于悬浮物在插入媒介中的衍射造成的
    A faintly colored luminous ring appearing to surround a celestial body visible through a haze or thin cloud, especially such a ring around the moon or sun, caused by diffraction of light from suspended matter in the intervening medium.
  • 尽管流体运动会在几千年的时间尺度上使磁场倒转,但因为磁场的变化(扩散)在内核里不与在外核的流体中一样快,所以固体的内核会尽力阻止倒转。
    Fluid motions try to reverse the field on a few thousand years timescale, but the solid inner core tries to prevent reversals because the field cannot change (diffuse) within the inner core as quickly as in the fluid, outer core.
  • 这个文化运动,当时还没有可普及到工农群众中去。
    At that time it was not yet possible for this cultural movement to become widely diffused among the workers and peasants.
  • 几乎透明;让光线散开穿过。
    almost transparent; allowing light to pass through diffusely.