  • 哎啊!我忘记打电话给煤气司。
    Oops! I forgot to call the gas company.
  • 哎啊!我忘记打电话给煤气司。
    Oops! iI forget to call the gas company.
  • 城里的花园应该对众免费开放。
    The town gardens must be open to the public free of charge.
  • 打开;开打开或开(某事)或成为打开的或开的
    To spread or open(something) out or become spread or opened out.
  • 詹妮弗·卡普里亚蒂这位网坛新秀,在美国网球开赛开的第一场球就输了。
    Jennifer Capriati, the new tennis star, lost in the opening set at US Open.
  • 开的斗争;开的家庭纠纷
    Open warfare; open family strife.
  • 变得开或使其张开。
    becoming open or being made open.
  • 它被开放给众去访问,即开放给任何人访问或(理论上)滥用。
    It has been opened up to access from the public domain which is in turn open to access and (in theory) abuse from anyone.
  • 在5月1日上午举行隆重的开园仪式后,世博园正式向众开放。
    After the grand opening of the Expo Site on the morning of May 1st, the Expo Garden will be open to the general public.
  • 澳大利亚网球开赛。
    Australia Open Tennis Championships.
  • 公务信件在早晨开启.
    The office mail is opened in the morning.
  • 这出戏演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。
    When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
  • 我们还缺办室职员。
    We have openings for office staff.
  • 年内,每日约有140项新道路挖掘工程展开,均由路政署透过许可证制度统筹和管制。这个制度规定用事业司进行工程时,必须符合既定标准,并须在指定限期内完工。
    There were about 140 new road openings on each day in 1997. Road openings are co-ordinated and controlled by the Highways Department through a permit system, under which utility companies are required to carry out work to a required standard and within a time limit.
  • 开地以开的态度地;开地
    In a public manner; openly.
  • 一度视为犯忌的许多问题现在可以开谈论了.
    Questions and problems that were once taboo are now discussed openly.
  • 人民开地谈论着政府的治理环境污染的新措施。
    The people talked openly about the government's new measures against environmental pollution.
  • 他公开反驳我。
    He contradicted me openly.
  • 开或非强烈表达的;暗中的
    Not openly or vigorously expressed
  • 共场合的开展览。
    exhibiting openly in public view.
  • 率直的,坦白的开地直言或坦率的;直率的
    Openly straightforward or frank; candid.
  • 开背叛了工人阶级。
    He openly betrayed the working class.
  • 他们开谈论他们的计划。
    They talked openly about their plans.
  • 他公然嘲弄他们。
    He made a show of them openly.
  • 14.然质问他人意见的可靠性。
    14.Openly questioning the soundness of others' opinions.
  • 开地、毫不隐瞒地搜集情报。
    the collection of intelligence openly without concealment.
  • 你们敢开回答这些问题吗?
    Do you dare to answer these questions openly?
  • 然标榜他对他妹妹的友爱。
    he openly flaunted his affection for his sister.
  • 开、坦率、直接,没有保留或者藏匿。
    openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness.
  • 他从未开反对他的上级。
    He has never taken sides openly against his superior.
  • 雇员对上峰的指令不能置疑(至少开情况下不能)。
    Employees do not question instructions(at least openly).
  • 通过某人的行为清楚和开地表明其感情
    To show one's feelings clearly and openly by one's behavior.