  • 开测量黄金纯度的单位,等于24等中的一。纯金为24开;50%纯度的黄金为12开
    A unit of measure for the fineness of gold, equal to! /24 part. Pure gold is24 karat; gold that is50 percent pure is12 karat.
  • 化验所继续析黄金和白金成色并检定度量衡,协助调查不良的经营手法。
    In the investigation of other potentially fraudulent trade practices, the Laboratory continued its role in assaying the fineness of gold and platinum articles, and verifying weights and measures.
  • 杰克因他的书十成功而显得无比高兴。
    Never was Mr Bush in finer feather since his book was so successful.
  • 他妙手一触,像暴躁、隐私、粗鄙这样的渣滓便脱落了,与尘埃混杂起来,比较优异精妙的部则随着高尚的灵魂一起升空,审视着我们最新的回忆,保护着我们的尸骨免遭侮辱。
    At his touch the drossy particles fall off: the irritable, the personal, the gross, and mingle with the dust the finer and more ethereal part mounts with the winged spirit to watch over our latest memory, and protect our bones from insult.
  • 如果他们的黑桃是4-1,配,我就让一墩给那Q。
    If their spade break4-1, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on.
  • 如果他们的黑桃是4-1,配,我就让一墩给那q。
    If their spade break 4 - 1, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on.
  • 我们中的一些最杰出的年轻科学家取得了非凡的成就,而他们所得到的认可与赞誉却十微薄。
    Some of our finest young scientists were achieving remarkable results and receiving all too little recognition and praise.
  • 琴弓指板顶部或弦乐器琴劲处木质的凸起部,琴弦绕在上面
    A ridge of wood at the top of the fingerboard or neck of a stringed instrument, over which the strings pass.
  • 甲真菌病手指甲或脚趾甲从指甲床离或松脱
    The separation or loosening of a fingernail or toenail from its nail bed.
  • 各种低生长的簇状指甲草属植物的任意一种,有微小的呈绿色的花朵和通常有螺纹的叶子;旧大陆和新大陆的温暖地区广泛布。
    any of various low-growing tufted plants of the genus Paronychia having tiny greenish flowers and usually whorled leaves; widespread throughout warm regions of both Old and New Worlds; formerly thought to cure whitlows (suppurative infections around a fingernail).
  • 我希望你不要用手指甲在金属桌面上刮来刮去了,这种刺耳的声音我听了十难受。
    I wish you wouldn't do that! Scraping your fingernails so that metal table really sets my teeth on edge!
  • 因此,dna指纹鉴定正迅速成为用于人类个体之间鉴别和区的主要方法,井受到了强烈的公众关注,律师、犯罪调查者和科学家一直在讨论其优点和缺陷。
    Consequently, DNA fingerprint is rapidly becoming the primary method for identifying and distinguishing among individual human beings, and has entered an intense public spotlight, where lawyers, crime investigators, and scientists constantly discuss it s merits and pitfalls
  • 指纹印,指纹指尖隆起部形成的曲线表面的印记,特别是用墨水取下的印并用作鉴别的形式
    An impression on a surface of the curves formed by the ridges on a fingertip, especially such an impression made in ink and used as a means of identification.
  • 非常小心并且过地打扮。
    dress very carefully and in a finicky manner.
  • 比赛几乎不出胜负!
    That was a close finish!
  • "这件衣服几钟就可做好了,我已经在收尾了。"
    I'll finish off this dress in a few minutes; I'm just giving it the last finishing touches.
  • 我在下午五点三十结束工作。
    I finish working at 5:30 p.m.
  • 我在下午五点四十五结束工作。
    I finish working at 5: 45 p. m.
  • 平均数和方差数都为有限的一个理论布。
    a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance.
  • 形成句子语法成但不含限定动词的表达式。
    an expression forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence but not containing a finite verb.
  • 成功率不变的有限独立试验中成功数目的一个理论布。
    a theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a finite set of independent trials with a constant probability of success.
  • 拉普兰欧洲最北部的一地区,包括挪威北部、瑞典和芬兰以及苏联西北部的科拉半岛。这个地区大部在北极圈之内
    A region of extreme northern Europe including northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland and the Kola Peninsula of northwest U.S.S.R. It is largely within the Arctic Circle.
  • 鲱科鱼一种布广泛的鲱科软鳍鱼,包括鲱鱼、油鲱及沙丁鱼
    Any of various widely distributed soft-finned fishes of the family Clupeidae, which includes the herrings, menhadens, and sardines.
  • 居住在俄国乌拉尔地区东北的一部芬兰人。
    a member of a Finnish people living in the NW Urals in Russia.
  • 居住在俄罗斯欧洲西北的属于芬兰人的一部人。
    a member of the Finnish people living in Karelia in NW European Russia.
  • 布于欧洲北部和美洲地区;类似于小型枞树。
    of northern Europe and America; resembling a miniature fir.
  • 当然不是随随便便任何树的胚胎,而是森林之王花旗松的胚胎,一种可以长到200英尺高,覆盖太平洋西北边大部地区的物种。
    Not just any tree, but Douglas fir, the emperor of the forest, a species that grows 200 feet tall and blankets much of the Pacific Northwest.
  • "放鞭炮能增添节日的气氛,给人们充表达欢乐兴奋之情的机会。"
    Setting off firecrackers can add to the festive atmosphere and offer an outlet for people's pleasure and excitement.
  • 救火员停下一两钟匆匆喝一杯冷水,又返身投入灭火的战斗中去了。
    The fireman paused for a couple minutes, gulped down a cup of cold water and returned to the job of fighting the fire.
  • 消防队员在警报发出十钟内就到达了这幢房子。
    Firemen arrived at the house within ten minutes of the alarm.
  • 壁炉的一部(被看成是家的代名词,这里用的提喻手法)。
    a part of the fireplace taken as a symbol (synecdoche) for home.
  • 现在则相反,除粮食外,每天每人只有五大洋的油盐柴菜钱,还是难乎为继。
    Actually they are worse.In addition to grain, each man receives only five cents a day for cooking oil, salt, firewood and vegetables, and even this is hard to keep up.