  • 一大群人耐心地静候
    A patient throng was waiting in silence.
  • 他耐心地坐等公共汽车。
    He sat patiently waiting for the bus.
  • 他耐心地干这件工作。
    He did this work patiently.
  • 祖父正耐心地等待,并面带微笑。
    Grampy was waiting patiently. He smiled.
  • 司机在方向盘前耐心地坐
    The driver sat patiently behind the wheel.
  • 双方队员在作赛前准备活动时,人们耐心地等待
    The crowd waited patiently while the teams warmed up.
  • 我耐性,静静的听他所说的那些话。
    "I listened patiently to all he had to say.
  • 她设法忍住疼痛,耐心地等待医生的到来。
    She managed to come to terms with her pain and waited patiently for her doctor to come.
  • 他年轻的时候下肢就瘫痪了,可是他一直坚韧地忍受这种苦楚。
    He was paralysed from the waist down as a young man, but he has borne his cross patiently.
  • 雷诺兹小姐是一位19岁的大学生,她耐心地听杰纳瑞奥克斯博士肯定早已听过的那个故事。
    Ms. Reynolds, a 19-year-old undergraduate, listened patiently to the story that Dr.Genereaux had clearly heard before.
  • 但是,要享受作为大家庭成员的好处就意味要承担一种责任,即要按家长制定的价值观念去生活。
    Yet to experience the good of being part of a greater whole carries with it responsibility to live by the patriarch's values.
  • 1977年秋,帕特里克·比斯尔只是美国芭蕾舞剧院的又一名新演员。他一晚又一晚地在芭蕾舞团跳舞,期待有人注意他。
    In the fall of 1 977 Patrick Bissell was just another rockie at American Ballet Theatre, dancing night after night in the corps de ballet and waiting for someone to notice him.
  • 许多谋杀是在打爱国主义的旗帜下干的。
    Many murders have been committed under cover of patriotism.
  • 爱国主义在美国很容易了解;它意味通过为国家提高警惕的方式来为自己提高警惕。
    Patriotism is easy to understand in America ; it means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.
  • 我们不得不冒可能遇上敌人巡逻兵的危险.
    We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol.
  • 施惠于人以怀优越感态度对待人
    To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner.
  • 雨点不断地敲打玻璃
    Rain pattered steadily against the glass.
  • 照着我的样子做。
    Pattern yourself on me.
  •  “佩蒂,看我。”
    “Patty, look at me.
  • 帕蒂凝视下面的灯火,想,感谢这些好人帮助我重新获得生命!。
    Patty gazes down at the lights below and thinks,Bless all you wonderful people who helped me get my life back!
  • 加里一边帮帕蒂登上直升机,一边问飞行员,"我们能按时到达机场吗?""现在能,"飞行员笑说。
    Helping Patty into the helicopter,Gary asks the pilot,“ Can we make it to the airport in time?” “ We will now,” the pilot smiles.
  • "她回家了!"帕蒂发现加里朝她跑过来,脸上充满了焦躁,双手提箱子!"出什么事了?"她迷惑不解地大声问道。
    “ She's home!” Patty spots Gary racing toward her,a frantic look on his face and suitcases in his hands! “ What's happening?” she cries in confusion.
  • 虽然中国已经基本解决了温饱问题,但是,经济发展水平还比较低,人民的生活水平与发达国家相比还有较大的差距,人口的压力和人均资源的相对贫乏还将制约社会经济的发展和人民生活的改善。
    Although China has basically solved the problem of food and clothing, its economy is still at a fairly low level, its standard of living falls considerably short of that in developed countries, and the pressure of a huge population and relative per-capita paucity of resources will continue to restrict the socio-economic development and the improvement of the people's lives.
  • 他是个中等身材的人,大腹便便,眼睛里闪烁喜悦,你一眼就可看出他是我们中的一员,即地中海人种。
    He was a man of medium height with a slight paunch. His eyes shone with joy. At one look, you could instantly tell he was one of us, that is, a Mediterranean type.
  • 六、由于帝国主义和封建主义的双重压迫,特别是由于日本帝国主义的大举进攻,中国的广大人民,尤其是农民,日益贫困化以至大批地破产,他们过饥寒交迫的和毫无政治权利的生活。
    Under the twofold oppression of imperialism and feudalism, and especially as a result of the large-scale invasion of Japanese imperialism, the Chinese people, and particularly the peasants, have become more and more impoverished and have even been pauperized in large numbers, living in hunger and cold and without any political rights.
  • 跟着一阵静默。
    There ensued a pause.
  • 作铺设…之用象路面那样覆盖
    To cover uniformly, as if with pavement.
  • 它把爪子放在我一只手上,我用另一只手盖在它爪子上,它把爪子放在上面,我再抽出最下面的手放在最上面,就这样继续
    He puts his paw on my hand,I cover it with my other hand,he puts his paw on top,and I slide my hand out from underneath the pile and lay it on top,and so on.
  • (纹章学)头放在爪子上躺,像是在睡觉。
    (heraldry) lying with head on paws as if sleeping.
  • 连接棘爪的只能允许朝一个方向运动的齿轮或齿轮架。
    a toothed wheel or rack engaged with a pawl that permits it to move in only one direction.
  • 和我的同屋买的,一人一半,轮骑。
    He pays half the bill, I pay the other half, and we ride by turns.
  • 有一件真使他大吃一惊的事等他呢-他被解雇了。
    There is a real surprise party for him-his final paycheck.