Chinese English Sentence:
  • 当两个诚实的证人对同一件事做出了截然不同的解释时,人们怎样才证明你给出的证据是有意捏造的呢?;这些画笔中有三个彼此分开有一百二十英尺的距离,第四个和那三个中的一个处于完全相反的位置。
    when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?; three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three.
  • 肯定那是一块钻石。"
    I know positively that is a diamond."
  • 比尔不骑那匹马,但黛安娜
    Bill can't ride that horse but Diana can.
  • 维系我和我姐姐黛安娜之间的其他纽带可更多地是由于我们有相同的脱氧核糖核酸,在这一点上我们跟克隆人十分相近。
    Other connections between Diana and me may be more related to our matching DNA and thus more applicable to clones.
  • 面带和戴妃一样使人消除敌意的微笑,并具有他父亲那样的责任感,威廉绝对具备现代君主的品质。
    With a smile disarmingly like Diana's and his father's sense of duty,William has the makings of a thoroughly modern monarch.
  • 当我们告诉她她不和我们一起去时,她回房间里生闷气了。
    When we told her she couldn't go with us, she went and sulked in her room.
  • 只要遭到反驳就使他勃然大怒,但我从来没看到过他生闷气或记恨。
    Just being contradicted can put him into a towering rage, but I've never known him to sulk or bear grudges.
  • 引起各种疾病包括新生儿病毒性脑膜炎和轻微呼吸道紊乱以及腹泻的一组病毒。
    any of a group of viruses associated with various diseases including viral meningitis and mild respiratory disorders and diarrhea in newborn infants.
  • 在热带出现的一种慢性紊乱症;儿童和成人都可患染。
    a chronic disorder that occurs in tropical and nontropical forms and in both children and adults; nutrients are not absorbed; symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and emaciation.
  • 这事不大可有绝对新的情形存在。
    It is hardly "in the dice" that any down-right novelty of fact should remain.
  • 一种假定的、从中提取重铬酸盐的酸,已知仅存在于溶液中或以重铬酸盐的形式存在。
    the hypothetical acid (H2Cr2O7) from which dichromates are derived; known only in solution and in the form of dichromate salts.
  • 我们不让随便什麽人都来用俱乐部的酒吧.
    We don't want any (old) Tom, Dick and Harry using the club bar.
  • 在这个世界上为别人减轻负担的人都是有用的。(狄更斯)
    No man is useless in this world who lightens the burden of someone else.( C. Dickens)
  • 在这个世界上为别人减轻负担的人都是有用的。(狄更斯)
    No man is useless in this world who lightens the burden of someone else. ( C. Dickens)
  • “自行车眼下还很安全,吉廷小姐,”他说道,“你是吉廷小姐吧?”“对呀,正是,但—你怎么会—”我可是听说的“,他说道,随后将帽子向脑后推了推。
    “The bike’ll be safe enough for the time being, Miss Gittings,” he said. “You are Miss Gittings?” “Why, yes, but—well—” “A little dicky bird must have told me,” he said, and pushed his cap back on his head.
  • 强行规定人们应该怎样生活。
    You can't dictate to people how they should live.
  • 任何国家,不论多么强大,都不单独支配联合国的政策。
    No country, however powerful, is able to dictate UN policies single-handedly.
  • 得体的行为举止也体现在你及时有礼貌地处理信件。
    Good manners also dictate that you handle your mail promptly and courteously.
  • 我们现在够迫使雇主接受我们的要求。
    We're now in a position to dictate our own demands to our employer.
  • 计算机甚至把你口授给它的信件打出来,而且用你所选择的任何语言。
    The computer can even type letters you dictate to it, and that, in any language you choose.
  • lotus还正在考虑将语音力扩展到其它领域,包括让用户通过语音来控制计算机,而不仅是将口授的内容输入到字处理器。
    Lotus is considering extending the voice capabilities to other areas, including letting users control the computer by voice, not just dictate into the word processor.
  • 虽然物业的价格不是由政府来厘定,市场的波幅也不是政府够控制,但政府是土地最大供应者,对物业价格的长远走势无疑有一定影响力。
    As a Government we cannot set price levels, nor can we dictate the degree of fluctuation in the market. But as the largest single supplier of land in Hong Kong we undoubtedly have an influence on the long-term pricing of property.
  • 论者认为,政府大事建设图书馆、剧院、博物馆、音乐厅之余,更要提升民众鉴赏力,及营造活泼的创作环境,不要以拨款作撒手锏,为文化艺术作官方“定性”,或介入具体的创作内容,才让人感受到艺术的氛围,再也不会有人为一幅裸体画像、一出阴道独白、一个剧名,唠唠叨叨地作低层次的争论。
    It has been suggested that the Singapore government should help bring about a social environment favourable for artistic creation and bring up a population keen to appreciate worthy works. While financing the building of libraries, theatres, museums, and concert halls, it should refrain, as far as possible, from using the allocations to dictate how the beneficiaries should operate or to interfere in the artists' work.Then, in time, an atmosphere of art will make itself felt. No more trivial disputes over a painting of nudity, a monologue on stage, or a play's title will be heard.
  • 我会英文记录,还立即将其改写成中文。
    I am able to take dictation in English and transcribe them rapidly into Chinese.
  • 牛顿不可不动笔或不口述就写出《自然哲学的数学原理》;
    Newton could not have produced the Principia without the bodily exertion either of penmanship or of dictation;
  • vocaltec公司称,该产品增加服务,如听写和容量升级,而费用比用户电话交换机技术省钱。
    VocalTec claimed the product would make it possible to add services such as dictation and capacity upgrades for less than the cost of using PBX technologies.
  • 虽不时有骚动事件,该独裁者仍控制局势。
    Despite the sporadic disturbances the dictator was still riding high.
  • 要抗拒独裁者的意志,我们觉得无为力
    We feel quite impotent to resist the will of the dictator
  • 他专横、独裁;专制的父母的懦弱的孩子;不忍受的对服务员的傲慢行为。
    he was imperious and dictatorial; the timid child of authoritarian parents; insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter.
  • 当然,如果有人搞得我们总是不安宁,也不排除使用某种专政手段,使用纪律、法律手段。
    However, if some people are bent on disturbing our tranquillity, we shall have to resort to disciplinary and legal action when necessary, or even to dictatorial means of dealing with them.
  • 因此,在阶级斗争存在的条件下,在帝国主义、霸权主义存在的条件下,不可设想国家的专政职的消亡,不可设想常备军、公安机关、法庭、监狱等等的消亡。
    Therefore, so long as class struggle exists and so long as imperialism and hegemonism exist, it is inconceivable that the dictatorial function of the state should wither away, that the standing army, public security organs, courts and prisons should wither away.
  • 人民民主专政不用吗?
    Can we refrain from exercising the people's democratic dictatorship?